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Communications of the ACM



Slideshare Apps Update
From The Eponymous Pickle

Slideshare Apps Update

New Slideshare apps are available for Android and IOS.   Impressed by the new interface.  Better display.  Slideshare provides a good way to access and utilize...

Cardboard VR
From The Eponymous Pickle

Cardboard VR

Google develops a cardboard VR viewer (Technical)." ... The Cardboard project aims at developing inexpensive virtual reality (VR) tools to allow everyone to enjoy...

New Mobile in E-Commerce
From The Eponymous Pickle

New Mobile in E-Commerce

In Marketing Mag:  New ways to interact and better personalization will emerge.  The future of better mobile. " ... Mobile is increasingly important for online...

Holiday Shopper Research
From The Eponymous Pickle

Holiday Shopper Research

Shopping never sleeps  More from Google retail. With statistics and visuals.  " ... This holiday shopping season will be our most connected ever, with devices at...

Adapting with Speed
From The Eponymous Pickle

Adapting with Speed

Adapting with speed: How agile selling organizations win in a demanding environmentAdapting with speed in a rapidly changing CPG marketplace Winning CPG companies...

Innovation by Kraft
From The Eponymous Pickle

Innovation by Kraft

A fairly detailed piece on a focused and deliberate drive to innovation by Kraft.   " ... Kraft Foods is aiming for "white space" innovation, which looks for new...

Coke Freestyle Gets Personal
From The Eponymous Pickle

Coke Freestyle Gets Personal

Saw some early ideas for delivering this.  Makes a lot of sense to personalize the sometimes complex interaction.  Plan to test. " ... Building on its legacy as...

NIH invests $32 million for Biomedical Big Data
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NIH invests $32 million for Biomedical Big Data

The National Institute of Health (NIH) has announced an initial investment of nearly $32 million for NIH’s Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) initiative which is projected...

Analytics Unleashed Meeting
From The Eponymous Pickle

Analytics Unleashed Meeting

Saw this late, but there will be an event at Wright State University this Thursday. Analytics Unleashed.  I plan to be there." ... Join the Raj Soin College ofThursday...

Toshiba Embedded Glasses Display
From The Eponymous Pickle

Toshiba Embedded Glasses Display

Another example of a head mounted display, competing with Google Glass.  More wearable tech. "  ... Called Toshiba Glass, they have a tiny, lightweight projector...

Surveillance in Schools
From Schneier on Security

Surveillance in Schools

This essay, "Grooming students for a lifetime of surveillance," talks about the general trends in student surveillance. Related: essay on the need for student privacy...

XRDS: Crossroads, The ACM Magazine for Students

XRDS: Crossroads, The ACM Magazine for Students

Do no evil in research

Do no evil in research

Inbal Talgam-Cohen, Sean Follmer

Diverse responses to our diversty issue

Diverse responses to our diversty issue

XRDS Staff

New directions in language processing

New directions in language processing

Adrian Scoică, Daniel Bauer

Technology for talking

Technology for talking

Jay Patel

From zero to excellence

From zero to excellence

Claudia Schulz

A call for passion

A call for passion

Oded Green, Yoav Green

Successfully transitioning from academia to entrepreneurship

Successfully transitioning from academia to entrepreneurship

Farnaz Ronaghi

Why to get involved in the open source community?

Why to get involved in the open source community?

Maria Kechagia
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