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? Saturday Hybrids
From Wild WebMink

? Saturday Hybrids

Listen to excellent dance-trance dub with us this weekend.

Toward a read/write urbanism
From Putting People First

Toward a read/write urbanism

What might we gain, asks Adam Greenfield, if we begin to conceive of cities, for some limited purposes anyway, as software under active development? What if we...

The imitation economy
From Putting People First

The imitation economy

Innovation is overrated, writes Drake Bennett in the Boston Globe. It’s time to appreciate the power of the copycat. “Invaluable though innovation may be, our relentless...

Machiavelli 2.0
From Putting People First

Machiavelli 2.0

Alexander Schellong, a senior consultant with CSC

Pope Benedict: people at the centre of the web
From Putting People First

Pope Benedict: people at the centre of the web

According to the Repubblica newspaper, the head of the Catholic Church has been arguing today for the centrality of the person on the web. We agree, but are surprised...

Psychology, climate change and sustainable behaviour
From Putting People First

Psychology, climate change and sustainable behaviour

Alexa Spence and Nick Pidgeon of Cardiff University write in Environment Magazine that meeting existing and future climate change targets will require rapid social...

links for 2010-04-24
From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-04-24

Final version of Procurement and Open Source Software Guideline published The European Commission's specialist open source unit, OSOR, has finally produced an official...

User experience in eGovernment
From Putting People First

User experience in eGovernment

Stepan Doubrava and Jakub Franc of ExperienceU (Czech Republic), argues on the Global User Research blog for the proper use of user-centred design principles in...

Challenging the limits of open society
From Putting People First

Challenging the limits of open society

Anand Giridharadas is one of my favourite writers at the New York Times and this time his reflection on the merits of open societies is particularly thought provoking...

Simplicity in Packaging
From The Eponymous Pickle

Simplicity in Packaging

A look at why complex times need simpler packaging.-

IDEO on mobile and human-centered design
From Putting People First

IDEO on mobile and human-centered design

The Mobile Behavior blog interviewed Robert Suarez, a senior portfolio lead in the Consumer Experience design (CXd) group at IDEO. With a background in User experience...

From Putting People First


The BBC UX&D team has published a global experience language for the BBC’s digital service: The GVL 3.0 guidelines are a reference point for all designers creating...

Opening Night US Imagine Cup Finals
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Opening Night US Imagine Cup Finals

The competitors have arrived in Washington DC (OK technically Chevy Chase MD) for the US Imagine Cup finals. Tonight started with a light dinner, some social time...

Cognitive Neuroscience Tapes
From The Eponymous Pickle

Cognitive Neuroscience Tapes

A number of interviews with neuroscientists as show on the Charlie Rose show are now online, an overview is posted at the Mindhacks Site. I have happened to see...

Friday Squid Blogging:
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging:

? Explaining Freedom
From Wild WebMink

? Explaining Freedom

Is satire a better tool than explanation for getting digital liberty issues onto the nation's political agenda?

Video Interviews with Me
From Schneier on Security

Video Interviews with Me

Mike Mimoso interviewed me at the RSA Conference last month.

Two Security Cartoons
From Schneier on Security

Two Security Cartoons

One, and two.

Preparing Future Elementary Teachers to Teach Computing
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Preparing Future Elementary Teachers to Teach Computing

This term, I am teaching an Education course to University of Oregon undergraduates entitled, Teachers as Cyborgs. Most of my students are juniors who intend to...

From Computational Complexity

A Post on the Post Post

On Monday Richard Lipton wrote a nice piece on the work of Emil Post, a famous logician who had great results and even greater questions in the early days of recursion...
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