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Credit Card Reading with IPhone
From The Eponymous Pickle

Credit Card Reading with IPhone

Always interested in smartphone sensor ideas, here is another (via Stan Dyck) ... Jack Dorsey, Twitter Cofounder's new idea, a dongle type sensor that plugs into...

Forget Real-Time, Give Us Over Time!
From The Noisy Channel

Forget Real-Time, Give Us Over Time!

In a recent announcement, Twitter Platform / API Product Manager Ryan Sarver tells us that Twitter is: committed to providing a framework for any company big or...

Bad Technology Predictions
From The Eponymous Pickle

Bad Technology Predictions

It's the time of the year for predictions. In the WSJ, some particularly bad and notorious ones I had mostly heard of before. Having lived through some of these...

Keeping It Simple
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Keeping It Simple

Sample code is a great way to learn how to do things in computer programming. The problem for many beginners is that a lot of sample code is written by professionals...

links for 2009-12-30
From Wild WebMink

links for 2009-12-30

Is a Threat? Microsoft Thinks So Fascinating insight gleaned from "Situations Vacant" shows just how much pain OpenOffice...

Quantum Cryptography Cracked
From Schneier on Security

Quantum Cryptography Cracked

Impressive: This presentation will show the first experimental implementation of an eavesdropper for quantum cryptosystem. Although quantum cryptography has been...

Lessons in Lego
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Lessons in Lego

Last month the students in my high school collected cans of food for a local food bank. The cans were to be packed into boxes and distributed for the Thanksgiving...

Me and the Christmas Underwear Bomber
From Schneier on Security

Me and the Christmas Underwear Bomber

I spent a lot of yesterday giving press interviews. Nothing I haven

Collaborative Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Collaborative Analytics

The emerging practice of collaborative analytics. Not a new idea, but more systematized by some vendors. Analytics have never been a solitary activity, they are...

Stronger Mobile Component to Online
From The Eponymous Pickle

Stronger Mobile Component to Online

In Adage, a short article on where digital marketing is heading.

Technical Analogies
From The Eponymous Pickle

Technical Analogies

Over the years I have frequently had to work with new hires and executives to describe changes in information technologies, especially game changing ideas likethis...

Change Blindness
From Schneier on Security

Change Blindness

Interesting video demonstrating change blindness: the human brain's tendency to ignore major visual changes. The implications for security are pretty serious. ...

Race and Social Network Sites: Putting Facebook's Data in Context
From Apophenia

Race and Social Network Sites: Putting Facebook's Data in Context

A few weeks ago, Facebook's data team released a set of data addressing a simple but complex question: How Diverse is Facebook? Given my own work over the last...

Augmented Reality at Metaio
From The Eponymous Pickle

Augmented Reality at Metaio

Some interesting thoughts in ReadWriteWeb on the status of Augmented Reality leader Metaio which has the package Junaio that I have looked at on Smartphones. They...

Science of Sharing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Science of Sharing

Sharethis comments on the science of sharing. Some interesting, but rather self-serving statistics.

Biweekly links for 12/28/2009
From Michael Nielsen

Biweekly links for 12/28/2009

The Nobel Laureate Versus the Graduate Student A fascinating account of the 1962 debate between John Bardeen and Brian Josephson about Josephson’s suggestion that...

Quantum Machine Learning
From The Eponymous Pickle

Quantum Machine Learning

Google Research blog on quantum machine learning. Machine learning is the essence of artificial intelligence ... make a machine that learns and you can set it loose...

"The Behavioral Economics of Personal Information"
From Schneier on Security

"The Behavioral Economics of Personal Information"

Good survey article by Alessandro Acquisti in IEEE Computer.

Monte Carlo Simulation
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Monte Carlo Simulation

Random numbers are fun. Really they are. They are at the heart of gambling for sure but they are also a key part of what is called a Monte Carlo Simulation. These...

From Computational Complexity

2009 Complexity Year in Review

We go all the way back to January for the paper of the year, Mark Braverman's Poly-logarithmic independence fools AC0 circuits. Runners up include the Moser-Tardos...
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