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Brands, Games and Phones
From The Eponymous Pickle

Brands, Games and Phones

In Adweek, good overview about how brands can be integrated into games on phones. This is something we examined starting a number of years ago. How do you take...

Elsevier announces the
From Putting People First

Elsevier announces the

According to an Elsevier press release, the ew article prototype introduces non-linear structure, enhanced graphical navigation, and integrated multimedia. “Elsevier...

Touch me! An article on tactile experience
From Putting People First

Touch me! An article on tactile experience

In this article Jessica Ching, Laura Henneberry and Shally Lee share the findings of a collaborative project between the Ontario College of Art and Design (OCAD)...

Mobile Internet user experience is miserable: Study
From Putting People First

Mobile Internet user experience is miserable: Study

While most people see mobile as the answer to so many problems, research from Nielsen Norman Group sees it as another problem on the list. “The key finding showed...

Storytelling and interaction design
From Putting People First

Storytelling and interaction design

The urge to describe experiences by telling a story runs throughout human history. From pictograms to hieroglyphs to the songs of the wandering bard, argues Ben...

From Putting People First


Ross Mayfield (blog), a leading social software entrepreneur and founder of Socialtext, talks on Nokia’s IdeasProject site about a major transformation in the way...

Happy birthday Experientia
From Putting People First

Happy birthday Experientia

Objects Hit Jupiter
From The Eponymous Pickle

Objects Hit Jupiter

Also not in the usual realm of this blog, but I am in a space mood tonight. It is clear that this kind of thing occurs more often than we thought. It also is an...

SIGIR 2009: Day 1
From The Noisy Channel

SIGIR 2009: Day 1

How Powerful were the Apollo Computers?
From The Eponymous Pickle

How Powerful were the Apollo Computers?

With the anniversary underway, its fun to consider the power of the guidance and systems computers during the Apollo days. Very primitive indeed. My phone is far...

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of July 20
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of July 20

July 21 Hearing: The Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security and Citizenship of the Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on changes to employment...

Computer Science Certification-Why We Need to Care
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Computer Science Certification-Why We Need to Care

First, I would like to encourage all of you to read the CSTA publication: Ensuring Exemplary Teaching in an Essential Discipline: Addressing the Crisis in Computer...

Neuro Revolution Book
From The Eponymous Pickle

Neuro Revolution Book

From the Lucid Systems blog, a short look at new book by Zack Lynch and Byron Laursen called The Neuro Revolution. To be released on July 21. Looks to be interesting...

Beware SQL injections due to missing prepared statement support in libraries
From CERIAS Blog

Beware SQL injections due to missing prepared statement support in libraries

Just because your library allows you to specify an SQL query and the data separately, doesn't mean that it's safe. Imagine this scenario. You read that prepared...

Beware SQL injections due to fake prepared statement support
From CERIAS Blog

Beware SQL injections due to fake prepared statement support

So, you read that prepared statements are a good way to avoid SQL injection, because the database is told explicitly and separately what is the code and what is...

Cloned Dogs
From The Eponymous Pickle

Cloned Dogs

Although a bit off the usual topic here, I find this interesting. Dogs cloned from trained dogs are being used in a drug sniffing test. If successful, this would...

Social Networks Spill Your Secrets
From The Eponymous Pickle

Social Networks Spill Your Secrets

Interesting piece on the security of social networks. And the full paper, Google authors.

Self Service Wine Kiosks
From The Eponymous Pickle

Self Service Wine Kiosks

In Storefronbacktalk: Pennsylvania looks at self service wine kiosks with face recognition and integrated breathalyzer. I like trying new integrated kiosk sensors...

Keeping Track of Your Knowledge
From The Eponymous Pickle

Keeping Track of Your Knowledge

Just took another look at TheBrain, a graphical means of storing and manipulating your knowledge. A form of mind-map. Jerry Michalski introduced me to it. Explored...

Libraries turn page to thrive in digital age
From Putting People First

Libraries turn page to thrive in digital age

The Globe and Mail newspaper of Canada looks at the future of libraries: Long the subject of warnings that the Internet would spell their demise, public libraries...
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