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? Will Run And Run
From Wild WebMink

? Will Run And Run

FSF responds to Oracle v. Google and the threat of software patents “Google could have avoided all this by building Android on top of IcedTea, a GPL-covered Java...

Videos from KYield
From The Eponymous Pickle

Videos from KYield

Mark Montgomery of Kyield has added some video clips, linked to below, to explain his impressive plans to support the knwoledge worker. "Videos

How I Wound Up in Computer Science
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

How I Wound Up in Computer Science

The Computer Science Women blog ( and on Twitter @Compsciwoman) has been running a series of posts by women  detailing how they found...

Don Norman: Living with Complexity (book)
From Putting People First

Don Norman: Living with Complexity (book)

Living with Complexity Norman, Donald A MIT Press, October 2010 280 pages Amazon If only today

David Petrou Presents Google Goggles at NY Tech Meetup
From The Noisy Channel

David Petrou Presents Google Goggles at NY Tech Meetup

Image recognition is one of those problems that has presented long-standing challenges to computer scientists, despite being taken for granted by science fiction...

Dashboard Solutions: Gartner Research
From The Eponymous Pickle

Dashboard Solutions: Gartner Research

Via IBM/Cognos. Registration required, access here. Despite some of the criticism of the format, I think that the use of dashboard as a modular component of business...

Decoding Words from Brain Signals
From The Eponymous Pickle

Decoding Words from Brain Signals

In the ACM and From the University of Utah: Scientists Decode Words from Brain Signals. A development that takes the granularity of understanding the brain to...

Changing Lights Turns off the Lights
From The Eponymous Pickle

Changing Lights Turns off the Lights

Carpe Diem points us to the unintended consequences of green legislation. Incandescent bulbs will no longer be legal by 2014. The replacement CFLs are mostly manufactured...

From Computational Complexity

The Rubik's Cube Conjecture PROVEN! (Do we care?)

In 1994 Fermat's last theorem was proven! In 2003 Poincare's conjecture was proven! In 2010 the Rubik Cube Conjecture was proven! That is, it was shown that the...

Retailnet Group in India
From The Eponymous Pickle

Retailnet Group in India

I recently had a conversation with Keith Anderson of the Retailnet Group. We worked with them a few years ago. He is now just back from India where he did an excellent...

How Many Careers?
From The Eponymous Pickle

How Many Careers?

Appropriate for post labor day. How many careers does the average person have in a lifetime? Seven is often mentioned, and I have used that approximation in anIn...

CompSci Woman: Technology is Women's Work
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

CompSci Woman: Technology is Women's Work

Have you seen the new CompSci Woman blog yet? No? Well get over there and check it out! And better yet, if you happen to be female and have any kind of computer...

? Transparency: Wrong and Right
From Wild WebMink

? Transparency: Wrong and Right

The fishy mandate of ACTA If you thought there was something fishy about the European Commission engaging in secret negotiations at ACTA behind the backs of the...

Parental Fears vs. Realities
From Schneier on Security

Parental Fears vs. Realities

From NPR: Based on surveys Barnes collected, the top five worries of parents are, in order: Kidnapping School snipers Terroristsknows,...

Will the Smartphone be the Computer?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Will the Smartphone be the Computer?

In Gigaohm: A question I have been asking myself for a few years. Will the computer of the future be the little device we carry around today? True, the keyboards...

Visualizations and Sorting
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Visualizations and Sorting

I love visualizations. One of my all time favorites are the programs that show how different sorting algorithms work. I was reminded of this by a recent post by...

Nike IPhone Running App
From The Eponymous Pickle

Nike IPhone Running App

You may remember much earlier in the days of the Web Nike had experimented with this idea, but without Apps or GPS. Our New Business Deveopment team talked todetailed...

Review and Advertising Policy
From The Eponymous Pickle

Review and Advertising Policy

Readers, Publishers, Vendors,I have had an increasing number of requests to have advertising links placed in this blog.In general I do not take advertising that...

Study Habits
From The Eponymous Pickle

Study Habits

A good piece in the NYT Views on study habits. Are people left brain vs right brain? Visual versus analytical learners? This is important not only for kids in school...

Robotics Newsletter
From The Eponymous Pickle

Robotics Newsletter

NASA has a new robotics newsletter, via IEEE. In the most recent edition they point to a piece by Marvin Minsky on Telepresence. We met with Minsky and read lots...
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