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Communications of the ACM



Supercomputer Power Management
From insideHPC

Supercomputer Power Management

Today’s HPC supercomputers have significant power requirements that must be considered as part of their Total Cost of Ownership. In addition, efficient power management...

UX in government: Why we need to stop calling it “citizen experience”
From Putting People First

UX in government: Why we need to stop calling it “citizen experience”

Cultural anthropologist Jamie Lee writes that she is fully on board with UX’s role in the public sector, and that she is an advocate for its unique role in more...

Interview with an NSA Hacker
From Schneier on Security

Interview with an NSA Hacker

Peter Maas interviewed the former NSA official who wrote the infamous "I Hunt Sysadmins" memo. It's interesting, but I wanted to hear less of Peter Maas -- I already...

Security Analysis of TSA PreCheck
From Schneier on Security

Security Analysis of TSA PreCheck

Interesting research: Mark G. Stewart and John Mueller, "Risk-based passenger screening: risk and economic assessment of TSA PreCheck increased security at reduced...

Software Social Organisms: Implications for Measuring AI progress
From The Eponymous Pickle

Software Social Organisms: Implications for Measuring AI progress

 " ... Just a reminder about our Cognitive Systems Institute Group Speaker Series on Thursday June 30, 2016 at 10:30 am ET US (9:30am CT, 7:30 am PT).  Our presenter...

Thomas Sterling presents: HPC Achievement and Impact 2016
From insideHPC

Thomas Sterling presents: HPC Achievement and Impact 2016

Thomas Sterling presented this keynote at ISC 2016 in Frankfurt. "Even as the hundred petaflops era is coming within sight, more dramatic programs to achieve exaflops...

White House OSTP Request for Information on Artificial Intelligence
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

White House OSTP Request for Information on Artificial Intelligence

The Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) just released a Request For Information (RFI) on Artificial Intelligence. Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies...

Ask for A Skill You Need
From The Eponymous Pickle

Ask for A Skill You Need

You can now enable an Amazon Echo skill by just asking for it.  Makes lots of sense.  Does assume you know the name of the skill and how it works.   More important...

Supercomputing Gravitational Waves at NCSA
From insideHPC

Supercomputing Gravitational Waves at NCSA

"Gravitational wave astrophysics will enter a new phase during the second observing run," said Eliu Huerta, head of the relativity group at NCSA and leader of the...

Supercomputing the Link Between Life and Water
From insideHPC

Supercomputing the Link Between Life and Water

"For a long time, scientists have been trying to figure out how water interacts with proteins. This is a fundamental problem that relates to protein structure,Supercomputing...

The Value of Bots for Banks
From The Eponymous Pickle

The Value of Bots for Banks

 We were closely involved in the knowledge architecture for bots for consumer interfaces, so this is a very interesting development.  How does this adapt to the...

KAUST Empowers Researchers to Think Big
From insideHPC

KAUST Empowers Researchers to Think Big

In this special guest feature, Jane Glasser writes that Saudi Arabia has moved into the global supercomputing top ten with Shaheen II, a 200,000-core behemoth that...

For SGI, This is Supercomputing at ISC 2016
From insideHPC

For SGI, This is Supercomputing at ISC 2016

In this video from ISC 2016, Gabriel Broner from SGI describes the company's innovative solutions for high performance computing. "As the trusted leader in high...

Facebook Using Physical Location to Suggest Friends
From Schneier on Security

Facebook Using Physical Location to Suggest Friends

This could go badly: "People You May Know are people on Facebook that you might know," a Facebook spokesperson said. "We show you people based on mutual friends...

Politicians need to commit to ethnographic research if they want to understand people
From Putting People First

Politicians need to commit to ethnographic research if they want to understand people

Business anthropologist Simon Roberts has campaigned hard for the “Remain” side in the UK referendum and is deeply disappointed. He now explores a topic that IPoliticians...

[Book] The Ethics of Influence: Government in the Age of Behavioral Science
From Putting People First

[Book] The Ethics of Influence: Government in the Age of Behavioral Science

The Ethics of Influence: Government in the Age of Behavioral Science by Cass R. Sunstein Cambridge University Press, September 2016 In recent years, ‘Nudge Units’...

US Navy turns to cloud technology to reduce drunken driving
From Technology News

US Navy turns to cloud technology to reduce drunken driving

An American sailor has tapped a cloud-based technology for mobile phones to make it easier to have volunteers take turns driving drunk friends home, an initiative...

Numerical to Categorical
From The Eponymous Pickle

Numerical to Categorical

From DSC, my comments: Converting Numerical to Categorical variables.   Simple, largely non technical piece on the topic.  Whats nice about this approach, when...

Project Tango Video
From The Eponymous Pickle

Project Tango Video

Video of project Tango, using a smartphone, here used to map and discover contents of a Barcelona complex museum floor.   Consider retail applications to make navigation...

Amazon Marketplace for Curriculum
From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Marketplace for Curriculum

In the midst of developing a curriculum  ....Amazon Is Taking On Google in the Battle for the ClassroomIn Time by Leena RaoAmazon is looking to deepen its tiesUntil...
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