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Communications of the ACM



The hard truth about research grants
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

The hard truth about research grants

You must do many silly things to get a large research grant: You must know precisely what you will do for the next five years. Yet, in my experience, good researchers...

links for 2009-09-15
From Wild WebMink

links for 2009-09-15

Five consumer laws you really ought to know Helpful summary of consumer protections in the UK. Plenty more to know, but this bare...

Skein News
From Schneier on Security

Skein News

Skein is one of the 14 SHA-3 candidates chosen by NIST to advance to the second round. As part of the process, NIST allowed the algorithm designers to implement...

SIGGRAPH article
From My Biased Coin

SIGGRAPH article

The "final version" of our SIGGRAPH Asia paper, Real-Time Parallel Hashing on the GPU, is available here.I was primarily involved in the "hash table construction"...

Case study:
From Putting People First

Case study:

On July 27, 2009, National Public Radio (NPR) relaunched the website through the efforts of its in-house design team and interactive agency Schematic...

Bing Visual Search Beta
From The Noisy Channel

Bing Visual Search Beta

Is Bing Optimizing for the Short Snout?
From The Noisy Channel

Is Bing Optimizing for the Short Snout?

From Computational Complexity


I recently heard or read the following phrases. former cop killer ideal compromiser even prime numbers have their uses In each case it was ambiguous...

Zakta Search Engine
From The Eponymous Pickle

Zakta Search Engine

I see that Mahendra Vora and Sundar Kadayam have founded a startup called Zakta. Much more here. He and his colleagues are best known for founding Intelliseek...

Unilever and Crowd Sourcing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Unilever and Crowd Sourcing

More details in AdAge about Unilever's use of crowd sourcing to replace some kinds of some product marketing. The comments are also interesting.

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of September 14
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of September 14

September 14 Hearing: The Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee will hold a hearing on cyberattacks and industry. 10 a.m., 342 Dirksen Building...

How things change: Cheaters are Innovators
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

How things change: Cheaters are Innovators

If you seek approval above all else, you are unlikely to innovate outside the rigid bounds of the current system: You do not convince existing journals to give...

? Truly Random
From Wild WebMink

? Truly Random

IBM Throws Out Microsoft Office Copying Sun again :-) What will they do for ideas after Sun is gone? (tags: IBM...

Colleges, Newspapers
From My Biased Coin

Colleges, Newspapers

A colleague sent me this link to a Washington Post article, on how colleges are going to be "torn apart" like newspapers have been by the Internet. Dramatically...

Robert Sawyer's Alibis
From Schneier on Security

Robert Sawyer's Alibis

Back in 2002, science fiction author Robert J. Sawyer wrote an essay about the trade-off between privacy and security, and came out in favor of less privacy. I...

Spotfire BI Blog
From The Eponymous Pickle

Spotfire BI Blog

Wim Van de Velde points me to Tibco Spotfire's new Business Intelligence Blog which I have put on my feed. I like their current post on five unconventional uses...

UK Lifts Product Placement Ban
From The Eponymous Pickle

UK Lifts Product Placement Ban

Apparently in the UK placed products on imported shows are often blurred. Inside the UK product placements are banned. The BBC reports that this placement ban is...

Norman Borlaug Dies
From The Eponymous Pickle

Norman Borlaug Dies

We see that Norman Borlaug, father of the Green revolution, Nobel scientist, died yesterday at the age of 95. It is estimated that he has saved many millions of...

From Putting People First


In a two-part podcast Genevieve Bell, Intel Fellow and Director of the User Experience Group, discusses the intersection of technology and society, with a special...

Turing Test for Bots
From The Eponymous Pickle

Turing Test for Bots

Tech Review writes about fascinating work creating a test to determine if a bot is human. The original Turing Test came from a proposal by computing pioneer Alan...
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