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Eric von Hippel and 2.9 million British innovators
From Putting People First

Eric von Hippel and 2.9 million British innovators

Ethan Zuckerman reports on yesterday’s Berkman Center lunch talk by Eric von Hippel, where he discussed what he called the

On the importance of social interaction design for social startups
From Putting People First

On the importance of social interaction design for social startups

On his Gravity7 blog, Adrian Chan tries to convince startups and social application companies to embark on in-house social interaction design “The problem, as I...

The impact of design ethnography and WordPress
From Putting People First

The impact of design ethnography and WordPress

Kristina Krause has recently finished a master’s degree in social anthropology at the University of Kent, with a thesis titled: The impact of design ethnography...

Specialized GMail Statistics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Specialized GMail Statistics

I have done some specialized statistics macros for my Gmail conversations, and now just discover a report on a Chrome extension that does just that. Very nice to...

Gender Discrimination in Graduate School
From The Eponymous Pickle

Gender Discrimination in Graduate School

The numbers show clear gender discrimination in US Graduate school attendance. We are awaiting broad press coverage of this problem, government studies and remedial...

How Many Letters Are There in The Alphabet?
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

How Many Letters Are There in The Alphabet?

You saw the title and a single number came to mind. If you are English speaking your probably thought

Not Answering Questions at U.S. Customs
From Schneier on Security

Not Answering Questions at U.S. Customs

Interesting story: I was detained last night by federal authorities at San Francisco International Airport for refusing to answer questions about why I had travelled...

Decluttering the Organization
From The Eponymous Pickle

Decluttering the Organization

This Harvard Business Review View reminds me of experiences we had during the artificial intelligence days in the early 90s ... When we brought up the reasoning...

Shoppers Stick to their Lists?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Shoppers Stick to their Lists?

Reported in Mediapost: This seems to be contrary to our own experiences, even overstating how many people actually make lists. Its good to see more research coming...

links for 2010-09-14
From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-09-14

Twitter kills the password anti-pattern, but at what cost? Jon Udell argues that the switch to OAuth comes at the cost of a loss of flexibility and the potential...

links for 2010-09-14
From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-09-14

Commons Law – Great to see UK open source law expert Andrew Katz is now blogging on the (steadily expanding) open source blog at ComputerWorldUK...

? Wise Handling
From Wild WebMink

? Wise Handling

Twitter kills the password anti-pattern, but at what cost? Jon Udell argues that the switch to OAuth comes at the cost of a loss of flexibility and the potential...

Vulnerabilities in US-CERT Network
From Schneier on Security

Vulnerabilities in US-CERT Network

You'd think US-CERT would do somewhat better.

From Computational Complexity

How Can You Spend $150 Million?

Suppose you happen to have $150 million burning in your pocket that you want to use to help the theoretical computer science community ($150 million endowed will...

Experience-based product design from Intel
From Putting People First

Experience-based product design from Intel

The Day Zero event of the Intel Developer Forum started off with a presentation by Intel Fellow (and anthropologist) Genevieve Bell who is now also the head of...

Extensive interview with user interface expert Bill Buxton
From Putting People First

Extensive interview with user interface expert Bill Buxton

Canadian newspaper The Globe and Mail has published an extensive, three-part interview that Chad Sapieha conducted with Microsoft Principal Researcher (and fellow...

Cellphones, social networks make eavesdropping OK?
From Putting People First

Cellphones, social networks make eavesdropping OK?

Not only are many unconcerned about strangers overhearing cellphone calls, we purposely broadcast our personal business on Facebook and Twitter. Sharon Jayson reports...

Human-computer interaction for development
From Putting People First

Human-computer interaction for development

Human-Computer Interaction for Development: The Past, Present, and Future Research article by Melissa R. Ho (University of California, Berkeley), Thomas N. Smyth...

? Community Types Essay
From Wild WebMink

? Community Types Essay

My essay on Community Types is now available in the Essays section of the site. It defines what I mean by terms like “co-developer” and “deployer-developer” when...

Enabled Surfaces
From The Eponymous Pickle

Enabled Surfaces

We talked to several office furniture and space manufacturers and they were all looking at the possibility of making work surfaces, walls and even floors into interactive...
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