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"The Fear Tax"
From Schneier on Security

"The Fear Tax"

Good essay by Seth Godin: We pay the fear tax every time we spend time or money seeking reassurance. We pay it twice when the act of seeking that reassurance actually...

The Truth About Wal-Mart RFID Plans
From The Eponymous Pickle

The Truth About Wal-Mart RFID Plans

Nice piece in CGT. Worth reading. I find nothing very surprising here. Just that the latest writings indicated a specific set of plans, while previously only...

Change Your Name to Avoid Cyber-Past
From The Eponymous Pickle

Change Your Name to Avoid Cyber-Past

Eye opening, given that they are the enablers ... : Young will have to change names to escape 'cyber past' warns Google's Eric Schmidt ... The private lives of...

Airline Traffic Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Airline Traffic Data

Have been following airline network traffic for some time. Fascinating compendium of May 2010 Airline Traffic Data. Via Mark Perry's blog, who has some comments...

From Computational Complexity

Today is Paul Turan's 100th Birthday!

The following conversation is a fictional version of a real conversation. Lance: Bill, Wed August 18, 2010 is Paul Turan's 100th birthday. We should post onGASARCH...

Computer Science is NOT Boring!
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Computer Science is NOT Boring!

Well I guess a lot of people, especially students thing computer science is boring. According to a recent article (Steve Furber: why kids are turned off computing...

Simpler Solar
From The Eponymous Pickle

Simpler Solar

In the NYT ... a simpler, plug and play solar array system under development. Like to see these kinds of things.

Wikify Fact Checking
From The Eponymous Pickle

Wikify Fact Checking

Can you use a Wiki to do true fact checking? A USC journalism Prof attempt. I don't think it is working in the WIkipedia for anything that smells even a tiny amount...

Achieving Marketplace 2.0
From The Eponymous Pickle

Achieving Marketplace 2.0

Some of my recent explorations of e-procurement systems led me to this upcoming AMR webinar. See my previous post on ViniMaya, a strong contender in this space....

Crypto 2010 Proceedings
From Schneier on Security

Crypto 2010 Proceedings

The Crypto 2010 Conference is going on right now at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Springer-Verlag publishes the proceedings, but they're available...

Outreach Campaign: Smart Girls Rock!
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Outreach Campaign: Smart Girls Rock!

I've been leading an effort for our Women in Science and Engineering group, CU-WISE, to create a set of promotional items intended to be used during outreach events...

From Computational Complexity

My last post on the alleged P NE NP paper

(This is likely my last post on the alleged P NE NP paper unless more real news on it occurs. The only real news I can see happening at this point is a retraction...

Shopkick at BestBuy
From The Eponymous Pickle

Shopkick at BestBuy

What appears to be an easy to use location based promotion system that does not require explicit check-in once enabled. Also, the automatic check-in cannot beBest...

From The Eponymous Pickle


Check out Nathan Yau's always interesting visualization and statistics site: FlowingData.

links for 2010-08-17
From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-08-17

The Twitter Simon Phipps Daily Interesting meta-aggregator turns links posted by the people I follow on Twitter into a daily "newspaper". (tags: Twitter...

Hacking Cars Through Wireless Tire-Pressure Sensors
From Schneier on Security

Hacking Cars Through Wireless Tire-Pressure Sensors

Still minor, but this kind of thing is only going to get worse: The new research shows that other systems in the vehicle are similarly insecure. The tire pressure...

Social Divisions Between Orkut & Facebook in Brazil
From Apophenia

Social Divisions Between Orkut & Facebook in Brazil

I have been writing about social divisions between Facebook and MySpace for some time now, focused exclusively on American teenager dynamics. Yet, every time I...

Free Microsoft Office Add-ins for Educators
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Free Microsoft Office Add-ins for Educators

Just in time to start off the new school year, several new supporting tools are now updated for teacher use. You can read some summaries below but first check out...

Advertising Policy
From The Eponymous Pickle

Advertising Policy

Readers, Publishers, Vendors,I have had an increasing number of requests to have advertising links placed in this blog.In general I do not take advertising that...

a few thoughts on name changes & reputation
From Apophenia

a few thoughts on name changes & reputation

I’ve changed my name twice. First, I took my (now ex) stepfather’s last name when I was a child. At 18, I started the process to take my maternal grandfather’s...
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