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Communications of the ACM



The anthropology of self-tracking devices (video)
From Putting People First

The anthropology of self-tracking devices (video)

Cultural anthropologist Natasha Schüll bridged the gap between human interaction and machine workings in her research on gambling. Her current research focuses...

Focus groups are worthless
From Putting People First

Focus groups are worthless

If Erika Hall, co-founder of Mule Design, could achieve one thing with her time here on earth, Ishemight be content if that one thing could be burning to the ground...

An ethnographic introduction
From Putting People First

An ethnographic introduction

A Simple Introduction to the Practice of Ethnography and Guide to Ethnographic Fieldnotes By Brian A. Hoey, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Anthropology, Marshall...

Human-centered design toolkit by
From Putting People First

Human-centered design toolkit by

The team at launched Design Kit — a “refresh” of its HCD Connect platform launched in 2011. It is a step-by-step guide to the elements of human-centered...

Digital tools for design research
From Putting People First

Digital tools for design research

Dan Perkel of IDEO Labs shares how he and his colleagues use digital methods and tools to enhance the research process in five distinct activities: – Exploring...

Why banks need to revamp their user experience
From Putting People First

Why banks need to revamp their user experience

The most interesting things happening in financial services are not happening in financial services, writes Rich Berkman, Associate Partner of IBM Interactive Experience...

[Video] Digital Amnesia (VPRO, 2014)
From Putting People First

[Video] Digital Amnesia (VPRO, 2014)

Our memory is dissipating. Hard drives only last five years, a webpage is forever changing and there’s no machine left that can read 15-year old floppy disks. Digital...

Experientia @ Epic 2014: focusing on relationships and values
From Putting People First

Experientia @ Epic 2014: focusing on relationships and values

It’s that time of year again, when ethnography professionals come together to exchange knowledge, discuss ideas, and share experiences about the practice of ethnography...

How to see into the future
From Putting People First

How to see into the future

Billions of dollars are spent on experts who claim they can forecast what’s around the corner, in business, finance and economics. Most of them get it wrong. Now...

11 reasons computers can’t understand or solve our problems without human judgement
From Putting People First

11 reasons computers can’t understand or solve our problems without human judgement

It is true that our ability to collect, analyse and interpret data about the world has advanced to an astonishing degree in recent years, writes Rick Robinson,...

Nudging and behavioral regulation gaining interest across Europe
From Putting People First

Nudging and behavioral regulation gaining interest across Europe

Behavioral regulation is afoot in Europe and is drawing the interest of a growing number of OECD countries. Professor Alberto Alemanno has just posted a brief overview...

Defining user experience strategy
From Putting People First

Defining user experience strategy

UX strategy isn’t the blueprint, canvas, or definition you use. UX strategy is about the conversations you have and the alignment you achieve, writes Austin Govella...

Draft proceedings of EPIC 2014 conference online
From Putting People First

Draft proceedings of EPIC 2014 conference online


[Book] Ethnographic Fieldwork and Digital Culture – A Beginner’s Guide
From Putting People First

[Book] Ethnographic Fieldwork and Digital Culture – A Beginner’s Guide

Ethnographic Fieldwork and Digital Culture – A Beginner’s Guide By Piia Varis Routledge February 2015 Abstract Ethnography, as a holistic approach to societies...

[Book] Digitized Lives
From Putting People First

[Book] Digitized Lives

Digitized Lives: Culture, Power, and Social Change in the Internet Era By T.V. Reed Routledge June 2014 Abstract In a remarkably short period of time the Internet...

How do consumers use and respond to energy monitors?
From Putting People First

How do consumers use and respond to energy monitors?

Feeding back about eco-feedback: How do consumers use and respond to energy monitors? Kathryn Buchanan (a), Riccardo Russo (a) and Ben Anderson (b) a Department...

[Book] An Ethnography of Wikipedia
From Putting People First

[Book] An Ethnography of Wikipedia

Common Knowledge? An Ethnography of Wikipedia By Dariusz Jemielniak Stanford University Press 2014, 312 pages Abstract With an emphasis on peer–produced content...

Pew Internet research: 15 theses about the digital future in 2025
From Putting People First

Pew Internet research: 15 theses about the digital future in 2025

A canvassing of 2,558 experts and technology builders about where we will stand by the year 2025 finds striking patterns in their predictions, reports the Pew Research...

Converting your home to LED lights – still a challenging user experience
From Putting People First

Converting your home to LED lights – still a challenging user experience

Switching to LED bulbs in your home is still a bit expensive, but makes a lot of economic sense – as you quickly earn your money back through a MUCH lowered electricity...

How EU leaders can listen to the views of their citizens expressed on Twitter
From Putting People First

How EU leaders can listen to the views of their citizens expressed on Twitter

Vox Digitas By Jamie Bartlett, Carl Miller, David Weir, Jeremy Reffin, Simon Wibberley Report, 24 August 2014 ISBN 978-1-909037-63-2 Free download Over the last...
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