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Communications of the ACM



Lists in the Virtual Assistant
From The Eponymous Pickle

Lists in the Virtual Assistant

In general have found the management of shopping, to-do and related lists in virtual assistants to be too primitive for general use.  People naturally think using...

Google's Daydream VR Examined
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google's Daydream VR Examined

Hand on look in Engadget.  Indxpensive,.Field of view claimed to be good.  Emerging content.  Only one compatible phone at this time, a key issue? Google's Daydream...

Pure Storage Introduces Petabyte Flash Arrays
From insideHPC

Pure Storage Introduces Petabyte Flash Arrays

Today Pure Storage announced the availability of petabyte-scale storage for mission-critical cloud IT, anchored by the release of the next-generation of FlashArray...

Cars and Code
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Cars and Code

The other day I heard someone talk about what it might be like if car makers or other manufacturers released products the way most companies released software.Ford...

The Asimov Institute
From The Eponymous Pickle

The Asimov Institute

Brought to my attention:Asimov Institute: Machine CreativityWe are an artificial intelligence research company that utilizes deep learning technology to develop...

White House Releases Report on the Future of Artificial Intelligence
From insideHPC

White House Releases Report on the Future of Artificial Intelligence

?Today, to ready the United States for a future in which Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays a growing role, the White House is releasing a report on future directions...

European Scientists Can Access more PRACE Supercomputing Power
From insideHPC

European Scientists Can Access more PRACE Supercomputing Power

European scientists and researchers can now apply for access to PRACE supercomputing resources through the PRACE Call 14. The post European Scientists Can Access...

Robotics Everywhere
From The Eponymous Pickle

Robotics Everywhere

Because the seas are much less crowded than the streets, robotics are taking over oceans for a number of purposes.   The air will soon be next.  In Technology Review...

Video: How to Reclaim your Application Performance
From insideHPC

Video: How to Reclaim your Application Performance

In this video from the HPC Advisory Council Spain Conference, Martin Hilgeman from Dell Technologies provides a detailed overview of how to approach code optimization...

South Big Data Hub DataStart Highlights
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

South Big Data Hub DataStart Highlights

As a result of the CCC / CRA Industry Academic Survey, conducted in spring of 2015 and the CCC Industry Roundtable Discussion held on July 24, 2015, the CCC partnered...

Preparing Code For Parallel Execution
From insideHPC

Preparing Code For Parallel Execution

With the advent of the tremendous compute density of new processors, it is important to understand if an application can take advantage of multicore. "Developers...

The Psychology of Bad Password Habits
From Schneier on Security

The Psychology of Bad Password Habits

Interesting data and analysis....

From Computational Complexity

2016 Fall Jobs Post

The weather cools down, the leaves change color and you start thinking about what you plan to do after you graduate. As a public service every year about this time...

Dishwasher Things Ordering Their Own Detergent
From The Eponymous Pickle

Dishwasher Things Ordering Their Own Detergent

A long time idea often discussed in the enterprise.   And another spin of the IOT.  In Business Insider:  by Leanna Garfield:  GE's new $1,500 dishwasher automatically...

Blockchain Reinventing Organizations
From The Eponymous Pickle

Blockchain Reinventing Organizations

When I first read about these methods, was not expecting that  Blockchain Will Transform And Reinvent Organizations, Ecosystems And Economies - in Forbes  By Shanker...

Free Online Cybersecurity Economics Course
From Schneier on Security

Free Online Cybersecurity Economics Course

TU Delft is running a free online class in cybersecurity economics....

White House OSTP Report- Preparing for the Future of Artificial Intelligence
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

White House OSTP Report- Preparing for the Future of Artificial Intelligence

This blog post was co-authored by CCC Staff and Greg Hager, Computing Community Consortium (CCC) Past Chair and Professor in the Department of Computer Science at...

Amazon Streams New Engagement
From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Streams New Engagement

Despite all the other aspects of the Amazon Echo,   I believe delivering music easily by voice command is the thing that gets most people interested.   It has flipped...

VR and Mental Health Care
From The Eponymous Pickle

VR and Mental Health Care

Saw this suggested a number of times a decade plus ago.  Can you set up environments to 'train' way issues like these?  It did not seem to gain traction then,  Does...

NYU Advances Robotics with Nvidia DGX-1 Deep Learning Supercomputer
From insideHPC

NYU Advances Robotics with Nvidia DGX-1 Deep Learning Supercomputer

In this video, NYU researchers describe their plans to advance deep learning with their new Nvidia DGX-1 AI supercomputer. “The DGX-1 is going to be used in just...
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