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TED Talks on Memory
From The Eponymous Pickle

TED Talks on Memory

An hour long, multiple episode talk on the topic of human memory. " ... Memory Games ... Memory is malleable, dynamic and elusive. In this hour, TED speakers discuss...

IKEA Hacks
From The Eponymous Pickle

IKEA Hacks

Hacking IKEA products.  In Gizmodo.  Fun but not very exciting.  Meanwhile IKEA is legally threatening the site because  the site has advertising.  Does not match...

Blog Statistics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Blog Statistics

Around new year I review some blog statistics.  Last December was a new record  for monthly blog visits, a total of 28,542.  

On a Data Analytics Champion
From The Eponymous Pickle

On a Data Analytics Champion

In CIO: Suggesting that every organization needs a data analytics champion.  I agree.   But its success  depends strongly on how you enable capabilities and reward...

Interactive Intent Modeling
From The Eponymous Pickle

Interactive Intent Modeling

A natural interaction of user and their behavior.  Note a number of recent posts in a related topic that uses personality modeling.  Here a hybrid approach.  Currently...

Happy Playful New Year
From Putting People First

Happy Playful New Year

The business of design consulting
From Putting People First

The business of design consulting

Robert Fabricant, who moved from design consultancy Frog to development consultancy Dalberg, writes that the business of design consulting is undergoing mass extinction...

The need for design history in HCI
From Putting People First

The need for design history in HCI

Carl DiSalvo, an associate professor in the Digital Media program at the Georgia Institute of Technology, is struck that there is very little design history in...

Senate Confirms Three Commissioners To The Election Assistance Commission
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Senate Confirms Three Commissioners To The Election Assistance Commission

For several months the Election Assistance Commission (EAC) has been without any Commissioners.  In December the Senate confirmed three nominees as Commissioners...

Judea Pearl Keynote Address
From The Eponymous Pickle

Judea Pearl Keynote Address

Keynote Lecture at the 2014 BayesiaLab User ConferenceSeptember 23, 2014, Los Angeles, CaliforniaFrom Bayesian Networks to Causal and Counterfactual Reasoning Judea...

Chief Analytics Officer
From The Eponymous Pickle

Chief Analytics Officer

The Ultimate Big Data job?   I don't know many of these positions around.  The article does a good job in describing what they could be.  Also a look at the differences...

Open Source Code not always Safe
From The Eponymous Pickle

Open Source Code not always Safe

In CWorld: Very good points made here about the use of software libraries.  Ran into exactly this problem a little while ago.  Just because everyone can see the...

Choose the Right Innovation Method
From The Eponymous Pickle

Choose the Right Innovation Method

In the HBR: " ... In the industries plagued by the most uncertainty, how do companies hold on to their ability to innovate? And how do they achieve, and keep, an...

More Data on Attributing the Sony Attack
From Schneier on Security

More Data on Attributing the Sony Attack

An analysis of the timestamps on some of the leaked documents shows that they were downloaded at USB 2.0 speeds -- which implies an insider. Our investigation...

Computing Breakthroughs in AI
From The Eponymous Pickle

Computing Breakthroughs in AI

Technology Review outlines technology breakthroughs in artificial intelligence.  2014 has been a very big year.  We are starting to see real applications in practice...

Donald Knuth on the History of Computing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Donald Knuth on the History of Computing

In CACM: Stanford Prof Donald Knuth is a hero to many of us who grew up during the real emergence of computing, to the point that most every person uses it personally...

Supermarkets, Customers and Big Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Supermarkets, Customers and Big Data

In Information Week:  Looking at how well companies understand their customers." ... It's no coincidence that supermarkets and banks, which have not just the technology...

Stream Computing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Stream Computing

Systems, devices, and people now generate vast streams of data.  How do we understand that data in real time?" ... Remember the blackout during Super Bowl XLVII...

Hyundai's Exobaby
From The Eponymous Pickle

Hyundai's Exobaby

A virally spreading video a car Ad about a baby covered by a exoskin by Hyundai.  This conceptual video demonstrates robotic assistance capabilities for humans....

My Favorite Teaching Tools from 2014
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

My Favorite Teaching Tools from 2014

This is the year I got serious about doing things differently in my class. Three tools really helped me out. Yes they are all from Microsoft and part of me really...
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