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From ACM Opinion

A Google Monopoly Isn't the Point

Even if the Justice Dept. were to establish that Google is a monopoly, it would be hard for anyone to prove that the company's free services have injured consumers...

From ACM Opinion

Yes, Google Really Should Worry About Facebook

The algorithm is the key to success. That's how Google replaced Yahoo as the Web's best search engine in 1998. Google became the font of the online world's information...

From ACM Opinion

Vint Cerf: Facebook Could Be Next Aol or IBM

Vint Cerf, Google's chief internet evangelist, and the man who designed a key building block of the Internet, warned that Facebook's "closed" architecture meant...

Rebooting the CS Publication Process
From Communications of the ACM

Rebooting the CS Publication Process

A proposal for a new cost-free open-access publication model for computer science papers.

Testing: Failing to Succeed
From Communications of the ACM

Testing: Failing to Succeed

There are two situations in software testing that scare testers: when they see "too many" defects and when they do not see "enough."

Modernizing the Danish Democratic Process
From Communications of the ACM

Modernizing the Danish Democratic Process

Examining the socio-technological issues involved in Denmark's decision to pursue the legalization of electronic elections.

File-System Litter
From Communications of the ACM

File-System Litter

Cleaning up your storage space quickly and efficiently.

The Platform Leader's Dilemma
From Communications of the ACM

The Platform Leader's Dilemma

Studying the lessons learned from past and present platform leaders.

Tech Provides Map For Nation's Future
From ACM Opinion

Tech Provides Map For Nation's Future

As President Barack Obama and Congress roll up their collective sleeves in an effort to jump-start our nation's struggling economy and cut the burgeoning federal...

From ACM News

The America Invents Act and the Individual Inventor

Much has been said about how the newly passed patent reform legislation, the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act, benefits large corporations. While that argument...

From ACM News


Reading my RSS and Twitter feeds Tuesday night, I turned to a tech writer friend and said, "the Wintel Era just ended, and half of these people are fighting over...

The Calm Before the Storm
From ACM Opinion

The Calm Before the Storm

Revelations of wholesale electronic fraud and massive data heists have become weekly, even daily affairs.

From ACM News

The 10 Commandments of Steve

More than anything else, Jobs's genius is in managing the creative process. Here's his playbook.

Kids Today Need a Licence to Tinker
From ACM Opinion

Kids Today Need a Licence to Tinker

Back to school time and millions of British kids are heading back to classrooms to embark on the national curriculum so beloved of busybody ministers.

From ACM Opinion

How to Fix Our Math Education

There is widespread alarm in the United States about the state of our math education. The anxiety can be traced to the poor performance of American students on...

From ACM Opinion

Jobs's Legacy: Changing How We Live

Steve Jobs's resignation as Chief Executive Officer of Apple is the end of an extraordinary era, not just for Apple, but for the global technology industry in...

From ACM Opinion

Apple Will Do Amazingly Well Without Steve Jobs

On Thursday morning, shares of Apple are going to plummet. As a journalist who covers the company, I'm ethically restricted from investing. But you're not, and...

From ACM Opinion

A Turbulent End to the Pc Era

The personal computer recently celebrated its 30th birthday. Then last week, Silicon Valley staged the PC's funeral.

From ACM Opinion

Why Google Had to Have Motorola Mobility

For several years now, Google has been following a vow made by former CEO Eric Schmidt: mobile first. New CEO Larry Page is taking that dictum to a new level...

From ACM Opinion

Why Software Is Eating the World

Last week, Hewlett-Packard (where I am on the board) announced that it is exploring jettisoning its struggling PC business in favor of investing more heavily...
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