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Communications of the ACM



Common Risks in America: Cars and Guns
From Schneier on Security

Common Risks in America: Cars and Guns

I have long said that driving a car is the most dangerous thing regularly do in our lives. Turns out deaths due to automobiles are declining, while deaths due to...

Case study: Service innovation in the public sector
From Putting People First

Case study: Service innovation in the public sector

Case study: Service innovation in the public sector Service Design Network site This case study is based on a series of public sector projects commissioned by the...

Videos online of Service Design Global Conference 2014
From Putting People First

Videos online of Service Design Global Conference 2014

On 7-8 October around 650 global thought leaders and practitioners from sectors such as hospitality, insurance, retail, telecommunications, finance, IT and healthcare...

Thinking  Moments of Truth with Google
From The Eponymous Pickle

Thinking Moments of Truth with Google

I recall that we introduced Google to the moment of truth mantra, and they popularized the zero aspect.  Just now in Thinking With Google, a collection of their...

3-1-1 for Encryption
From Schneier on Security

3-1-1 for Encryption

An excellent idea: 3­1­1 for encryption. RSA, DSA, and ECDSA must be 3.4 ounces (100bits) or less per container; must be in 1 quart-sized, clear, plastic, zip-top...

Open Source Application of Natural Language
From The Eponymous Pickle

Open Source Application of Natural Language

Natural language, our use of communications like text and speech and documents to communicate with other people,  would be the ideal way to communicate with computers...

From Computational Complexity

The Impact Factor Disease

The Institute of Science Information (ISI) was founded in 1960 to help index the every growing collection of scientific journals. The founder of ISI, Eugene Garfield...

Surface Pro 3 – First Thoughts
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Surface Pro 3 – First Thoughts

Thanks to a contest run by the Office Mix people I won a Surface Pro 3 for my school. And I get to use it which is great. I’ve had a Surface RT (first edition)TouchDevelop...

Data Brokers are Watching You
From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Brokers are Watching You

In the CACM:  " ... Digitization of analog data, along with advances in algorithms behind data analytics, has enabled a dramatic leap in the ability of data brokers...

Critical Resilient Infrastructure Systems and Processes
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Critical Resilient Infrastructure Systems and Processes

The National Science Foundation (NSF) Directorate for Computer & Information Science & Engineering (CISE) recently announced a new program called Critical Resilient...

Cognitively: How People Can and will Cooperate with Computers
From The Eponymous Pickle

Cognitively: How People Can and will Cooperate with Computers

Computers have already markedly changed the way we do work, in just a few decades.   Three sources below that show how we are taking another major step forward,...

Ezio Manzini’s introduction to design for social innovation
From Putting People First

Ezio Manzini’s introduction to design for social innovation

Design, When Everybody Designs – An Introduction to Design for Social Innovation By Ezio Manzini The MIT Press, 264 pages February 2015 In a changing world everyone...

The Security of Data Deletion
From Schneier on Security

The Security of Data Deletion

Thousands of articles have called the December attack against Sony Pictures a wake-up call to industry. Regardless of whether the attacker was the North Korean...

Snapchat and Showrooming
From The Eponymous Pickle

Snapchat and Showrooming

Did a long hands-on look in the early days of showrooming.  See the tag below.  Now some approaches in Adage where stores could use the ephemeral message service...

More on what to advertise when there is no commercial intent
From Geeking with Greg

More on what to advertise when there is no commercial intent

Some of the advertising out there is getting spooky. If you look at a product at many online stores, that product will then follow you around the web. Go to BBC...

Knauff and Nejasmic recommend banning  LaTeX
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Knauff and Nejasmic recommend banning LaTeX

Two German psychology professors, Knauff and Nejasmic, recently published a paper on the benefits of Microsoft Word over LaTeX. The paper was reported in Nature...

Unilever and Data Visualization
From The Eponymous Pickle

Unilever and Data Visualization

From FusionCharts:  Big companies understand the value." ... In 2010, the company set itself the target of doubling its revenues in a decade or less – without doubling...

Surveillance Detection for Android Phones
From Schneier on Security

Surveillance Detection for Android Phones

It's called SnoopSnitch: SnoopSnitch is an app for Android devices that analyses your mobile radio traffic to tell if someone is listening in on your phone conversations...

Instacart Fueling E-Commerce
From The Eponymous Pickle

Instacart Fueling E-Commerce

This slogs along slowly, but we are finally seeing more interest in the idea.  Informal polling of consumers in the early 2000s showed little interest.  Now the...

Flywheel Power
From The Eponymous Pickle

Flywheel Power

A soluton we examined.  The use of flywheels to store power to reduce charges for electical power spikes. In IEEE.
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