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Software performance is… counterintuitive
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Software performance is… counterintuitive

There is a long tradition among computer scientists of counting the number of operations as a way to estimate the running cost of an algorithm. Many computer scientists...

On Being a Software Developer
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

On Being a Software Developer

Recently Mark Guzdial had a post called High school CS teachers need to read and trace code, not develop software that got me thinking along some new lines. Working...

GCHQ Intercept Sites in Oman
From Schneier on Security

GCHQ Intercept Sites in Oman

Last June, the Guardian published a story about GCHQ tapping fiber-optic Internet cables around the globe, part of a program codenamed TEMPURA. One of the facts...

Coaching Versus Managing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Coaching Versus Managing

In The HBR Blog:   " ... Ask 100 people if they have good common sense, and more than 95% will tell you they do. Ask them if they are good coaches, and almost as...

P&G, Pepsi Try Foursquare Swarm
From The Eponymous Pickle

P&G, Pepsi Try Foursquare Swarm

In Adage: Looked at Foursquare in its early days.  Interesting that some giants in marketing space are trying the new functionality. " ... Now the company is calling...

NSF/DIMACS Workshop for Aspiring PIs in Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF/DIMACS Workshop for Aspiring PIs in Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace

  The Center for Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science (DIMACS), founded as a National Science Foundation (NSF) Science and Technology Center, has...

Quick links
From Geeking with Greg

Quick links

What caught my attention lately: Fun data: "How to tell someone's age when all you know is her name" ([1]) "The possibility of proper tricorder technology in the...

Big Data, Charted, Noted
From The Eponymous Pickle

Big Data, Charted, Noted

A Gartner hypecycle view of Big Data, among a number of other technologies.  And Google live search summary.  Interesting, but the meaning itself is largely overblown...

Nestle Moves Towards Science
From The Eponymous Pickle

Nestle Moves Towards Science

In Reuters: Seems everyone is moving away from food and towards health products.  Which they oddly call science here.  There is science about food products too.

Will my grandchildren learn to drive? I expect not
From Apophenia

Will my grandchildren learn to drive? I expect not

I rarely drive these days, and when I do, it’s bloody terrifying. Even though I grew up driving and drove every day for fifteen years, my lack of practice is palpable...

Computer Science Principles Summit–Virtually
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Computer Science Principles Summit–Virtually

In case you are not a CSTA member  (why not?) and didn’t get the email this looks pretty interesting. In a new twist for 2014, CSTA is thrilled to invite youvirtual...

Personal Power Plants
From The Eponymous Pickle

Personal Power Plants

In IEEE Spectrum:    Fascinating direction.   " .... Smart and agile power systems will let every home and business generate, store, and share electricity. ......

EU Robotics Program
From The Eponymous Pickle

EU Robotics Program

A new Civilian Robotics program in Europe.    " ... This initiative is expected to create over 240,000 jobs in Europe, and increase Europe’s share of the global...

From Computational Complexity

STOC 2014

At the just completed STOC conference I received the 2014 SIGACT Distinguished Service Prize. Part of this citation reads"His blog, and many others that followed...

Edward Snowden Wins EPIC "Champion of Freedom" Award
From Schneier on Security

Edward Snowden Wins EPIC "Champion of Freedom" Award

On Monday I had the honor of presenting Edward Snowden with a "Champion of Freedom" award at the EPIC dinner. Snowden couldn't be there in person -- his father...

Cyber Grand Challenge Announces 1st Group of Teams
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Cyber Grand Challenge Announces 1st Group of Teams

  The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has announced the first group of teams from the Cyber Grand Challenge. The DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge is...

ISSIP: Services Innovation in an Interconnected World
From The Eponymous Pickle

ISSIP: Services Innovation in an Interconnected World

Newly brought to my attention:  ISSP:  Providing Service Innovation for our Interconnected World: " ... Service innovations improve the quality-of-life of individuals...

MOOCs and Traditional Business Education
From The Eponymous Pickle

MOOCs and Traditional Business Education

In Knowledge@Wharton:  Talk and transcript.   Interesting points are made.  Changes are occurring, but the speed and extent are still debatable.  Certainly the"...

On Big Data at Work
From The Eponymous Pickle

On Big Data at Work

Not a bad generalized overview of how Big Data is being used today, including some useful corporate examples.  No details, but might be useful for an executiveReviewing...

A Note from the Chair of CSTA's Board of Directors
From Computer Science Teachers Association

A Note from the Chair of CSTA's Board of Directors

The Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) is pleased to announce the appointment of Lissa Clayborn as Acting Executive Director of CSTA. Lissa is CSTA's...
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