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Teaching Journalists About Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Teaching Journalists About Data

Although this seems more about writing it very large than getting it correct and interactive and usable by everyone.The Office of Creative Research, a New York  By...

Microsoft US MIE Forum 2016–Day 1
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Microsoft US MIE Forum 2016–Day 1

I’m in Denver for the Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert Forum this weekend. I’ve spent some time at these events in the past but those times I was there as a...

Graphs in Smart Data Lakes
From The Eponymous Pickle

Graphs in Smart Data Lakes

Just lately noticed the similarity between the concept of a graphical databases and data visualization.  So why not use graph visualization to best understand broad...

Counter-Advice for the PhD
From updated sporadically at best

Counter-Advice for the PhD

Recently I attended the Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop, a program to introduce advanced undergraduates and early-stage PhD students to research in general...

Turning Your mail into a Personal Assistant
From The Eponymous Pickle

Turning Your mail into a Personal Assistant

Interesting piece out of the IFTTT blog. Here with GMail.   This shows a pretty trivial example of how to look at a stream like your GMail, apply some logic intelligence...

Altair Releases PBS Pro Source Code
From insideHPC

Altair Releases PBS Pro Source Code

Open source licensing for Altair’s market-leading HPC workload manager, PBS Professional, is now available. PBS Pro development communities are now forming andAltair...

Intel to Distribute SUSE High Performance Computing Stack
From insideHPC

Intel to Distribute SUSE High Performance Computing Stack

"The SUSE and Intel collaboration on Intel HPC Orchestrator and OpenHPC puts this power within reach of a whole new range of industries and enterprises that need...

Placemeter for Predictive Analysis
From The Eponymous Pickle

Placemeter for Predictive Analysis

I had mentioned this idea before, because it could detect both traffic and the type of traffic being experienced.   We examined methods of this type.  Now, howfor...

US Navy keeps electromagnetic cannon in its sights
From Technology News

US Navy keeps electromagnetic cannon in its sights

The US Navy is quietly pushing ahead with a radical new cannon that one day could transform how wars are fought, even though some Pentagon officials have voiced...

Seeking More Robotic Servants.
From The Eponymous Pickle

Seeking More Robotic Servants.

Its still hard to do many of the 'simple' tasks that are done in the home.  But at least we can prototype a number of them with robot like machines.  But when will...

Context Matters: Distributed Graph Algorithms and Runtime Systems
From insideHPC

Context Matters: Distributed Graph Algorithms and Runtime Systems

In this video from the PASC16 conference, Andrew Lumsdaine from Indiana University presents: Context Matters: Distributed Graph Algorithms and Runtime Systems.Context...

SGI Pangea is Industry’s Top Commercial Supercomputer on TOP500 List
From insideHPC

SGI Pangea is Industry’s Top Commercial Supercomputer on TOP500 List

At ISC 2016 this week, SGI announced that Total’s SGI ICE X supercomputer, Pangea, was recognized as the industry’s top commercial supercomputer in the prestigious...

Friday Squid Blogging: Bioluminescence as Camouflage
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Bioluminescence as Camouflage

Interesting: There is one feature of the squid that is not transparent and which could act as a signal to prey ­ the eyes. However, the squid has a developed protection...

Microsoft Flow
From The Eponymous Pickle

Microsoft Flow

Was reminded of Microsoft Flow today  (See also IFTTT)Microsoft FlowWork less, do moreCreate automated workflows between your favorite apps and services to getAutomate...

SAS Guide to Cognitive Computing
From The Eponymous Pickle

SAS Guide to Cognitive Computing

Nicely done and non technical via SAS.  It is interesting that I do not hear the term 'cognitive computing' too often by vendors, except for IBM.  Gotten into some...

IFTF Writes A Handbook for the Maker City
From The Eponymous Pickle

IFTF Writes A Handbook for the Maker City

I note that the Institute for the Future: IFTF, a nonprofit company I worked with for years, wrote for as well, has a Maker City Project underway.   They are publishing...

Future of Textbooks
From The Eponymous Pickle

Future of Textbooks

My recent connections to developing curriculums and teaching have made me think about all aspects of teaching and supporting teaching.  With all the technologies...

Virtual Assistant for Documents
From The Eponymous Pickle

Virtual Assistant for Documents

Fileee is an intelligent, personal assistant that automatically organizes all of your paper and digital documents in one system. It’s the new filing cabinet of....

Crowdsourcing as a Weapon
From The Eponymous Pickle

Crowdsourcing as a Weapon

Hardly a secret weapon.  And managing it and understanding how well is works is still an issue.  But its always worth examining.  What is particularly nice is that...

Using Social Media to Discover Hidden Wealth
From Schneier on Security

Using Social Media to Discover Hidden Wealth

Stories of burglars using social media to figure out who's on vacation are old hat. Now financial investigators are using social media to find hidden wealth....
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