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Touch Interfaces in Communications
From The Eponymous Pickle

Touch Interfaces in Communications

This is not new, but continues to advance.  " .... The Communication Of The Future Is So Real You Can Touch It. Companies are starting to integrate Haptic Feedback...

Viking Runes as Encryption in the 1500s
From Schneier on Security

Viking Runes as Encryption in the 1500s

This is an interesting historical use of viking runes as a secret code. Yes, the page is all in Finnish. But scroll to the middle. There's a picture of the Stockholm...

WATCH Talk-Differential Privacy: Theoretical and Practical Challenges
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

WATCH Talk-Differential Privacy: Theoretical and Practical Challenges

The next WATCH Talk is this Thursday, January 15, 12:00-1:00pm EDT. Salil Vadhan will discuss Differential Privacy: Theoretical and Practical Challenges. Dr. Salil...

DataFloq: Connecting Data and People
From The Eponymous Pickle

DataFloq: Connecting Data and People

Had heard of Datafloq before, now taking a closer look.  " ... Datafloq is the One-Stop Shop around Big Data. We are the number one Big Data platform connecting...

Debunking Data Myths
From The Eponymous Pickle

Debunking Data Myths

In ClickZ: A set of useful cautions about what are really mostly very human assumptions.   Which summarize well in the statement that   'More is not always better'...

First edition of UX STRAT Europe to take place in Amsterdam this June
From Putting People First

First edition of UX STRAT Europe to take place in Amsterdam this June

And all keynote speakers are American… UX STRAT Europe will take place in Amsterdam on June 4 – 5, 2015 at the Tobacco Theater in the heart of Amsterdam. The conference...

New NIH Data Science Blog!
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

New NIH Data Science Blog!

Ever wondered what was going on in the data science community with relation to biomedical research? Ever wish to share your own knowledge about the field? No need...

How Surveillance Causes Writers to Self-Censor
From Schneier on Security

How Surveillance Causes Writers to Self-Censor

A worldwide survey of writers affiliated with PEN shows a significant level of self-censoring. From the press release: The report's revelations, based on a survey...

Interesting Links 12 January 2015
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 12 January 2015

It’s the end of the semester and I’ve been crazy busy. Outside projects, grading, exam writing, and more. Time for blogging seems to be in short supply these days...

Big Data and Visualization in Mining Industry
From The Eponymous Pickle

Big Data and Visualization in Mining Industry

Mining Global (@MiningGlobal) Jason Nitz of @Newmont Mining discusses the potential Big Data presents to the mining industry.   Good piece on an industry you usually...

How Lego used ethnographic studies to become the Apple of toys
From Putting People First

How Lego used ethnographic studies to become the Apple of toys

Or said differently: “If you want to understand how animals live, you don’t go to the zoo, you go to the jungle.” Jørgen Vig Knudstorp began turning the company...

Any Revolution Can Be Repurposed
From Wild WebMink

Any Revolution Can Be Repurposed

In fact this memorial to one — three days of killing in Paris over free speech and blasphemy — has been: The July Column in the Place de la Bastille in Paris –...

Home of the Future at CES
From The Eponymous Pickle

Home of the Future at CES

In Engadget: A connected home wrap up from last weeks CES.   Not very impressive.  Lots of pieces there, as we have seen over a number years, since we built our...

My Week at Hacker School
From updated sporadically at best

My Week at Hacker School

I first heard about Hacker School last summer. I had run into my friend Lindsey Kuper at a conference in Edinburgh. She told me that she had been a resident and...

Concept Maps Delivering Cognitive Systems
From The Eponymous Pickle

Concept Maps Delivering Cognitive Systems

I just posted a note in the Linkedin Group Cognitive Systems Institute: Using Concept Maps to Deliver Cognitive System Design: One of the methods we used to develop...

Careless Stereotyping
From Wild WebMink

Careless Stereotyping

I’ve been privileged to travel widely, and have had conversations with educated people in several countries where Islam is the norm. On one visit to the Levant,...

Disruption of Industry Forces
From The Eponymous Pickle

Disruption of Industry Forces

In GigaOM:  Well put overview of a survey.  Some expected things, others now.  I mostly agree with their statement that:   " ... It’s hard to disagree that new...

How can CPG Adapt
From The Eponymous Pickle

How can CPG Adapt

In CPG Matters,  new and interesting updates on the onrush of digital enterprise and implications for CPG:6 ways CPG companies can adaptThe consumer packaged goods...

Groups Promoting the Internet of Things
From The Eponymous Pickle

Groups Promoting the Internet of Things

In the CACM: In particular the issue of evolving standards and protocols is becoming important.  A good overview of the groups and participants forming.

Longer Container Ships
From The Eponymous Pickle

Longer Container Ships

A supply chain background piece.  With lots of instructive pictures and data. How container ships are changing world supply chains.  And about the largest container...
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