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Communications of the ACM



Are you learning fast enough?
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Are you learning fast enough?

Erik Meijer is one of the awesome people I get to meet while I worked at Microsoft. Earlier today he tweeting something that really made me think. If you don't...

The psychology behind information dashboards
From Putting People First

The psychology behind information dashboards

With its interactive and intuitive interface and its ability to visualize data in a single screen, the information dashboard is becoming a critical tool in the...

Telepathwords: A New Password Strength Estimator
From Schneier on Security

Telepathwords: A New Password Strength Estimator

Telepathwords is a pretty clever research project that tries to evaluate password strength. It's different from normal strength meters, and I think better. Telepathwords...

The UX explorers at Ford: an interview with Parrish Hanna and Chris Thibodeau
From Putting People First

The UX explorers at Ford: an interview with Parrish Hanna and Chris Thibodeau

In response to the recent explosion in UX, Ford Motor Company has hired folks like Parrish Hanna and Chris Thibodeau — Global Director of Human-Machine Interface...

New UK Lab to transform healthcare using design
From Putting People First

New UK Lab to transform healthcare using design

A new centre will bring the principles of design into the heart of a leading hospital to create a global research hub for “frugal innovation and high-impact, low...

UK Cabinet Office policy lab aims to create designer public services
From Putting People First

UK Cabinet Office policy lab aims to create designer public services

Public service design is about to hit the mainstream. In December the Cabinet Office will launch a new policy lab tasked with using design to “re-invigorate policymaking...

Programming Languages for Middle School
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Programming Languages for Middle School

There may be quick questions but are there any quick answers? I had the following Tweet recently. @alfredtwo Hi Alfred! Quick question: what prog. language...

Explaining Hadoop
From The Eponymous Pickle

Explaining Hadoop

In Forbes:  Hadoop came some time after I had the role, but I was often called upon to provide a minimally technical explanation of new Tech. Here is a good one...

Concerns About a Computer-Based AP CS Principles Exam
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Concerns About a Computer-Based AP CS Principles Exam

As you know, CSTA has given enthusiastic support for the new Computer Science Principles course but as we move toward its widespread adoption in schools. We believe...

Product Development Using Structured Analogies
From The Eponymous Pickle

Product Development Using Structured Analogies

Just received this from SAS.  Note that it it is an Ad and you have to provide information to get the background paper, have not done that yet.  Click here for ...

Heartwave Biometric
From Schneier on Security

Heartwave Biometric

Here's a new biometric I know nothing about: The wristband relies on authenticating identity by matching the overall shape of the user's heartwave (captured via...

Contract Compliance Solutions and  Blog
From The Eponymous Pickle

Contract Compliance Solutions and Blog

As part of my ongoing investigation of compliance solutions I spoke to Contract Guardian yesterday.  Very impressive implementation, especially in the health care...

On Evolution of Global Supply Chains
From The Eponymous Pickle

On Evolution of Global Supply Chains

Focusing on the Customer.    We were quite advanced in our enterprise, so there is nothing very new here.  But it is well stated.  " ... Ask anyone what the “next...

Computer Science Education Week is Next Week
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Computer Science Education Week is Next Week

Computer Science Education Week is an annual program designed to show students of all ages the importance of computer science.  It is observed each year, in recognition...

Multitasking Influencing the Brain
From The Eponymous Pickle

Multitasking Influencing the Brain

In Fast Company:  On multitasking.  Our shiny new devices allow us to do this creatively, all the time.  There has been debate about how ultimately this effects...

From Computational Complexity

Bitcoins Revisited

Two years ago I gave a lecture and posted about bitcoin. Of course what I didn't do was buy a bitcoin whose value back then was about $3 and today runs in the $1000...

The Problem with EULAs
From Schneier on Security

The Problem with EULAs

Some apps are being distributed with secret Bitcoin-mining software embedded in them. Coins found are sent back to the app owners, of course. And to make it legal...

How Do You Know It Works?
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

How Do You Know It Works?

I have been teaching Visual Basic programming to my freshmen this week. It’s part of a course we call Explorations in Computer Science and its new this year. The...

Mckinsey Quarterly
From The Eponymous Pickle

Mckinsey Quarterly

Always interesting McKinsey quarterly,  PDF Here.  Reading now.For the past month, McKinsey’s clients have been reading McKinsey Quarterly 2013 Number 4, whichIn...

Former CIFellow Sitaram Asur Transitioned to a Career in Industrial Research
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Former CIFellow Sitaram Asur Transitioned to a Career in Industrial Research

This blog is a special contribution from Sitaram Asur, a Computing Innovation Fellow from 2009-2010.  When I graduated with my PhD from the Ohio State University...
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