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Nvidia Powers Deep Learning for Healthcare at SC16
From insideHPC

Nvidia Powers Deep Learning for Healthcare at SC16

In this video from SC16, Abdul Hamid Al Halabi from Nvidia describes how the company is accelerating Deep Learning for Healthcare. "From Electronic Health Records...

German Scientists Win Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize for 2017
From insideHPC

German Scientists Win Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize for 2017

Today the Gauss Centre for Supercomputing (GCS) announced that Professor Dr. Britta Nestler of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) has been awarded theGerman...

Medical Device Security 101 Conference
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Medical Device Security 101 Conference

Researchers from the National Science Foundation (NSF) Trustworthy Health & Wellness project (THaW) will demonstrate transition to practice at the Medical Device...

Supermicro Showcases Versatile HPC Solutions at SC16
From insideHPC

Supermicro Showcases Versatile HPC Solutions at SC16

In this video from SC16, Don Clegg from Supermicro describes the company's broad range of HPC solutions. “Innovation is at the core of Supermicro product development...

Big and Analytic Problems at Procter & Gamble
From The Eponymous Pickle

Big and Analytic Problems at Procter & Gamble

Correspondent Gib Bassett looks at the Big Data and analytics environment at my former employer P&G, where we spent much time trying to solve wicked problems.  It...

Drug Lab on Wheels
From The Eponymous Pickle

Drug Lab on Wheels

Saw some interesting proposals about altering the way drug research could be done recently, so this is particularly interesting.A Drug Laboratory on Wheels   By...

Wanting It Bad Enough Won't Make It Work:  Why Adding Backdoors and Weakening Encryption Threatens the Internet
From ACM on Huffington Post

Wanting It Bad Enough Won't Make It Work: Why Adding Backdoors and Weakening Encryption Threatens the Internet

Disruptive Theory of Innovation
From The Eponymous Pickle

Disruptive Theory of Innovation

The “Jobs to be Done” Theory of InnovationClayton Christensen, professor at Harvard Business School, builds upon the theory of disruptive innovation for which he...

Making Transformations Work
From The Eponymous Pickle

Making Transformations Work

Just covered this in my Columbia course, where it was about getting analytics change to work.    Here a much less technical and more organizational view, but still...

Embodied Cognition with Project Intu
From The Eponymous Pickle

Embodied Cognition with Project Intu

Mentioned in today's CSIG talk, furthering the discussion.“Embodied Cognition with Project Intu” by Grady BoochGrady Booch, IBM Fellow and IBM’s Chief Scientist...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Magnus and the Turkey Grinder

With part II of our “When Data Serves Turkey” post source—note similarity to this Magnus Carlsen last week retained his title of World Chess Champion. His match...

From Computational Complexity

Fixing the Academic Job Market

Last month I posted about the craziness of the computer science academic job market due mainly to the decentralized nature of our field. Here are some ideas ofSingle...

Blue Sky Ideas Conference Track held at ACM SIGSPATIAL 2016
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Blue Sky Ideas Conference Track held at ACM SIGSPATIAL 2016

The Computing Community Consortium (CCC) recently sponsored a Blue Sky Ideas Conference Track at the 24th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in...

Podcast: Where Deep Learning Is Going Next
From insideHPC

Podcast: Where Deep Learning Is Going Next

In this Nvidia podcast, Bryan Catanzaro from Baidu describes how machines with Deep Learning capabilities are now better at recognizing objects in images than humans...

Navy's futuristic-looking USS Zumwalt arriving in homeport
From Technology News

Navy's futuristic-looking USS Zumwalt arriving in homeport

The Navy's most technologically advanced destroyer is arriving at its homeport after dealing with some glitches along the way.

New NSA Stories
From Schneier on Security

New NSA Stories

Le Monde and the Intercept are reporting about NSA spying in Africa, and NSA spying on in-flight mobile phone calls -- both from the Snowden documents....

The SGI Data Management Framework for Personalized Medicine
From insideHPC

The SGI Data Management Framework for Personalized Medicine

SGI’s Data Management Framework (DMF) software - when used within personalized medicine applications – provides a large-scale, storage virtualization and tiered...

Matthias Troyer from Microsoft to Speak on Quantum Computing at PASC17
From insideHPC

Matthias Troyer from Microsoft to Speak on Quantum Computing at PASC17

Today the PASC17 Conference announced that Matthias Troyer from Microsoft Research will give this year’s public lecture on the topic “Towards Quantum High Performance...

Oakforest-PACS: Overview of the Fastest Supercomputer in Japan
From insideHPC

Oakforest-PACS: Overview of the Fastest Supercomputer in Japan

Prof. Taisuke Boku from the University of Tsukuba & JCAHPC presented this talk at the DDN User Group at SC16. "Thanks to DDN’s IME Burst Buffer, researchers using...

Zara Designing Fashion with Speed
From The Eponymous Pickle

Zara Designing Fashion with Speed

Recently had some interesting exposure to aparrel and fashion analytical and design process.    In particular about linking design to efficient spply chain.   See...
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