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Communications of the ACM



How much should air traffic controllers trust new flight management systems?
From Technology News

How much should air traffic controllers trust new flight management systems?

With airfares at their lowest point in seven years and airlines adding capacity, this year's Thanksgiving air travel is slated to be 2.5 percent busier than last...

Researchers discover most winter boots are too slippery to walk safely on icy surfaces
From Technology News

Researchers discover most winter boots are too slippery to walk safely on icy surfaces

A team of researchers from the iDAPT labs at Toronto Rehabilitation Institute-University Health Network are dedicated to keeping Canadians safer this winter by...

SAP HANA and Amazon Echo
From The Eponymous Pickle

SAP HANA and Amazon Echo

Have always been interested in how there might be practical business uses of voice driven assistant systems.  I am sure there are examinations occuring in industry...

Securing Communications in a Trump Administration
From Schneier on Security

Securing Communications in a Trump Administration

Susan Landau has an excellent essay on why it's more important than ever to have backdoor-free encryption on our computer and communications systems. Protecting...

Video: Supermicro Showcases Machine Learning Solutions on Intel Architecture
From insideHPC

Video: Supermicro Showcases Machine Learning Solutions on Intel Architecture

In this video from the Intel HPC Developer Conference, Akira Sano from Supermicro describes the company’s Machine Learning Solutions on Intel Architecture. “Supermicro...

Disney Canvas for Storytelling
From The Eponymous Pickle

Disney Canvas for Storytelling

We long wanted to see something like this.  For the non artist to express themselves in stories.  Is it easy enough?   Something closer to storyboarding might be...

CERN Selects T-Systems and Huawei for Helix Nebula Science Cloud
From insideHPC

CERN Selects T-Systems and Huawei for Helix Nebula Science Cloud

Today CERN announced that it has selected T-Systems and Huawei to design, prototype the pilot phase of the Helix Nebula Science Cloud. T-Systems and Huawei will...

Slack Handling Your Mail
From The Eponymous Pickle

Slack Handling Your Mail

Still some time before we get to this but it would be nice. Fine tuning the details, and handling exceptions well will be key.  Current Slack is no where close....

Software evolves by natural selection
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Software evolves by natural selection

Software evolves by natural selection, not by intelligent design. It is a massive trial-and-error process. There are many thousands of programmers working every...

Asetek Liquid Cooling Delivers Savings and Flexibility for HPC
From insideHPC

Asetek Liquid Cooling Delivers Savings and Flexibility for HPC

In this video from SC16, Steve Branton from Asetek describes the company's innovative liquid cooling systems for high performance computing. Unlike one-size-fits...

Chinese Research Team Wins Gordon Bell Prize using #1 Sunway TaihuLight Supercomputer
From insideHPC

Chinese Research Team Wins Gordon Bell Prize using #1 Sunway TaihuLight Supercomputer

A weather science team from China has won 2016 ACM Gordon Bell Prize for their research project, “10M-Core Scalable Fully-Implicit Solver for Nonhydrostatic Atmospheric...

Why Intel Omni-Path is Growing Fast on the TOP500
From insideHPC

Why Intel Omni-Path is Growing Fast on the TOP500

In this video from SC16, Joe Yaworsky describes how Intel Omni Path is gaining traction on the TOP500. As the interconnect for the Intel Scalable System Framework...

Using IBM Watson in Business
From The Eponymous Pickle

Using IBM Watson in Business

This oversimplifies the task of using a capability like IBM/Watson, but is still a good introduction. Non technical, suggestive as to the possibilities.   AlsoWilliam...

Blockchain for Tracking the Supply Chain
From The Eponymous Pickle

Blockchain for Tracking the Supply Chain

More depth on this effort.   Reliable tracking and trransparency creates potential data for many kinds of analytics.   And simply knowing where things are to recall...

Headphones as Microphones
From Schneier on Security

Headphones as Microphones

Surprising no one who has been following this sort of thing, headphones can be used as microphones....

Police worried they lack powers to probe phone involvement in crashes: new study
From Technology News

Police worried they lack powers to probe phone involvement in crashes: new study

Police officers are worried they lack the right powers and resources to properly investigate whether a mobile phone was being used by a driver at the time of a...

From Computational Complexity

Music Theory for Theorists

I fully completed and passed my first MOOC, Fundamentals of Music Theory, a Coursera course out of the University of Edinburgh. I played the tuba in college and...

Where’s Wally? In Search of Citizen Perspectives on the Smart City
From Putting People First

Where’s Wally? In Search of Citizen Perspectives on the Smart City

Where’s Wally? In Search of Citizen Perspectives on the Smart City by Vanessa Thomas, Ding Wang and Louise Mullagh of the HighWire Centre for Doctoral TrainingWhere...

Most expensive destroyer in Navy history breaks down
From Technology News

Most expensive destroyer in Navy history breaks down

The most expensive destroyer ever built for the Navy suffered an engineering problem in the Panama Canal and had to be towed to port.

Government Propaganda on Social Media
From Schneier on Security

Government Propaganda on Social Media

Vice Motherboard has an interesting article about governments using social-media platforms for propaganda and surveillance, and the companies that are supporting...
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