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Reading Barcodes
From The Eponymous Pickle

Reading Barcodes

Short Wired article on reading barcodes without a device, in other words with just your eyes. Cute parlor trick, but of course barcodes usually contain the code...

links for 2009-11-21
From Wild WebMink

links for 2009-11-21

EU delays Sun/Oracle decision Until the end of January instead of the middle. At this point it's all just more blows to a bruised body. (tags...

Can We Learn From Anti-Social Users?
From The Noisy Channel

Can We Learn From Anti-Social Users?

One of the interesting challenges we face as both developers and consumers of search technology is that social signals are a double-edged sword. On one hand, social...

National Computer Science Education Week
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

National Computer Science Education Week

Congress has resolved that the week of December 7 will be designated as “National Computer Science Education Week.”

Intel Says Brain Will Control Computers
From The Eponymous Pickle

Intel Says Brain Will Control Computers

Intel: Chips in brains will control computers by 2020Brain waves will replace keyboard and mouse, dial phones and change TV channels ...'-

Friday Squid Blogging: New Squid Discovered
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: New Squid Discovered

An expedition to study seamounts in the Indian Ocean has discovered some new species, including some squid.

Sparklines in Excel
From The Eponymous Pickle

Sparklines in Excel

Sparklines (above) are a simple means of including quantitative visuals in lines of text, conceived of by Edward Tufte. Three has been recently much ado about Microsoft...

Firefox Vulnerabilities: Souvenirs of Windows 95
From CERIAS Blog

Firefox Vulnerabilities: Souvenirs of Windows 95

I've been waiting for an announcement of vulnerabilities in Firefox due to popular extensions. I've compared it to Windows 95 before. Yet students often opine...

FailBlog on Security
From Schneier on Security

FailBlog on Security

Funny: career fair fail.

LED Tattoos
From The Eponymous Pickle

LED Tattoos

In Wired Gadget Labs: Illustrated Man. We examined the use of LEDs on clothing for advertising, which can be readily done, but this takes it to the next level...

Process Model for Data Mining
From The Eponymous Pickle

Process Model for Data Mining

This CRISP-DM model was looked at within the enterprise. Re-examined. It attempts to be very detailed and universal. Worth a look though it does not seem to have...

Interview with Me
From Schneier on Security

Interview with Me

Yet another interview with me. This one is audio, and was conducted in Rotterdam in October.  

In Reverse
From My Biased Coin

In Reverse

The Crimson is reporting that the Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences will plan to decrease the size of the faculty* in response to budget woes. The key point...

Interaction design for specialised tasks
From Putting People First

Interaction design for specialised tasks

Mikkel Michelsen discusses the core differences between specialised use contexts and the mainstream use of a mass consumer product, and tries to answer the questions...

Will consumers plug into home energy displays?
From Putting People First

Will consumers plug into home energy displays?

Dozens of home energy monitors are coming to market, but nobody knows whether only hybrid Prius owners will use them. Martin LaMonica reports on CNet News. “The...

From Computational Complexity

Citing Papers

A student asked me which version of a research paper to cite, a journal (the last reviewed version) or a conference (the first reviewed version) of a paper. I generally...

User-driven innovation in Denmark
From Putting People First

User-driven innovation in Denmark

Some English language websites, blogs, articles and publications updating on what Denmark is doing on user-driven innovation: Is Denmark a lead user of user driven...

links for 2009-11-20
From Wild WebMink

links for 2009-11-20

Apple's Mistake Paul Graham gets it spot on again. Apple's attitude is Google's biggest asset in the battle for the mobile market. (tags: ...

Denial-of-Service Attack Against CALEA
From Schneier on Security

Denial-of-Service Attack Against CALEA

Interesting: The researchers say they've found a vulnerability in U.S. law enforcement wiretaps, if only theoretical, that would allow a surveillance target to...

How understanding the human mind might save the world from CO2
From Putting People First

How understanding the human mind might save the world from CO2

What will solve climate change? Will it be technology? Policy? A growing number of researchers and activists say it’s what’s behind it all: people. And understanding...
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