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Live Face-Off with Marcus Ranum at ISD
From Schneier on Security

Live Face-Off with Marcus Ranum at ISD

Here are the six links to the face-off Marcus Ranum and I did on stage at the Information Security Decisions conference in Chicago.

Biweekly links for 12/18/2009
From Michael Nielsen

Biweekly links for 12/18/2009

Shtetl-Optimized » Blog Archive » Hopefully my last D-Wave post ever Scott, in full ironic mode, proposes a crowdsourcing project that could really take off: “Yes...

What is an Explicit Construction?
From Computational Complexity

What is an Explicit Construction?

The Prob method (usually credited to Erdos) was once considered quite novel: You show something exists but you don't show how to construct it! An early exampleThe...

Google Tool Predicts Browser View
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Tool Predicts Browser View

A new Google tool predicts how much of a page will be visible to visitors on entering a site, before they scroll. This would be useful to understand the operational...

From CERIAS Blog


"The U.S. government has known about the flaw since the U.S. campaign in Bosnia in the 1990s, current and former officials said. But the Pentagon assumed local Call...

From Putting People First


The banking industry is missing out on a huge opportunity to transform itself from a transactional model to an engagement model, writes social media strategist...

The future of collaboration begins with visualising human capital
From Putting People First

The future of collaboration begins with visualising human capital

Venessa Miemis, a Master’s degree candidate in Media Studies at the New School in New York City, contributed a user idea to Nokia’s Ideas Project website, anticipating...

? Changes, one thoughtful
From Wild WebMink

? Changes, one thoughtful

Shuttleworth steps down as Ubuntu CEO Jane is fantastic, so I've no fears arising from this transition, just best wishes for both...

MagnePrint Technology for Credit/Debit Cards
From Schneier on Security

MagnePrint Technology for Credit/Debit Cards

This seems like a solution in search of a problem: MagTek discovered that no two magnetic strips are identical. This is due to the manufacturing process. Similar...

Corkboard Database
From The Eponymous Pickle

Corkboard Database

A really simple idea,, resting almost entirely on its metaphor, an infinite corkboard display. More about it.

Mirrors in the Brain
From The Eponymous Pickle

Mirrors in the Brain

In the midst of reading Mirroring People: The New Science of How We Interconnect With Others, by Marco Iacoboni. A non-technical book about mirror neurons, which...

Fall 2009 issue of Journal for Computing Teachers
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Fall 2009 issue of Journal for Computing Teachers

The fall 2009 issue of Journal for Computing Teachers is available at (direct link is JCT is a K-12 oriented...

Google Pushes 2D Barcodes
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Pushes 2D Barcodes

From Storefrontbacktalk: ' ... This week, Google said it was trying to breathe life into these barcodes by mailing 200,000 2D barcode stickers to small businesses...

Australia Restores Some Sanity to Airport Screening
From Schneier on Security

Australia Restores Some Sanity to Airport Screening

Welcome news: Carry-on baggage rules will be relaxed under a shake-up of aviation security announced by the Federal Government today. The changes will see passengers...

The challenge of co-production
From Putting People First

The challenge of co-production

A new discussion paper by NESTA, the UK’s National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts, argues that the key to reforming public services is to encourage...

Kroger Links Loyalty to Wireless Minutes
From The Eponymous Pickle

Kroger Links Loyalty to Wireless Minutes

Retailers are starting to do more clever things with loyalty programs: ' ... The Kroger Co. is rolling out what it says is a first-of-its-kind loyalty program that...

The Politics of Power in Cyberspace
From Schneier on Security

The Politics of Power in Cyberspace

Thoughful blog post by The Atlantic's Marc Ainbinder: We allow Google,, credit companies and all manner of private corporations to collect intimateMy...

From Computational Complexity

A hard problem inspired by an easy problem

The following problem was problem 1 (the easy one) on the Maryland Math Competition 2009 (I will later report on how the students did on it). Show that for every...

Entropy-efficient Computing
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Entropy-efficient Computing

Microprocessors and storage devices are subject to the second law of thermodynamics: using them turn usable energy (oil, hydrogen) into unusable energy (heat).

? Settled but not cured
From Wild WebMink

? Settled but not cured

Q&A: Microsoft's top lawyer on European case, future of antitrust Well worth reading to understand Microsoft's world-view. Sadly...
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