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WATCH Talk- Inside Anonymous
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

WATCH Talk- Inside Anonymous

The next WATCH Talk, called Inside Anonymous, is Tuesday, April 8, 12:00-1:00PM EST.  The presenter is Gabriella (Biella) Coleman, the Wolfe Chair in Scientific...

Very Small Computers
From The Eponymous Pickle

Very Small Computers

In the CACM:  Smaller than a grain of rice.  Possibilities for injection into many places in the internet of things.   " ... Computers used to consume whole rooms...

Celebrating Two Years of Blue Waters Supercomputing at NCSA
From insideHPC

Celebrating Two Years of Blue Waters Supercomputing at NCSA

This week NCSA celebrated two years of Blue Waters supercomputing in an event convened by U.S. Senator Mark Kirk. The powerful Cray supercomputer is used by scientists...

Video: Workload Driven Memory Registration
From insideHPC

Video: Workload Driven Memory Registration

In this video from the 2015 OFS Developer's Workshop, Parav Pandit from Emulex presents: Workload Driven Memory Registration.The post Video: Workload Driven Memory...

Slidecast: Bridging HPC and Big Data Analytics with Software Defined Storage
From insideHPC

Slidecast: Bridging HPC and Big Data Analytics with Software Defined Storage

"IBM Spectrum Scale is a proven, scalable, high-performance data and file management solution (based upon IBM General Parallel File System or GPFS, also formerly...

Knowledge Management at Boeing links to Behavior
From The Eponymous Pickle

Knowledge Management at Boeing links to Behavior

Its about behaviors, not tools.  How often that is so true.  You need to know the behavior (decisions) before you choose your tools.  In the APQC blog by Lauren...

Radio Free HPC on the Silence of the Google
From insideHPC

Radio Free HPC on the Silence of the Google

Google’s investment in artificial intelligence does more than just create better search results; it allows Google’s engineers to make constant algorithm changes...

Managing Beyond the Probable, to the Possible
From The Eponymous Pickle

Managing Beyond the Probable, to the Possible

Good piece.   Much innovation does not do what is suggested.  It drives towards the possible in an uncertain world.  How can executives manage this?  I see a place...

Choosing Average v Beautiful
From The Eponymous Pickle

Choosing Average v Beautiful

In AdAge:  Newest episode in Unilever Dove's real beauty Ad campaign sets up a very simple experiment.  Sets up two doors heading to the same location in a city...

New IT Roles Produce a Slew of New Job Titles
From Computer Science Teachers Association

New IT Roles Produce a Slew of New Job Titles

In case you missed this article in March, I thought I would share it here. The topic is a good one for discussion with students who might not see themselves...

NIST Invites Comments on Challenges in Protecting Consumer Data
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NIST Invites Comments on Challenges in Protecting Consumer Data

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) invites the public to comment on a draft report from the Feb. 12, 2015, Executive Technical Workshop on...

Spectra Logic Enhances BlackPearl Deep Storage
From insideHPC

Spectra Logic Enhances BlackPearl Deep Storage

Today Spectra Logic announced updates and enhancements to its BlackPearl Deep Storage Gateway that allow data to move seamlessly into deep tape storage in a new...

Real Estate and Augmented Reality
From The Eponymous Pickle

Real Estate and Augmented Reality

An obvious application.  Has been tried a great deal.   But it still needs something sensory beyond simple 3D viewing.  What kind of sensory augmentation couldNotes...

Spring Research Update
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Spring Research Update

It's been a while since I last did a research update. With spring (sort of) arriving, there's no better time to reflect on a winter's worth of hard work.First /...

Video: eScience Training and Education in Sweden
From insideHPC

Video: eScience Training and Education in Sweden

"This talk will give an overview of training and graduate education initiatives in Sweden in the eScience and high performance computing areas and show why these...

McKinsey on the Rise of People Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

McKinsey on the Rise of People Analytics

Good McKinsey piece on a space we spent much time on, HR analytics.   Hardly completely new technique.  Was done long before 'Big Data', using Operations research...

[Book] Practical Empathy
From Putting People First

[Book] Practical Empathy

Practical Empathy: For Collaboration and Creativity in Your Work by Indi Young Rosenfeld Media, 2015 Synopsis Conventional product development focuses on the solution...

LUG 2015 Starts Next Week with Fresh Lustre 2.7 Release
From insideHPC

LUG 2015 Starts Next Week with Fresh Lustre 2.7 Release

Today OpenSFS announced the release of Lustre 2.7, the latest version of the popular open source parallel file system. With continuing development funded by OpenSFS...

Nimbix Cloud Case Study Coming to HPC User Forum
From insideHPC

Nimbix Cloud Case Study Coming to HPC User Forum

Dr. Mustafa Kara will underscore the value that HPC powered by Nimbix’s JARVICE platform brings to big data compute jobs such as CFD.The post Nimbix Cloud CaseinsideHPC...

Cell Phone Opsec
From Schneier on Security

Cell Phone Opsec

Here's an article on making secret phone calls with cell phones. His step-by-step instructions for making a clandestine phone call are as follows: Analyze your...
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