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Communications of the ACM



Seeking Submissions for the SC16 Impact Showcase
From insideHPC

Seeking Submissions for the SC16 Impact Showcase

"Organizations who are currently employing high performance computing to advance their competitiveness and innovation in the global marketplace can highlight their...

Mellanox Technology Accelerates the World’s Fastest Supercomputer
From insideHPC

Mellanox Technology Accelerates the World’s Fastest Supercomputer

Today Mellanox announced that the company's interconnect technology accelerates the world's fastest supercomputer at the supercomputing center in Wuxi, China. The...

A fast alternative to the modulo reduction
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

A fast alternative to the modulo reduction

Suppose you want to pick an integer at random in a set of N elements. Your computer has functions to generate random 32-bit integers, how do you transform suchContinue...

Calyos Demonstrates Water Free Cooling at ISC 2016
From insideHPC

Calyos Demonstrates Water Free Cooling at ISC 2016

In this video from ISC 2016, Olivier de Laet from Calyos describes the company’s innovative cooling technology for high performance computing. "The HPC industry...

Learning by Analogy
From The Eponymous Pickle

Learning by Analogy

Particularly interesting suggestion of how people are 'intelligent'.Making Computers Reason and Learn by AnalogyStructure-mapping engine enables computers to reason...

Industries That Need Flexible HPC
From insideHPC

Industries That Need Flexible HPC

Organizations that implement high-performance computing technologies have a wide range of requirements. From small manufacturing suppliers to national researchIndustries...

Court dismisses Snowden request for safe travel to Norway
From Technology News

Court dismisses Snowden request for safe travel to Norway

A Norwegian court has dismissed a lawsuit that sought a legal guarantee to allow Edward Snowden to travel to Norway without risk of being extradited to the United...

Kroger Opens Culinary Training Center in Cincinnati
From The Eponymous Pickle

Kroger Opens Culinary Training Center in Cincinnati

In Supermarketews: Shows the direction of retail to better understanding of the art and science of food.  Reminds me of our own work in innovation,  can focus on...

IOT for Product Performance
From The Eponymous Pickle

IOT for Product Performance

Using IoT Data to Understand How Your Products Perform" .... Yet it would be a mistake to think the IoT is a game only for high rollers and crack technologists....

Crowdsourcing a Database of Hotel Rooms
From Schneier on Security

Crowdsourcing a Database of Hotel Rooms

There's an app that allows people to submit photographs of hotel rooms around the world into a centralized database. The idea is that photographs of victims of...

Authentically Engaging Your Customers
From The Eponymous Pickle

Authentically Engaging Your Customers

From Kellogg Insight: " ... For decades, one-off marketing campaigns were the biggest game in town.Since the rise of the internet, however—and, in particular, the...

A Quantum Computer Primer
From The Eponymous Pickle

A Quantum Computer Primer

Via Andreessen Horowitz     A 28 minute video:" .... So what is a quantum computer and “qubits” — especially as compared to a traditional computer and bits? What...

From Computational Complexity

There is now a Bounded Discrete Envy Free Cake Cutting Protocol!

Lance: Bill, there is a new result on cake cutting that was presented at STOC! Do you want to blog about it? Bill: Do snakes have hips! Does a chicken have lips...

From Computational Complexity

There is now a Bounded Discrete Envy Free Cake Cutting Protocol!

Lance: Bill, there is a new result on cake cutting that was presented at STOC! Do you want to blog about it? Bill: Do snakes have hips! Does a chicken have lips...

Teaching Hard Math to  Children
From The Eponymous Pickle

Teaching Hard Math to Children

Adventures in math metaphors for teachers and parents.  How to you teach what most students fear, even to the very young?  Pass it on.    In Reddit. 

Microsoft US MIE Forum 2016–Day 2
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Microsoft US MIE Forum 2016–Day 2

Day two started with a keynote by Stephen Reid about game playing in education. It was very interesting and he showed samples of a lot of games. He spent the most...

Video: How HPC Unlocks Competitive Advantage
From insideHPC

Video: How HPC Unlocks Competitive Advantage

In this video, Addison Snell from Intersect360 Research shares how HPC can unlock innovations for a competitive advantage. "Dell HPC solutions are deployed across...

Mellanox and PNNL to Collaborate on Exascale System
From insideHPC

Mellanox and PNNL to Collaborate on Exascale System

Today Mellanox announced a joint technology collaboration with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) to architect, design and explore technologies for future...

Performance Metrics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Performance Metrics

Bernard Marr concisely writes on the 'little data' of performance metrics.   This links well with my constant refrain, the data, big or otherwise, however cleverly...

Rethinking Design Thinking
From The Eponymous Pickle

Rethinking Design Thinking

Rethink Design ThinkingPublished on May 20, 2016  by Subbu IyerDesign Thinking is not a Problem Solving Tool.Start believing that it is one of the most naturalProblems...
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