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Communications of the ACM



Plots for Cyclical Patterns
From The Eponymous Pickle

Plots for Cyclical Patterns

A method that is new to me, in Stephen Few's Perceptual Edge blog:  Cycle Plots.  " ... A cycle plot is a type of line graph that is useful for displaying cyclical...

The Unsung Heroes of CSEDWeek
From Computer Science Teachers Association

The Unsung Heroes of CSEDWeek

Today is the last school day of CS EdWeek and what a week it has been! The phenomenal success of's Hour of Code, a great CSTA CSEdWeek event in CO with...

Bots Make up Most of Net Traffic
From The Eponymous Pickle

Bots Make up Most of Net Traffic

In BBC Tech:   About 61% of net traffic is by bots, the study says.  Of course bots do different things.  One might be reading this blog, another might be part...

World War II Anecdote about Trust and Security
From Schneier on Security

World War II Anecdote about Trust and Security

This is an interesting story from World War II about trust: Jones notes that the Germans doubted their system because they knew the British could radio false orders...

Do we need academic copyright? Some historical perspective
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Do we need academic copyright? Some historical perspective

It is commonly believed that we introduced copyright to entice authors into producing lots of quality work by providing them with increased financial incentives...

Common Cognitive Traps in Innovation
From The Eponymous Pickle

Common Cognitive Traps in Innovation

In the HBR:  (Requires free registration):   Key point being made is that estimation error can be a key skill for building innovation.  Always try to build numerical...

GS1 Consumer Goods Newsletter
From The Eponymous Pickle

GS1 Consumer Goods Newsletter

We were long time participating members of the standards body called GS1.  I now only sometimes read their writings.  Beyond standards they often talk about retail...

Email Sabbatical: December 13-January 10
From Apophenia

Email Sabbatical: December 13-January 10

I call this year my year of triplets. Over the last few months, I had my first child, finished my book, and kickstarted a research institute. In planning this year...

Redefining Supply Chain
From The Eponymous Pickle

Redefining Supply Chain

As part of a century and a half old,  very successful enterprise, we had a supply chain group from well before I arrived there.  It is essential to make the modern...

Faces of Computing Poster Contest Winners
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Faces of Computing Poster Contest Winners

In honor of Computer Science Education Week, CSTA is pleased to announce the winners of the 2nd annual Faces of Computing student poster contest. This year, over...

Flavor Delivery
From The Eponymous Pickle

Flavor Delivery

A classic problem, can flavor be delivered with digital stimulation?   Research has been doing on for a long time.    Getting to the Bottom of a Digital Lollipop...

How the NSA Tracks Mobile Phone Data
From Schneier on Security

How the NSA Tracks Mobile Phone Data

Last week the Washington Post reported on how the NSA tracks mobile phones world-wide, and this week they followed up with source documents and more detail. Barton...

From Computational Complexity

Approximate Computing

Hadi Esmaeilzadeh is the newest professor in the School of Computer Science at Georgia Tech. Hadi works in computer architecture and did some great work on dark...

Sensors are Impacting the Supply Chain
From The Eponymous Pickle

Sensors are Impacting the Supply Chain

Yes, they have for a long time.  My domain for many years.   But many new methods  are now influencing the space. GigaOM explores.   An extensive report I am reading...

Predictive Analytics Evolution in R
From The Eponymous Pickle

Predictive Analytics Evolution in R

Good, general non technical piece from Ventana Research.  It is an evolution, with many people not understanding the issues in its use.   " ... R, the open source...

NSA Tracks People Using Google Cookies
From Schneier on Security

NSA Tracks People Using Google Cookies

The Washington Post has a detailed article on how the NSA uses cookie data to track individuals. The EFF also has a good post on this. I have been writing and...

Does Computer Science Count in Your State?
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Does Computer Science Count in Your State?

Computer science only counts as a graduation credit (usually in either math or science) in 15 states. In most states a computer science class can be an elective...

CSEDWeek Highlights at ASMSA
From Computer Science Teachers Association

CSEDWeek Highlights at ASMSA

Like schools across the country, we are celebrating Computer Science Education week here at the Arkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences and the Arts (ASMSA) in...

Tableau 8.1 and R Introduction
From The Eponymous Pickle

Tableau 8.1 and R Introduction

In exploration for a project that requires the use of some advanced analytical methods developed in R which would then provide access to the results interactively...

Data & Society: Call for Fellows
From Apophenia

Data & Society: Call for Fellows

Over the last six months, I’ve been working to create the Data & Society Research Institute to address the social, technical, ethical, legal, and policy issues...
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