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Communications of the ACM



Grade Inflation?
From My Biased Coin

Grade Inflation?

I know Harvard is supposed to be famous for its grade inflation, but that's not generally the case in my class (and, I think, for our CS classes in general).  Having...

Computers Making Better Drugs
From The Eponymous Pickle

Computers Making Better Drugs

From the CACM, good overview on computer drug design. Another example of intelligence via directed simulation. The power of abduction.

links for 2010-05-23
From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-05-23

Microsoft costs cut CSIRO IT jobs $3 million extra in licensing costs that clearly no-one had budgeted for, and lock-in that means there's no alternative but to...

Sarcasm Recognition
From The Eponymous Pickle

Sarcasm Recognition

A paper on a method of sarcasm recognition. I use emoticons sometimes in personal communications to make it clear I am being humorous, or at least not completely...

Programming Dojo
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Programming Dojo

Moderator's Note: This blog post was written by a university student in New Zealand who is very interested in teacher feedback on a new programming teaching tool...

Seeding a Startup Culture
From The Eponymous Pickle

Seeding a Startup Culture

What should a startup culture look like? Have been involved with a number now, both independent and within a much larger organization. They look similar, but are...

links for 2010-05-22
From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-05-22

xkcd: Infrastructures I've lost count of how many people sent me today's XKCD, complete with a bearded figure advocating use of open document formats… (tags: XKCD...

Digital Death Day
From Putting People First

Digital Death Day

On 20 May 2010 an event known as “Digital Death Day” brought together the businesses of social networking, data management and death care. One of its organisers...

Meta Products
From Putting People First

Meta Products

Meta Products is a fairly new blog (started in September 2009) related to developments on the Internet of Things. It is run by Wimer Hazenberg and Menno Huisman...

From Putting People First



Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Desktop
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Desktop


CSTA Voice
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

CSTA Voice

If you are interested in CS Education and haven't heard of CSTA's Voice newsletter (CSTA = ACM's Computer Science Teachers Association), go check it out!The CSTA...

Applications Disclosing Required Authority
From Schneier on Security

Applications Disclosing Required Authority

This is an interesting piece of research evaluating different user interface designs by which applications disclose to users what sort of authority they need to...

ACM elections reminder
From My Biased Coin

ACM elections reminder

I was asked to remind everyone that if they want to vote on the ACM elections, the deadline is May 24th.  Here is the official ACM election page.  You might note...

Psychologists View of User Experience
From The Eponymous Pickle

Psychologists View of User Experience

In UX Magazine, A simple short useful article on the topic of design for user experience. From the psychologists viewpoint. These are the kinds of things that seem...

Design Of The Other Things
From Putting People First

Design Of The Other Things

Experientia participates in the exhibition “Design Of The Other Things” at the Triennale Design Museum in Milan. Stefano Maffei is the curator of the exhibition...

Experience design: technology for all the right reasons
From Putting People First

Experience design: technology for all the right reasons

Experience Design: Technology for All the Right Reasons Marc Hassenzahl Morgan & Claypool, 2010 In his In the blink of an eye, Walter Murch, the Oscar-awarded editor...

Special issue on experience design
From Putting People First

Special issue on experience design

Last year, Mark Blythe, Effie Law and Marc Hassenzahl edited a special issue on Experience Design in the New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia. It features...

The psychologist
From Putting People First

The psychologist

Dr. Susan Weinschenk is a psychologist by training and education. She has been applying psychology to the design of technology for 30 years and is the author of...

From Putting People First


BeAware, an EU-supported research project, has created a solution to motivate and empower citizens to become active energy consumers, by offering them the opportunity...
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