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Communications of the ACM



Call for Sessions: Open Fabrics Workshop 2017 in Austin
From insideHPC

Call for Sessions: Open Fabrics Workshop 2017 in Austin

The OpenFabrics Alliance Workshop 2017 has issued their Call for Sessions. The event will take place March 27-31, 2017 in Austin, Texas. "An ongoing collaboration...

How Researchers Will Benefit from Canada’s National Data Cyberinfrastructure
From insideHPC

How Researchers Will Benefit from Canada’s National Data Cyberinfrastructure

"Individual institutions or organizations will have opportunities to deploy storage locally and can federate their local repository into the national system,” says...

Cobham Opera Simulation Software Moves Tokamak Closer to Fusion Energy
From insideHPC

Cobham Opera Simulation Software Moves Tokamak Closer to Fusion Energy

The Cobham Technical Services Opera software is helping Tokamak Energy to reduce the very high costs associated with prototyping a new fusion power plant concept...

HPE Apollo 6500 for Deep Learning
From insideHPC

HPE Apollo 6500 for Deep Learning

"With up to eight high performance NVIDIA GPUs designed for maximum transfer bandwidth, the HPE Apollo 6500 is purpose-built for HPC and deep learning applications...

From Computational Complexity

A students unusual proof might be a better proof

I asked a student to show that between any two rationals is a rational. She did the following: if x < y are rational then take δ << y-x and rational and use...

Tending To Infinity

Tending To Infinity

What kind of thoughts does the word ‘infinity’ evoke in your mind? Do you visualize a never-ending expanse that stretches in all directions? Or maybe a straight...

Expectation versus reality in the acceptance of self-driving cars
From Technology News

Expectation versus reality in the acceptance of self-driving cars

As interest in the development of automated cars increases, public and media attention has focused on the speculative benefit of having an abundance of in-vehicle...

Increasing the Efficiency of Storage Systems
From insideHPC

Increasing the Efficiency of Storage Systems

Have you ever wondered why your HPC installation is not performing as you had envisioned ? You ran small simulations. You spec’d out the CPU speed, the network...

Do Smart Speakers Need a Screen?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Do Smart Speakers Need a Screen?

The rash of smart speakers and voice drive smart home control systems continues.    But using them with advanced features, like recipe systems,  or searches that...

International Phone Fraud Tactics
From Schneier on Security

International Phone Fraud Tactics

This article outlines two different types of international phone fraud. The first can happen when you call an expensive country like Cuba: My phone call never actually...

Don’t assume that safety comes for free: a Swift case study
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Don’t assume that safety comes for free: a Swift case study

Most modern languages try to be “safer” by checking runtime values in the hope of producing more secure and less buggy software. Sadly, it makes it harder to reason...

Amazon Go  Tests Effort-less Buying
From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Go Tests Effort-less Buying

In the isle, without checkouts.   But tracking I am sure.   So this can detect aspects of movement and context that take us to purchase.  What are the patternsBlueEyes...

Supercomputing Drug Discovery to Combat Heart Disease
From insideHPC

Supercomputing Drug Discovery to Combat Heart Disease

Using a unique computational approach to rapidly sample proteins in their natural state of gyrating, bobbing, and weaving, a research team from UC San Diego and...

Voynich Manuscript Facsimile Published
From Schneier on Security

Voynich Manuscript Facsimile Published

Yale University Press has published a facsimile of the Voynich Manuscript. The manuscript is also available online....

Radio Free HPC Reviews the SC16 Student Cluster Competition Configurations & Results
From insideHPC

Radio Free HPC Reviews the SC16 Student Cluster Competition Configurations & Results

In this podcast, the Radio Free HPC team reviews the results from SC16 Student Cluster Competition. "This year, the advent of clusters with the new Nvidia Tesla...

NVIDIA Launches Deep Learning Teaching Kit for University Professors
From insideHPC

NVIDIA Launches Deep Learning Teaching Kit for University Professors

"With demand for graduates with AI skills booming, we’ve released the NVIDIA Deep Learning Teaching Kit to help educators give their students hands on experience...

Standardizing Predictive Influence Measures
From The Eponymous Pickle

Standardizing Predictive Influence Measures

Determining influence is a very frequent need for analytics in business.  It can often guide us towards data collection.   It is often a prelude to further analysis...

NIH Powers Biowulf Cluster with Mellanox EDR 100Gb/s InfiniBand
From insideHPC

NIH Powers Biowulf Cluster with Mellanox EDR 100Gb/s InfiniBand

Today Mellanox announced that NIH, the U.S. National Institute of Health’s Center for Information Technology, has selected Mellanox 100G EDR InfiniBand solutions...

Kx Streaming Analytics Crunches 1.2 Billion NYC Taxi Data Points using Intel Xeon Phi
From insideHPC

Kx Streaming Analytics Crunches 1.2 Billion NYC Taxi Data Points using Intel Xeon Phi

"The complexity and high costs of architecting and maintaining streaming analytics solutions often make it difficult to get new projects off the ground. That’sKx...

Socially Adaptive Electronic Partners
From The Eponymous Pickle

Socially Adaptive Electronic Partners

Via Jim Spohrer of the Cognitive Systems Institute.  Covers the still many issues behind assistance and partnership.     What is it like to be autonomous in this...
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