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Harvard Humanities
From My Biased Coin

Harvard Humanities

There's been a mild hubbub toward the end of the week here, due to a report and some articles (Boston Globe, WSJ) that the number of students majoring at the humanities...

Electronic Contact Lenses
From The Eponymous Pickle

Electronic Contact Lenses

In Technology Review:   Another non new idea.  Brought to the forefront by all the other embed-able ideas like Glass, and even retinal implants.  Would take away...

Rapid Prototyping for Design
From The Eponymous Pickle

Rapid Prototyping for Design

MJ Perry points to a video about the use of 3D printing and rapid prototyping for design by an automobile company.  Instructive piece.

Are We Nodes in the Internet of Things?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Are We Nodes in the Internet of Things?

In GigaOM:  Will we all become nodes on the Internet of Things?  Our things may be, we are heading quickly in that direction.   But please retain your own individuality...

Don’t Stop With The Trolls
From Wild WebMink

Don’t Stop With The Trolls

My article in InfoWorld this week rounded up the news of the White House initiative to deal with patent trolls and repeated some proposals I’ve made before on other...

Focus the Technology on the Purpose
From The Eponymous Pickle

Focus the Technology on the Purpose

On the business purpose.  Don't just try to stay out ahead of the technologies as they evolve.  Almost all technologies are developments of previous ideas.  Not...

meandering thoughts on the NSA scandal
From Apophenia

meandering thoughts on the NSA scandal

As an activist, a geek, and a privacy scholar, I’ve been watching the NSA scandal unfold with a mixture of curiosity, outrage, and skepticism. I don’t feel as though...

CIOs Promoting Gamification
From The Eponymous Pickle

CIOs Promoting Gamification

An overplayed piece.  Using game strategy can be useful for internal and externally facing capabilities.  Consider it a deeper, more psychological part of the user...

Wal-Mart E-Commerce
From The Eponymous Pickle

Wal-Mart E-Commerce

Wal-Mart CEO predicts that their E-Commerce sales will be $10 Billion this year.  Continued online surge from traditional retailing.

Combining Bio Sensor Tools
From The Eponymous Pickle

Combining Bio Sensor Tools

It makes sense to think of using multiple bio sensors and combining their capabilities,  which is what these firms have done, worth a look.  " ... Facial expression...

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Comic
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Comic

A squid comic about the importance of precise language in security warnings. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the...

Google Comments on Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Comments on Data

In Google Blog:  Commenting on how they deal with government information requests.

Consumer Advocates and Industry Endorse Cellphone Unlocking Bill at House Judiciary Committee Hearing
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Consumer Advocates and Industry Endorse Cellphone Unlocking Bill at House Judiciary Committee Hearing

A legislative proposal to allow consumers to unlock their cellphones garnered support from consumer advocates, wireless industry executives, and a coalition of...

Audio Interview with Me
From Schneier on Security

Audio Interview with Me

In this podcast interview, I talk about security, power, and the various things I have been thinking about recently.

Costco vs Amazon in Grocery
From The Eponymous Pickle

Costco vs Amazon in Grocery

In BusinessWeek:    " ... Amazon is expanding in the grocery business, which could create a headache for CEO Jeff Bezos' onetime mentor, Costco Wholesale CEO Jim...

Cameron Wilson ->
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Cameron Wilson ->

Cameron Wilson, long-time Director of Public Policy for ACM, has been given a special assignment for 12 months to work at as Chief Operating Officer and...

Think Like a Consumer
From The Eponymous Pickle

Think Like a Consumer

In AdAge:  Think less like an executive, more like a consumer.  Agree, an executive is not your typical consumer.  In the many innovation center tours I gave for...

Unboxing GoldieBlox
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Unboxing GoldieBlox

Way back when, I missed out on the Roominate Kickstarter campaign, and I regretted it afterwards. So when GoldieBlox was proposed, I jumped on it.  Plus, $30 to...

A Really Good Article on How Easy it Is to Crack Passwords
From Schneier on Security

A Really Good Article on How Easy it Is to Crack Passwords

Ars Technica gave three experts a 16,000-entry encrypted password file, and asked them to break them. The winner got 90% of them, the loser 62% -- in a few hours...

Speaking Hello World – TouchDevelop
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Speaking Hello World – TouchDevelop

Regular readers know that I have been learning TouchDevelop in my spare time. I really hope to find some concentrated time over the summer to really dig in buthttp...
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