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AT&T Offers Limited Text Chat via Alexa
From The Eponymous Pickle

AT&T Offers Limited Text Chat via Alexa

A first, integrating multiple communications channels via Alexa.  Here from AT&T.  Still quite limited, 10 contacts only, but I like the direction.   Closer toAmazon...

Using Wi-Fi to Detect Hand Motions and Steal Passwords
From Schneier on Security

Using Wi-Fi to Detect Hand Motions and Steal Passwords

This is impressive research: "When CSI Meets Public WiFi: Inferring Your Mobile Phone Password via WiFi Signals": Abstract: In this study, we present WindTalker...

Bots in the Azure Cloud
From The Eponymous Pickle

Bots in the Azure Cloud

More capabilities for building Bots.   I think the definition is still too loose. Microsoft launches Azure Bot Service to bring more bots and AI into the cloud by...

Hololens Moving Towards Real World Applications Beyond Games
From The Eponymous Pickle

Hololens Moving Towards Real World Applications Beyond Games

Saw today a video demo from a Dutch company called Wortell, which is a Microsoft partner developing 'practical' applications of the Hololens. Using head mounted...

Heidelberg Laureate Forum
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Heidelberg Laureate Forum

Preparations for the fifth Heidelberg Laureate Forum are in full swing, and applications from young researchers to attend are now being accepted. The Heidelberg...

[Book] Collaborative Ethnography in Business Environments
From Putting People First

[Book] Collaborative Ethnography in Business Environments

Collaborative Ethnography in Business Environments Edited by Maryann McCabe Routledge 2017, 138 pages In a global and rapidly changing commercial environment, businesses...

Turning Data into Leverage
From The Eponymous Pickle

Turning Data into Leverage

You have data, there is pressure to gather and archive more.  What is its value?Turning data into leverageOzan Turgut discusses how to use visualization and analytics...

Medical Device Security
From The Eponymous Pickle

Medical Device Security

In the CACM:  Was brought directly to my attention recently.   This is video history, but useful as an introduction as well.  Covers well beyond data security,...

Memory Modes For Increased Performance on Intel Xeon Phi
From insideHPC

Memory Modes For Increased Performance on Intel Xeon Phi

The Intel Xeon Phi processor supports different types of memory, and can organize this into three types of memory mode. The new processor from Intel contains two...

Examples of Python Implementation of Machine Learning
From The Eponymous Pickle

Examples of Python Implementation of Machine Learning

Jim Spohrer retweeted  by  Randy Olson @randalThis is usefully instructiveMinimal and clean #Python implementations of #MachineLearning algorithms. #DataScience...

This Blog Gets more Security
From The Eponymous Pickle

This Blog Gets more Security

This is useful for better security.  I have verified its operation. Google informs me:" .. Your HTTPS settings have changed. All visitors are now able to view your...

Manage Your Lustre HPC Storage with the new Dashboard from RAID Inc.
From insideHPC

Manage Your Lustre HPC Storage with the new Dashboard from RAID Inc.

In this video from SC16, Yugendra Guvvala, VP of Technology at RAID Inc. describes the company's new Dashboard software. The Dashboard provides a single pane of...

What’s Next for HPC? A Q&A with Michael Kagan, CTO of Mellanox
From insideHPC

What’s Next for HPC? A Q&A with Michael Kagan, CTO of Mellanox

As an HPC technology vendor, Mellanox is in the business of providing the leading-edge interconnects that drive many of the world's fastest supercomputers. To learn...

Asetek Sports Eight Installations on the TOP500 Supercomputer List
From insideHPC

Asetek Sports Eight Installations on the TOP500 Supercomputer List

"With the accelerating trend of higher wattages and the continuing requirement of high density, the need for adaptable, cost effective, and reliable liquid cooling...

Hacking Password-Protected Computers via the USB Port
From Schneier on Security

Hacking Password-Protected Computers via the USB Port

PoisonTap is an impressive hacking tool that can compromise computers via the USB port, even when they are password protected. What's interesting is the chain of...

Nimbix & Xilinx Accelerate FPGA-Based Workloads in the Cloud
From insideHPC

Nimbix & Xilinx Accelerate FPGA-Based Workloads in the Cloud

Today Nimbix announced the immediate availability of the Xilinx SDAccel development environment for on-demand development, testing, and deployment of FPGA-accelerated...

From Computational Complexity

Computer Science Academic Hiring

My faculty recruiting season in 2016 never stopped. The spring recruiting season bled through summer right into various fall recruiting activities. How I envy my...

Drone had 'very near-miss' with plane near London's Shard
From Technology News

Drone had 'very near-miss' with plane near London's Shard

A drone just missed hitting an A320 plane flying above the Shard skyscraper in central London in July—one of several near-misses involving passenger jets in Britain...

Terraform: Up & Running is now available as an early release
From Writing

Terraform: Up & Running is now available as an early release

A funny thing happened last week. I wrote another book! It’s called Terraform: Up & Running and it’s now available as an early release in the O’Reilly Store!

Terraform: Up & Running is now available as an early release
From Writing

Terraform: Up & Running is now available as an early release

A funny thing happened last week. I wrote another book! It’s called Terraform: Up & Running and it’s now available as an early release in the O’Reilly Store!
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