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ATM Skimmer
From Schneier on Security

ATM Skimmer

Neat pictures. I would never have noticed it, which is precisely the point.

Urban sensing via mobile phones, an ARUP project
From Putting People First

Urban sensing via mobile phones, an ARUP project

Arup Australasia has published a three-part technical overview on its research blog of its ‘urban sensing via mobile phones’ project. The research project, in collaboration...

FT on cultural differences in Chinese internet use
From Putting People First

FT on cultural differences in Chinese internet use

Western companies are struggling to bridge the growing gap created by the evolution of a cyberspace with Chinese characteristics. Kathrin Hille explains some of...

Report: Booting up mobile health
From Putting People First

Report: Booting up mobile health

Mobile health is emerging at the intersection of dynamic changes in mobility patterns, health care delivery, and new mobile technologies and networks. New technologies...

Articles on Danish design research
From Putting People First

Articles on Danish design research

The Danish Centre for Design Research (DCDR) is an umbrella organisation under the Danish Ministry of Culture for the design research that takes place at the Aarhus...

John Nash Documentary
From The Eponymous Pickle

John Nash Documentary

Always interesting Mind Hacks points to a recording of the PBS documentary on game theorist John Nash. Much more informative than the Hollywoodized Beautiful...

Pepsico Optimizes Trade Promotions
From The Eponymous Pickle

Pepsico Optimizes Trade Promotions

In Consumer Goods Technology: Integrated with the back office, CAS 8 is expected to provide a comprehensive view of account and channel performance...

Wrasse Punish Cheaters
From Schneier on Security

Wrasse Punish Cheaters

Interesting: The bluestreak cleaner wrasse (Labroides dimidiatus) operates an underwater health spa for larger fish. It advertises its services with bright colours...

Lessons from a Happiness Machine
From The Eponymous Pickle

Lessons from a Happiness Machine

An article about Coke's new Happiness Machine viral video made me think further about the dynamics of engaging shoppers in the store. Its the vending machine whimsically...

From Computational Complexity

Two Theorems this blog missed

I warned Lance to wait until early Jan to post 2009 Complexity Year in Review. It was my fear that by posting it on Dec 28, 2009 he may miss out if someone proves...

Bringing Computer Science to Let's Talk Science
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Bringing Computer Science to Let's Talk Science

One of my major goals when I joined Let's Talk Science was to bring more computer science activities to the program. They already had a lot of awesome stuff for...

You know your research is original when
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

You know your research is original when

Many consider Frank Hebert’s Dune the most important work of science-fiction ever written. Consider that Star Wars is just a variation on Dune. Yet, it was rejected...

The Problems of Profiling at Security Checkpoints
From Schneier on Security

The Problems of Profiling at Security Checkpoints

Good article.

Programming as a super power
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Programming as a super power

From the time I wrote my first computer program about 38 years ago as a college student there has always been a bit of magic about the process. A bit of a super...

Real-time video in 2020
From Putting People First

Real-time video in 2020

Skype commissioned the Institute for the Future to research and start a conversation about the future of real-time video communication and what will it feel like...

If your kids are awake, they
From Putting People First

If your kids are awake, they

The average young American now spends practically every waking minute

From Putting People First


In recognition of the importance that good design and user experience plays in creating successful products and services, Forum Nokia has renewed and extended it...

From My Biased Coin


The Chronicle of Higher Education has an article up titled Time Crunch for Female Scientists : They Do More Housework Than Men. Worth reading, understanding, and...

HP's Wall of Touch
From The Eponymous Pickle

HP's Wall of Touch

Another example of 'walls' of information, which we experimented with extensively. Think of it as also useful for creating certain '2D environments' like the store...

Meaning of Client Silence
From The Eponymous Pickle

Meaning of Client Silence

Peter Bregman on silence. Have we all not experienced this?. What is the useful reaction to client silence as the most dangerous form of feedback?
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