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Communications of the ACM



Science and Art of Segmentation
From The Eponymous Pickle

Science and Art of Segmentation

A favorite topic.  Segmentation.  Classically a large amount of analytical effort in CPG  has been put into this topic. Is it science or art?   It is, both I agree...

Patterns in Traffic Flow
From The Eponymous Pickle

Patterns in Traffic Flow

Interesting piece in the BBC on the hidden ways of traffic flows.   A favorite topic.  In paricular how groups of entities act and interact.  Here it is more about...

Semiconductor Opportunities in the Internet of Things
From The Eponymous Pickle

Semiconductor Opportunities in the Internet of Things

Very good piece from McKinsey.  Lots of opportunity here in the semicondictor industry.   " ... The data amassed from these devices can then be analyzed to optimize...

[Book] Inventing the Muslim Cool
From Putting People First

[Book] Inventing the Muslim Cool

At Experientia we believe in the importance of understanding cultural differences, no matter how wide they might be. There is not much qualitative research, it...

Stand Alone Loyalty Systems
From The Eponymous Pickle

Stand Alone Loyalty Systems

Can Loyalty Marketing fulfill its promise? Good examination of the topic.  Ultimately it can achieve its promise through the natural integration of its data with...

New NSA Documents on Offensive Cyberoperations
From Schneier on Security

New NSA Documents on Offensive Cyberoperations

Appelbaum, Poitras and others have another NSA aticle with an enormous Snowden document dump on Der Spiegel, giving details on a variety of offensive NSA cyberoperations...

Texting is family glue for the 21st century
From Putting People First

Texting is family glue for the 21st century

Recent research from the University of Kansas looks at the way technological advancements influence interpersonal communication, with a focus on familial relationships...

Creating Cognitive Applications with the Watson API
From The Eponymous Pickle

Creating Cognitive Applications with the Watson API

Creating Cognitive Applications Powered by IBM Watson: Getting started with the APIby Kevin Haverlock, Sridhar Sudarsan" ... Cognitive computing systems are built...

Only Data Science Skill you Need
From The Eponymous Pickle

Only Data Science Skill you Need

In Data Science Central.  A simplistic view.  But true in a sense that it is the most important skill you should have.  Being able to come to understand and solve...

Microsoft Shuts Down Silicon Valley Research Lab
From The Eponymous Pickle

Microsoft Shuts Down Silicon Valley Research Lab

(In September) Unfortunate to hear, visited a number of times.  Is it because they feel they don't need a physical place to do research, or are they breaking it...

Power of Dark Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Power of Dark Data

A favorite topic.  Though I see my definition is broader.  It is data that is not used.  Maybe that is not accessible, but even that we do not know about.   The...

Distributed Information Processing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Distributed Information Processing

A lengthy article that gives cues to how we can use biological models for computation.  Video."... Biological systems, ranging from the molecular to the cellular...

Friday Squid Blogging: "Squid Jiggin' Ground"
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: "Squid Jiggin' Ground"

Classic song written by Arthur Scammell and performed by Hank Snow. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that...

Administration Includes Computing Initiatives In State of The Union Preview
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Administration Includes Computing Initiatives In State of The Union Preview

This week the Obama Administration has been previewing some of the topics the President will cover in his State of the Union address.  That speech will take place...

Continuous POV Cameras For Compliance
From The Eponymous Pickle

Continuous POV Cameras For Compliance

It has been called lifelogging, a means to record continuous clips of point-of-view images as you work or play.  It was suggested and tested for easily gathering...

My Superpower
From Schneier on Security

My Superpower

For its "Top Influencers in Security You Should Be Following in 2015" blog post, TripWire asked me: "If you could have one infosec-related superpower, what would...

Evolution of Wearables
From The Eponymous Pickle

Evolution of Wearables

Thad Starner, who we followed from his days at MIT, now a Prof at Ga Tech, discusses the history and evolution of wearbles.  In Computing Now.   Excellent details...

Interceptor Towers
From The Eponymous Pickle

Interceptor Towers

In Popsci: Phony cell phone towers.  This has been reported on for some time, with more details emerging.

Internet of Things and Big Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Internet of Things and Big Data

Is it all about data and leveraging analytics.  And an architecture to support them.In OReilly: " ... The Internet of Things (IoT) has a data problem. Well, four...

Mining Massive Databases
From The Eponymous Pickle

Mining Massive Databases

 Vincent Granville started the discussion "Mining Massive Datasets - Coursera Course (Stanford)" in the group Analytics Courses on AnalyticBridge.     Now looking...
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