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Whisper Tracks Users
From Schneier on Security

Whisper Tracks Users

The Guardian has reported that the app Whisper tracks users, and then published a second article explaining what it knows after Whisper denied the story. Here's...

Picking Good Variable Names
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Picking Good Variable Names

Actually picking any sort of name is important in programming but we can focus on variable names for a bit. The CS Teaching Tips team tweets and posts a lot ofvariable...

From Computational Complexity

Martin Gardner Centennial

Martin Gardner was born on October 21, 1914, so today is his Centennial (he died on May 22, 2010, at the age of 95). We've mentioned him in the blog before:  ...

More Crypto Wars II
From Schneier on Security

More Crypto Wars II

FBI Director James Comey again called for an end to secure encryption by putting in a backdoor. Here's his speech: There is a misconception that building a lawful...

From Computational Complexity

Algorithms that never get coded up

(There was a passing ref to this topic in the comments to one of Scott's blogs, so I thought I would pick up the theme.) When I teach Formal Lang Theory I endCould...

Getting to Know the Chief Data Officer
From The Eponymous Pickle

Getting to Know the Chief Data Officer

Working with the complexity of data and its application to analytics is increasingly complex." ... The transformative power of data and analytics is being harnessed...

AI Becomes Cognitive. Is it Now Ready for Sustained Value?
From The Eponymous Pickle

AI Becomes Cognitive. Is it Now Ready for Sustained Value?

Is AI finally ready to roll?  Again? Spent years in the 90s working on it, with successes but also ultimately descent into a winter of discontent.  Back then there...

Web Style Analytics in the Retail Store
From The Eponymous Pickle

Web Style Analytics in the Retail Store

Good Forrester report, requires registration." ... Retail stores have been living in the analytical "dark ages" in comparison to digital channels, using metrics...

Future Directions for NSF Advanced Computing Infrastructure
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Future Directions for NSF Advanced Computing Infrastructure

The National Science Foundation (NSF) requested that the National Research Council (NRC) carry out a study examining anticipated priorities for advanced computing...

Channels Become Apps as Advertising Changes Forever
From The Eponymous Pickle

Channels Become Apps as Advertising Changes Forever

In Adage:   Remarkable piece about the conversion to digital TV happening now, and how it will change advertising.  And create a new flood of advertising data."...

Decision Trees–Possible Interesting Coding Project
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Decision Trees–Possible Interesting Coding Project

I found this interesting flowchart for determining where one should eat Thanksgiving. It’s pretty complete which also means it’s complicated. I guess if you know...

Chef Watson as an Advisor
From The Eponymous Pickle

Chef Watson as an Advisor

Just received early access to IBM's Chef Watson Beta this past week.  I have been testing, not for recipe development, but with an eye to how it's structure could...

Online Replacing In Store Browsing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Online Replacing In Store Browsing

The results of an Ipsos and Google survey and report.  " ... Whether through a laptop at work or a smartphone before bed or in-store, online searches continue to...

NIST Global City Teams Challenge Report
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NIST Global City Teams Challenge Report

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) launched their Global City Teams Challenge with a great deal of energy and enthusiasm last month.  The...

How Did the Feds Identity Dread Pirate Roberts?
From Schneier on Security

How Did the Feds Identity Dread Pirate Roberts?

Last month, I wrote that the FBI identified Ross W. Ulbricht as the Silk Road's Dread Pirate Roberts through a leaky CAPTCHA. Seems that story doesn't hold water...

Interesting Links 19 October 2014
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 19 October 2014

You know those school weeks with lots of interruptions, strange schedules and little normal routine? Yep, had one last week. I also managed to record a good number...

Invention of Google Scholar
From The Eponymous Pickle

Invention of Google Scholar

Now ten years old.    Contains 160 million documents. " ... Making the world’s problem solvers 10% more efficient ... Ten years after a Google engineer empowered...

Redesigning Bill Gates Favorite Data Visualization
From The Eponymous Pickle

Redesigning Bill Gates Favorite Data Visualization

From Perceptual Edge:  A 3D Treemap is at the link ..." .... Colorful space filling graphs are visually attractive, they do gather your attention.  But are they...

Free Piston Engines
From The Eponymous Pickle

Free Piston Engines

Toyota's remarkable new approach to the gas piston engine, the first in 134 years.  I was truck by the visuals used.

Forecasting Net Site and Blog on Ebola
From The Eponymous Pickle

Forecasting Net Site and Blog on Ebola

George Boretos, Strategy & Marketing ExpertJust posted an update, including the most recent cases for October and a forecast of the expected Ebola deaths and mortality...
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