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Communications of the ACM



Smart Contracts Defined
From The Eponymous Pickle

Smart Contracts Defined

Brought to my attention in talk by Steve Mohundro: Smart Contracts.   On line WP definition:  " ... are computer protocols that facilitate, verify, or enforce the...

Help expand K-5 computer science education
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Help expand K-5 computer science education

Saw this item via the CSTA announcements mailing list. is hoping to expand K-5 computer science education by recruiting qualified computer science teachers...

Streamlining Meetings, Sharing Ideas
From The Eponymous Pickle

Streamlining Meetings, Sharing Ideas

Have recently been looking at how software can improve organization and discovered the below. Not endorsing it, but seeking to understand the options being developed...

Business Simplification
From The Eponymous Pickle

Business Simplification

In Knowledge@Wharton: " ... Business simplification is a strategic imperative for today’s companies if they wish to unlock innovation and position themselves for...

Ways of Using VR In the Enterprise
From The Eponymous Pickle

Ways of Using VR In the Enterprise

A CW piece on using VR in the enterprise.   Have mentioned our own experiments in the past.  Whatever it is it has to be easy to use, provide significant value,...

Self Organization
From The Eponymous Pickle

Self Organization

Is self organization hard?  Complexity studies would seem to indicate that it is easy, with  just a few rules.  Perhaps it is because we can't state the objective...

Copying Algorithms from the Brain
From The Eponymous Pickle

Copying Algorithms from the Brain

Followed the Numenta work from the beginning.  Interesting, but never saw it close to being ready for real application.  Now a deeper plunge.  Not just using the...

How to prepare educators to teach coding/CS
From Computer Science Teachers Association

How to prepare educators to teach coding/CS

As part of my role as the CSTA Board member for K-8, I have been working with an amazing team of computer science (CS) educators – the CSTA K-8 Task force to host...

Alternatives to the FBI's Manufacturing of Terrorists
From Schneier on Security

Alternatives to the FBI's Manufacturing of Terrorists

John Mueller suggests an alternative to the FBI's practice of encouraging terrorists and then arresting them for something they would have never have planned on...

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality–the Future of Education?
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality–the Future of Education?

Recently a friend of mine sent me a link to a YouTube video about an Augmented Reality Sandbox. It was pretty cool. Cool enough that it looks like a lot of people...

Positioning the Five V's of Big Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Positioning the Five V's of Big Data

Bernard Marr on the 5 V's of big data.   A info visual that explains.  Two many V's I believe, but the points made are interesting.  All very useful considerations...

Archives On Line
From The Eponymous Pickle

Archives On Line

A long time history buff, and student of how knowledge is stored and curated online.  We tried to apply some of these ideas, like Wikis, in the enterprise. New,...

Podcast: Michael Papka and Susan Coghlan on the 180 Petaflop Aurora Supercomputer
From insideHPC

Podcast: Michael Papka and Susan Coghlan on the 180 Petaflop Aurora Supercomputer

In this Tech Shift podcast, Michael Papka and Susan Coghlan from Argonne National Laboratory discuss the 180 Petaflop Aurora supercomputer scheduled for deployment...

Brains and Computers, Singularities
From The Eponymous Pickle

Brains and Computers, Singularities

Technical Philosophy In the Edge:Death Is OptionalYuval Noah Harari and Daniel Kahneman: A Video Conversation"Once you really solve a problem like direct brain-computer...

Parallel Implementation of PK-PD Parameter Estimation on Intel Xeon Phi
From insideHPC

Parallel Implementation of PK-PD Parameter Estimation on Intel Xeon Phi

"Pharmacokinetic (PK) and Pharmacodynamic(PD) parameters determine the develop-ability of a drug candidate and estimation of them are time consuming and there is...

HPC Helps Solve Challenges of Personalized Medicine
From insideHPC

HPC Helps Solve Challenges of Personalized Medicine

A number of challenges exist for both the wider adoption of technologies that can impede personalized medicine workflows and the implementation of such systems....

New OSC Supercomputer Named After Civil Rights Activist Ruby Dee
From insideHPC

New OSC Supercomputer Named After Civil Rights Activist Ruby Dee

Today the Ohio Supercomputer Center unveiled their new 144 Teraflop Ruby supercomputer. Powered by Intel Xeon Phi, the 144 Teraflop HP system is named after Cleveland...

We are citizens, not mere physical masses of data for harvesting
From Putting People First

We are citizens, not mere physical masses of data for harvesting

The deal we have struck with the information society over the extent to which our lives are shaped and our privacy invaded requires urgent renegotiation, argues...

Pepper-Spray Drones
From Schneier on Security

Pepper-Spray Drones

India has purchased pepper-spray drones....

CERIAS 2015 Symposium Now Online!
From CERIAS Blog

CERIAS 2015 Symposium Now Online!

The 2015 CERIAS symposium — held March 24 & 25, 2015 — was wonderful! We had a great array of speakers and panels, and one of our largest audiences in years. The...
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