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Hewlett Packard Enterprise Gains Momentum with SGI Acquisition at SC16
From insideHPC

Hewlett Packard Enterprise Gains Momentum with SGI Acquisition at SC16

In this video from SC16, Bill Mannel from Hewlett Packard Enterprise describes how the company is gaining momentum in the HPC space as the leading vendor on the...

Predicting Demographics with Twitter
From The Eponymous Pickle

Predicting Demographics with Twitter

Always an interesting challenge.  Note the mention of Mechanical Turk, a method we examined.In Techrepublic:"  ... Big data can reveal inaccurate stereotypes on...

When Computers Become Smarter than Humans
From The Eponymous Pickle

When Computers Become Smarter than Humans

Knowledge@Wharton looks at the often posed question.  The answer is, they already are.  First they did math better, then searched better, connected to people better...

GHC16 / What Are Tech Tools Doing That The Best Diversity Initiatives Aren't?
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

GHC16 / What Are Tech Tools Doing That The Best Diversity Initiatives Aren't?

How can software help companies recruit and hire more diversely? Erica Joy Baker, Laura I. Gomez, Stephanie Lampkin, Liz Kofman, and Aline Lerner tackled this question...

Podcast: Combining Cryo-electron Microscopy with Supercomputer Simulation
From insideHPC

Podcast: Combining Cryo-electron Microscopy with Supercomputer Simulation

Scientists have taken the closest look yet at molecule-sized machinery called the human preinitiation complex. It basically opens up DNA so that genes can be copied...

"Security for the High-Risk User"
From Schneier on Security

"Security for the High-Risk User"

Interesting paper. John Scott-Railton on securing the high-risk user....

First-phase Bull sequana Supercomputer at CEA is Number 55 on TOP500
From insideHPC

First-phase Bull sequana Supercomputer at CEA is Number 55 on TOP500

"Atos is incredibly proud to see the concrete results of the Tera1000 project," said Philippe Vannier, CTO in the Atos Group. "Today we are taking a major stepFirst...

Rescale Adds HPC and AI Capabilities via the IBM Cloud
From insideHPC

Rescale Adds HPC and AI Capabilities via the IBM Cloud

"Most of the IT innovation that is happening today is with a cloud-first model,” said Joris Poort, co-founder and CEO of Rescale. “We’re building a platform that...

Video: One Stop Systems Takes GPU Density to the Next Level at SC16
From insideHPC

Video: One Stop Systems Takes GPU Density to the Next Level at SC16

In this video from SC16, Nate Parada from One Stop Systems describes the company's new High Density Compute Accelerator (HDCA) for Deep Learning. "The CA16000 High...

High-Throughput Genomic Sequencing Workflow
From insideHPC

High-Throughput Genomic Sequencing Workflow

A workflow to support genomic sequencing requires a collaborative effort between many research groups and a process from initial sampling to final analysis. Learn...

Food data at your fingertips
From Technology News

Food data at your fingertips

EPFL is launching, a website that provides the public with data on more than 14,000 food products sold in Switzerland. The website's data set will be...

Business Traffic in Real Time
From The Eponymous Pickle

Business Traffic in Real Time

We aimed to use public real-time webcam images to gauge traffic.   Google maps can now provide some of that same type of data, perhaps to estimate demand of products...

Chatbots in Business
From The Eponymous Pickle

Chatbots in Business

Not unlike digital assistants, but usually more primitive to date.  Usually act in a conversational mode in an existing stream of interaction.  Use AI, naturalAI...

Upcoming December Workshops in DC
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Upcoming December Workshops in DC

The Internet of Things: Impacting Scientific Data and Information Flows Agenda Register Here When: Friday, December 9, 2016, 9:00AM-4:45PM EST Where: National Academies...

Process Innovation with Data in a Digital World
From The Eponymous Pickle

Process Innovation with Data in a Digital World

Have always thought in terms of process.  By doing that you can think not only what a process produces in terms of value, but also in terms of data that can beThis...

From Computational Complexity

Should I tell HS students that if they do well I'll write them a letter OR do I want them to ...

I teach a 3-week intense course for HS students on cryptography during the summer. Some of the students are very good, interested, and working hard. I also give...

AllRecipes Launches 60K Recipes for Amazon Echo
From The Eponymous Pickle

AllRecipes Launches 60K Recipes for Amazon Echo

Allrecipes launches a 60K recipe file skill for the Amazon Echo, and other Alexa driven systems and devices.    Great idea.  Certainly useful for potential hands...

Table Delivery from Kiosk Orders at McD's
From The Eponymous Pickle

Table Delivery from Kiosk Orders at McD's

The test is now over, and rollout is starting to all 14K US stores.   Benefits seen were lower perceived wait times,  higher average order value,  about $1 perWill...

ASC17 Student Competitors to Gain Access to #1 Sunway TaihuLight Supercomputer
From insideHPC

ASC17 Student Competitors to Gain Access to #1 Sunway TaihuLight Supercomputer

Today the Asia Supercomputer Community announced that the world's fastest supercomputer, Sunway TaihuLight, will be used by students in the upcoming 2017 ASC Student...

Exascale Computing Project Gains Momentum Entering Year 2
From insideHPC

Exascale Computing Project Gains Momentum Entering Year 2

In this video from SC16, Paul Messina and Stephen Lee describe the mission, status, and recent milestones of the Exascale Computing Project. Now entering its second...
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