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The National Academy of Science Forum on Cyber Resilience
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

The National Academy of Science Forum on Cyber Resilience

  The National Academies (NAS) Forum on Cyber Resilience held its inaugural meeting this week in Washington, DC. The Forum is focused on advancing the national...

Maximizing Big Data Value
From The Eponymous Pickle

Maximizing Big Data Value

In Baseline Mag:  A slideshow on how companies are maximizing big data value.   A useful quick scan.

Amazon Echo as Smart Home Hub
From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Echo as Smart Home Hub

Have been following the Amazon Echo work for some time.  In particular its implication for other connections in the Smart Home.   Our own brain stormed discussions...

Getting Started with Spark in Python
From The Eponymous Pickle

Getting Started with Spark in Python

Another useful piece about the technical aspects of working with Big Data analytics.    " ... Although far from a complete introduction to Spark, we hope that you...

Keeping Up with the Growth of Scientific Data
From insideHPC

Keeping Up with the Growth of Scientific Data

"Metadata, or data about data, lets scientists find the valuable data they are looking for. Metadata especially helps find value in data that’s been created byKeeping...

Attacking Researchers Who Expose Voting Vulnerabilities
From Schneier on Security

Attacking Researchers Who Expose Voting Vulnerabilities

Researchers found voting-system flaws in New South Wales, and were attacked by voting officials and the company that made the machines....

From Computational Complexity

FCRC 2015

Every four years the Association for Computing Machinery organizes a Federated Computing Research Conference consisting of several co-located conferences and some...

Video: Fabrics – Why We Love Them and Why We Hate Them
From insideHPC

Video: Fabrics – Why We Love Them and Why We Hate Them

In this video from the 2015 OFS Developer's Workshop, Dave Dunning from Intel presents: Fabrics - Why We Love Them and Why We Hate Them.The post Video: FabricsinsideHPC...

Surprise and Simplicity in User Experience
From The Eponymous Pickle

Surprise and Simplicity in User Experience

Discussion in Retailwire:   Good thoughts on the retail user experience.    It should be about delighting the consumer I was always told, but the balance with simplicity...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

A Quantum Two-Finger Exercise

More mileage than expected from a little example Cropped from World Science Festival source Sean Carroll is a cosmologist in the Department of Physics at Caltech...

What does it mean for a software company/startup to be able to iterate quickly?
From Writing

What does it mean for a software company/startup to be able to iterate quickly?

My answer on Quora to What does it mean for a software company/startup to be able to iterate quickly?:

Goal: Cognitive Assistants for all Jobs
From The Eponymous Pickle

Goal: Cognitive Assistants for all Jobs

Via Jim Spohrer, how can you join into the task?  I have joined in.Cognitive Systems Institute Group (CSIG)'s mission is cognitive assistants for all occupations...

P&G Selling More Beauty Brands
From The Eponymous Pickle

P&G Selling More Beauty Brands

Quite a big sell off.  In BizJournals:  " ... Cincinnati-based P&G (NYSE: PG) sent sale documents to potential bidders for its Wella haircare unit along with cosmetics...

SGI Solutions for Next Generation Sequencing
From insideHPC

SGI Solutions for Next Generation Sequencing

The SGI UV system allows computational biologists to take a different, far more effective approach to dealing with the huge data sets generated by contemporarySGI...

NineSigma and Open Source Innovation
From The Eponymous Pickle

NineSigma and Open Source Innovation

Listened in on a talk from NineSigma.  Slides. Had been a while since I have connected with them.  I like their direction:" ... Dr. Mehran Mehregany founded NineSigma...

Thinking and Implementing Small
From The Eponymous Pickle

Thinking and Implementing Small

This reminds me of the work of E. F. Schumacher, read it in University, rarely mentioned these days it seems.  I like the reminder in this presentation.  " ... Kevlin...

Linking Data Sciences and Decisions
From The Eponymous Pickle

Linking Data Sciences and Decisions

I have mentioned many times,  that analytics needs to be closely connected to the decision making being addressed.  This is best done by having a business decision...

Optimizing Chilled Water Systems at ORNL
From insideHPC

Optimizing Chilled Water Systems at ORNL

Staff members at Oak Ridge National Laboratory are evaluating how supercomputers can be cooled more efficiently.The post Optimizing Chilled Water Systems at ORNL...

Lone-Wolf Terrorism
From Schneier on Security

Lone-Wolf Terrorism

The Southern Poverty Law Center warns of the rise of lone-wolf terrorism. From a security perspective, lone wolves are much harder to prevent because there is no...

Was life better in the 1970s?
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Was life better in the 1970s?

People from my generation often complain that their parents were better off. They are often quick to dismiss the Internet and smart phones as irrelevant to their...
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