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Communications of the ACM



Issues Old and New
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Issues Old and New

Monday August 17th was *our* first day officially back with classes starting Thursday and, as usual, the new school year is raising many issues, some new and some...

Yale Summer Math Program
From The Eponymous Pickle

Yale Summer Math Program

The summer math program for Economics Phds at Yale. Nice mix of practical math topics.

To be smarter, ignore external rewards
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

To be smarter, ignore external rewards

Last night, I watched a great talk by Dan Pink

Mining the Web for Feelings
From The Eponymous Pickle

Mining the Web for Feelings

In the NYT: Mining the Web for Feelings, Not Facts. The article is a bit thin, but worth reading. Another favorite topic of mine since the early days of linking...

Free Antivirus Software
From The Eponymous Pickle

Free Antivirus Software

Computerworld looks at a number of options. Useful.-

Complexities of Virtual Makeover
From The Eponymous Pickle

Complexities of Virtual Makeover

In Storefrontbacktalk, this was an area we looked at in some detail. And several different times with different technologies One of my favorite technical experiments...

am I an academic?
From Apophenia

am I an academic?

academia (n.): The academic world or community; scholastic life. academic (n.): 1. An ancient philosopher of the Academy. 2. A member of a college or university...

Newspapers Colluding, Surviving
From The Eponymous Pickle

Newspapers Colluding, Surviving

In Techdirt. Interesting piece on the survival of newspapers. Including the use of acts of congress to remove collusion penalties and the use of payment walls....

Roof Tile Solar Panels
From The Eponymous Pickle

Roof Tile Solar Panels

A nice idea, no mention of cost. Would like to see the idea played out broadly.

Social Networking: Theory and Practice
From The Noisy Channel

Social Networking: Theory and Practice

The lost art of reading
From Putting People First

The lost art of reading

David L. Ulin, book editor of the Los Angeles Times, argues that the relentless cacophony that is life in the 21st century can make settling in with a book difficult...

Ideas for thought from the Symposium for the Future
From Putting People First

Ideas for thought from the Symposium for the Future

The New Media Consortium is hosting a Symposium for the Future October 27-29 that will explore actual and potential applications of technology that could impact...

Augmented Reality on the iPhone
From The Eponymous Pickle

Augmented Reality on the iPhone

The idea continues to creep forward. I had an accidental introduction to it recently at the beach doing some star watching. An application called Star Walk lets...

Reading bar codes with mobile phones
From Putting People First

Reading bar codes with mobile phones

Although it is more of a technical discussion, this article by The Economist is a worthwhile read as it describes quite well how a new way to deliver information...

Phones and farmers
From Putting People First

Phones and farmers

Abdul Bayes, professor of economics at Jahangirnagar University in Bangladesh, has written a nice article in the Daily Star newspaper where he condenses some recent...

A short manifesto on the future of attention
From Putting People First

A short manifesto on the future of attention

Author and journalist Michael Erard has published a short manifesto on the future of attention: “Now we have a wide-ranging discussion about what is and what can’t...

Data visualization: stories for the Information Age
From Putting People First

Data visualization: stories for the Information Age

Business Week explores how artists and designers are turning to data visualization to interpret the deluge of information around us. “For artists and designers...

Are we ready for the Autonomous Age?
From Putting People First

Are we ready for the Autonomous Age?

The UK’s Royal Academy of Engineering recently published a discussion document (pdf) on the social, legal and ethical issues surrounding the development and use...

A plea for more critical thinking in design, please
From Putting People First

A plea for more critical thinking in design, please

John Barratt, president and CEO of Teague, reflects in a guest post on Fast Company on the fact that critical thinking in design is largely absent. “For reasons...

Where tech and philosophy collide
From Putting People First

Where tech and philosophy collide

BBC News reports on the inaugural meeting of the London Futurist and Transhumanist Group. “While futurism involves trying to predict how technology will evolve...
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