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Productivity at Wal-Mart
From The Eponymous Pickle

Productivity at Wal-Mart

In New Innovation for productivity at Wal-Mart.How Wal-Mart May Revive U.S. Productivity — And Its Own Fortunes by Jed GrahamWal-Mart brought back...

New Masters in Interaction Design in Italy
From Putting People First

New Masters in Interaction Design in Italy

Gillian Crampton Smith (among others former director of the legendary Interaction Design Institute Ivrea) and Philip Tabor (among others fomer director of the Bartlett...

Friday Squid Blogging: Barramundi with Squid Ink Risotto
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Barramundi with Squid Ink Risotto

Squid ink risotto is a good accompaniment for any mild fish. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't...

Supercomputing Cancer Diagnostics with CyVerse
From insideHPC

Supercomputing Cancer Diagnostics with CyVerse

Adam Buntzman and his colleagues at the University of Arizona recently developed a tool that uses CyVerse supercomputing resources to create the first nearly comprehensive...

Data Science for an Internet of Things
From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Science for an Internet of Things

More extracts form the Open Gardens blog by Ajit.   Following now.Creating an open methodology for Internet of Things (IoT) Analytics: Data science for Internet...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Why Is Being Truthful A Good Thing?

In the context of stable matching problems Jamie Morgenstern is a researcher into machine learning, economics, and especially mechanism design. Today Ken and I...

AMD GPUs to Speed Alibaba Cloud
From insideHPC

AMD GPUs to Speed Alibaba Cloud

​Today AMD announced that the Alibaba Cloud will use AMD Radeon Pro GPU technology to help expand its cloud computing offerings and accelerate adoption of its cloud...

Jack Dongarra Presents: Adaptive Linear Solvers and Eigensolvers
From insideHPC

Jack Dongarra Presents: Adaptive Linear Solvers and Eigensolvers

Jack Dongarra presented this talk at the Argonne Training Program on Extreme-Scale Computing. "ATPESC provides intensive, two weeks of training on the key skills...

Target to Test Vertical Farms in Stores
From The Eponymous Pickle

Target to Test Vertical Farms in Stores

Interesting play that uses existing real estate footprints.  Attract new consumers.  Place to test other technologies like drones and robotics to test sensor and...

Intel will add deep-learning instructions to its processors
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Intel will add deep-learning instructions to its processors

Some of the latest Intel processors support the AVX-512 family of vector instructions. These instructions operate on blocks of 512 bits (or 64 bytes). The benefit...

McKinsey Surveys the Gig Economy
From The Eponymous Pickle

McKinsey Surveys the Gig Economy

McKinsey via surveys and useful interpretation and advice for our 'industry'.Independent work: Choice, necessity, and the gig economyBy James Manyika, Susan Lund...

Job of the week: Director at NCI in Australia
From insideHPC

Job of the week: Director at NCI in Australia

NCI in Australia is seeking a new Director in our Job of the Week. Based in the Nation’s capital, and hosted by the Australian National University, NCI is supported...

New OpenCAPI Consortium to Boost Server Performance 10x
From insideHPC

New OpenCAPI Consortium to Boost Server Performance 10x

"IBM has decided to double down on our commitment to open standards and enablement of industry innovation by opening up access to our CAPI technology to the entire...

Evolving CRISP-DM
From The Eponymous Pickle

Evolving CRISP-DM

We examined, but never formally used Crisp-DM.  ( Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining ) Even if you do not use it formally, its worth looking at asIn...

I’m not saying that all CTO roles wouldn’t have played to my strengths and passions, just that this…
From The Noisy Channel

I’m not saying that all CTO roles wouldn’t have played to my strengths and passions, just that this…

I’m something of a hybrid between a chief scientist, engineering leader, and product leader. But I’m not particularly an IT and operations… Continue reading on...

Quantum Problems and Grocery
From The Eponymous Pickle

Quantum Problems and Grocery

Interesting because we looked at potential problems for quantum, and very combinatorial problems are there.  But not, practically,  delivery routing.   Which by...

AI That Turns a Body into a Digital Platform
From The Eponymous Pickle

AI That Turns a Body into a Digital Platform

Quite fascinating approach related in, with multiple and unexpected uses.Meet the AI That Turns a Body into a Digital PlatformMichael Molitch-Hou...

Cybersecurity Issues for the Next Administration
From Schneier on Security

Cybersecurity Issues for the Next Administration

On today's Internet, too much power is concentrated in too few hands. In the early days of the Internet, individuals were empowered. Now governments and corporations...

Security and the Internet of Things
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Security and the Internet of Things

Yesterday I wrote about Cars and Code about the intersection of transportation and software development. As a teaser I mentioned secure code and the need for that...

Meaning of Life without Work
From The Eponymous Pickle

Meaning of Life without Work

The Singularity University Asks:   What Is the Meaning of Life If Society Doesn’t Need You to Work Anymore?    by David J. Hill   With several people involved that...
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