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AT&T vs Verizon Visualization
From The Eponymous Pickle

AT&T vs Verizon Visualization

It particularly attracted me because it dealt with maps and visualization of data. You have seen the ads if you watch any TV or use the Internet. Dueling mobile...

Neuromarketing in Neuromarketer
From The Eponymous Pickle

Neuromarketing in Neuromarketer

In Chiefmarketer, on neuromarketing. What the Human Brain Means to Your Campaign.-

links for 2009-11-28
From Wild WebMink

links for 2009-11-28

EC reshuffle bumps Kroes out of antitrust seat It's more than a "reshuffle" - Baroso has built an entirely new structure for the...

? Thanks For The Music
From Wild WebMink

? Thanks For The Music

So you got through (or, if your not from the US, ignored) Thanksgiving and Black Friday, how about some free music? It's on my personal blog...

Black Friday Crashes
From The Eponymous Pickle

Black Friday Crashes

Evan Schuman reports on a number of e-commerce crashes in StoreFrontBackTalk. Not unexpected as we move online.

Friday Squid Blogging: Two Squid T-Shirts
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Two Squid T-Shirts

From the Feed Store.

Kitchen Computer 1969
From The Eponymous Pickle

Kitchen Computer 1969

I recently posted about a 'home system' being advertised by Verizon. Part of our innovation center research was to understand how specialized systems in a home...

Redlaser Scanner Re-look
From The Eponymous Pickle

Redlaser Scanner Re-look

Redlaser has just issued an update for their IPhone barcode reader. They say it is faster than the previous version. I uploaded it and tested it on a dozen or so...

Run-length encoding (part 2)
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Run-length encoding (part 2)

(This is a follow-up to my previous blog post.) Any run-length encoding requires you to store the number of repetitions. In my example, AAABBBBBZWWK becomes 3A-5B...

Signatures of Consciousness
From The Eponymous Pickle

Signatures of Consciousness

In the Edge: Signatures of Consciousness. Very interesting progress: Stanislas Dehaene writes:' ... For the past twelve years my research team has been using...

Fear and Public Perception
From Schneier on Security

Fear and Public Perception

This 1996 interview with psychiatrist Robert DuPont was part of a Frontline program called "Nuclear Reaction." He's talking about the role fear plays in the perception...

Teaching Computer Science Concepts
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Teaching Computer Science Concepts

I developed the below material for a workshop I gave to computer science teaching assistants today on how to teach computer science concepts. The workshop washttp...

? Protecting Rights
From Wild WebMink

? Protecting Rights

No, ACTA Secrecy Is Not 'Normal' -- Nor Is It A 'Distraction' ACTA secrecy is in fact a cynical game being played by the analogue...

Nokia on life among the clouds
From Putting People First

Nokia on life among the clouds

Nafid Imran Ahmed of the Bangladeshi newspaper The Daily Star was just at “The Way We Live Next 3.0″ event in Helsinki and reports on the company’s vision of the...

Terry Winograd video interview
From Putting People First

Terry Winograd video interview

Terry Winograd, the famous human-computer interaction specialist, was interviewed for Digital Revolution (working title), an open source documentary, due for transmission...

Solicitation of Nominations for the Council of the Computing Community Consortium
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Solicitation of Nominations for the Council of the Computing Community Consortium


Google Analytics Illegal?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Analytics Illegal?

Google Analytics illegal, say German personal data protection analysts.

Plant Social Life
From The Eponymous Pickle

Plant Social Life

This is not in the normal realm of what I write about, but I am an amateur botanist and all things botanic do interest me. It is also an interesting lesson in experimentation...

Beyond the experience: In search of an operative paradigm for the industrialisation of services
From Putting People First

Beyond the experience: In search of an operative paradigm for the industrialisation of services

Nicola Morelli (blog), an associate professor at the School of Architecture and Design at Aalborg University in Denmark, reflects on the two inspirations for a...

Leaked 9/11 Text Messages
From Schneier on Security

Leaked 9/11 Text Messages

Wikileaks has published pager intercepts from New York on 9/11: WikiLeaks released half a million US national text pager intercepts. The intercepts cover a 24nuggets...
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