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Thomas Sterling to Present on Runtime Systems Software for Future HPC at SC16
From insideHPC

Thomas Sterling to Present on Runtime Systems Software for Future HPC at SC16

This year at SC16 in Salt Lake City, Dr. Thomas Sterling from Indiana University will present: Runtime Systems Software for Future HPC: Opportunity or Distraction...

Brand as last Step in Customer Journey
From The Eponymous Pickle

Brand as last Step in Customer Journey

Think with Google presents an interesting and fundamental view of brand in the customer journey.

Graph Processing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Graph Processing

Silicon Angle mentions Neo4j and what they are calling graph processing.  Good to understand.   Will be looking  at the reported update.  See their introductory...

Researchers study human reaction to sharing control with driverless car
From Technology News

Researchers study human reaction to sharing control with driverless car

The first trials of the Venturer autonomous vehicle project, a Government backed research project, have focussed on a critical aspect in the field of autonomous...

Top AI Companies
From The Eponymous Pickle

Top AI Companies

Useful list of companies playing in the space at a number of levels.   Considerable variations.  Tools, systems, platforms, research.   How much is really off the...

The End of Intellectual Property?
From The Noisy Channel

The End of Intellectual Property?

Some people fear the singularity. I have a more mundane concern: are we approaching the end of intellectual property? Continue reading on »

Virtual Kidnapping
From Schneier on Security

Virtual Kidnapping

This is a harrowing story of a scam artist that convinced a mother that her daughter had been kidnapped. More stories are here. It's unclear if these virtual kidnappers...

PGS Acquires Galois Supercomputer from Cray
From insideHPC

PGS Acquires Galois Supercomputer from Cray

"Today’s most advanced seismic survey datasets encompass many hundreds of terabytes, and gaining insight from this data lies squarely at the convergence of supercomputing...

Interesting Links 17 October 2016
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 17 October 2016

Lots of announcements from the Computer Science Teachers Association this past week. We’ll start with them for this week’s links. 2017 CSTA Conference Call for...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Going For Two

Some football wisdom from Dick Karp Cropped from S.I. Kids source John Urschel is a PhD student in the Applied Mathematics program at MIT. He has co-authored two...

Graph Data Modeling Transforming Concept Maps to IT solution models
From The Eponymous Pickle

Graph Data Modeling Transforming Concept Maps to IT solution models

Just brought to my attention,  good thought to consider the conversion to real value.   Graph Data Modeling: Transforming Concept Maps to IT solution modelsby Chief...

Radio Free HPC Looks into the New OpenCAPI Consortium
From insideHPC

Radio Free HPC Looks into the New OpenCAPI Consortium

In this podcast, the Radio Free HPC team looks at the new OpenCAPI interconnect standard. "Released this week by the newly formed OpenCAPI Consortium, OpenCAPIRadio...

HPC: Retrospect & Looking Towards the Next 10 Years
From insideHPC

HPC: Retrospect & Looking Towards the Next 10 Years

In this video from the HPC Advisory Council Spain Conference, Addison Snell from Intersect360 Research looks back over the past 10 years of HPC and provides predictions...

2017 CSTA Conference Call for Proposals
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

2017 CSTA Conference Call for Proposals

The CSTA Annual Conference is my favorite conference for computer science education. I have been privileged to attend most of them over the years. And honored to...

Study says aggressive drivers see autonomous cars as easy prey
From Putting People First

Study says aggressive drivers see autonomous cars as easy prey

Aggressive drivers are looking forward to sharing the road with autonomous cars as they believe they can cut in front of them easily. This is how Peter Campbell...

Analogous Search Leading to Intelligence?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Analogous Search Leading to Intelligence?

Have always been interested in how analogy can be used, and how it can be used to convince.   Much used in advertising and marketing. Certainly something we doGoogle's...

Cyber Risk Disclosure
From The Eponymous Pickle

Cyber Risk Disclosure

Cyber Risk DisclosureNo secret that this has become very serious.  Now to what degree can we measure the risk involved, given the evolution of methods involvedCyber...

WACCPD Workshop at SC16 to Focus on Using Directives for Accelerators
From insideHPC

WACCPD Workshop at SC16 to Focus on Using Directives for Accelerators

The third Workshop on Accelerator Programming Using Directives (WACCPD) has posted their meeting agenda. Held in conjunction with SC16, the WACCPD workshop takes...

RCE Podcast Looks at the Julia Language for Technical Computing
From insideHPC

RCE Podcast Looks at the Julia Language for Technical Computing

In this RCE Podcast, Brock Palen and Jeff Squyres speak with the creators of the Julia programming language for technical computing. “Julia is a high-level, high...

Delivery Bots to Soon Test in DC
From The Eponymous Pickle

Delivery Bots to Soon Test in DC

With considerable advantages over drones in specific contexts.   Likely to become common in city scapes.   In CWorld:Autonomous delivery bots will soon stroll D...
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