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From Computational Complexity

The Internship

Last weekend I took my teenage daughters to see The Internship, the Vince Vaughn-Owen Wilson vehicle where they play two forty-year old interns at Google. It basically...

More on Feudal Security
From Schneier on Security

More on Feudal Security

Facebook regularly abuses the privacy of its users. Google has stopped supporting its popular RSS feeder. Apple prohibits all iPhone apps that are political orGame...

FCC Emergency Access Advisory Committee Meeting on June 14
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

FCC Emergency Access Advisory Committee Meeting on June 14

The FCC Emergency Access Advisory Committee (EEAC) will meet tomorrow, Friday, June 14, from 10:30 am to 3:30 pm EDT, to discuss the technologies and protocols...

A Short History of TV
From The Eponymous Pickle

A Short History of TV

Though there is starting to be some serious competition at the edges, Television continues to be a very big means of one to many conversation.  Ars Technica has...

Essays Related to NSA Spying Documents
From Schneier on Security

Essays Related to NSA Spying Documents

Here's a quick list of some of my older writings that are related to the current NSA spying documents: "The Internet Is a Surveillance State ," 2013. The importance...

To get the most out of tablets, use smart curation
From Putting People First

To get the most out of tablets, use smart curation

In a second article in a four-part series on the use of tablets in educational settings, Justin Reich of MindShift examines the topic of curation. “As technologies...

Smarter Packaging Yet
From The Eponymous Pickle

Smarter Packaging Yet

A long time interest in making packaging more intelligent.  Making it a broader part of the intelligence network.  Now we have devices in the hands of consumers...

They Just Don’t Seem To Get It
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

They Just Don’t Seem To Get It

An article was published yesterday with the very optimistic title of Computer Science May Become Mandatory Part of Mass Public School Curriculum. If you read the...

Meetings are like sex
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Meetings are like sex

Meetings are like sex. Everybody thinks that they are good at it… until they ask for the truth. We never have real discussions about it: I did not want to say anything…...

Crowdsourcing Data Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Crowdsourcing Data Analytics

Recently pointed to. Worry about sharing data and ownership of the methods used:       " ... Kaggle is the world's largest community of data scientists. They compete...

P&G Reorganizes into Four Industry Specific Sectors
From The Eponymous Pickle

P&G Reorganizes into Four Industry Specific Sectors

Not unexpected to see a reorganization event here.    Reported in CGT.  " ... The businesses in each sector are focused on common consumer benefits, share common...

Microsoft Research Faculty Fellowships includes former CRA Computing Innovation Fellow
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Microsoft Research Faculty Fellowships includes former CRA Computing Innovation Fellow

Yesterday, Microsoft announced their Microsoft Research Faculty Fellowships and former Computing Innovation Fellow, Katrina Ligett is one of only seven recipients...

EU and Prism
From The Eponymous Pickle

EU and Prism

Was expecting an issue here.  The EU is known for its strong data privacy laws.  Now word that EU companies or those doing work with the EU, may be subject to lawsuits...

A Forty Minute Tour of CS Education With Mark Guzdial
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

A Forty Minute Tour of CS Education With Mark Guzdial

Mark Guzdial is one of the big names in computer science education.  A couple of months ago, he spoke at the GVU Brown Bag Seminar with a talk entitled What We. ...

Online, we’re all celebrities now. So what next?
From Putting People First

Online, we’re all celebrities now. So what next?

“In reality, we’re all kind of on ‘Big Brother’ — on a reality show,” says Syracuse University’s Anthony Rotolo, a professor who runs the Starship NEXIS lab, focusing...

Analytics in The Boardroom
From The Eponymous Pickle

Analytics in The Boardroom

A whitepaper of particular interest because of our involvement with executive information systems over the years.    Currently involved with a mobile delivery design...

Talking Advanced Technology and its Delivery
From The Eponymous Pickle

Talking Advanced Technology and its Delivery

Gave an invited talk at a large energy services company yesterday on the progress of emergent technologies and analytics in the enterprise.  The talk, given to...

Prosecuting Snowden
From Schneier on Security

Prosecuting Snowden

Edward Snowden broke the law by releasing classified information. This isn't under debate; it's something everyone with a security clearance knows. It's written...

Parallel Processing And Data Analysis And Chocolate
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Parallel Processing And Data Analysis And Chocolate

We’re working on a new course for next year. It’s based to some extent from the Exploring Computer Science course but with some modifications to fit our schoolM&Ms...

A successful 21st century brand has to help create meaningful lives
From Putting People First

A successful 21st century brand has to help create meaningful lives

An enormous study of how consumers around the world interact with brands finds that only the companies that make life better for consumers create impactful connections...
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