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Do Your Knowledge Workers Have a Bitsmith?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Do Your Knowledge Workers Have a Bitsmith?

In HBR: The concept of a bitsmith for knowledge workers. An area of particular interest to me of late: " ... Along with my colleagues Jeff Hesse and Terry Holliday...

Ensuring Clean, Consistent Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Ensuring Clean, Consistent Data

A TDWI / SAS Paper on ensuring clean, consistent data. I have just been involved in a project where this could have saved us much money and time. Read it.

Security Fog
From Schneier on Security

Security Fog

An odd burglary prevention tool: If a burglar breaks in, the system floods the business with a dense fog similar to what's used in theaters and nightclubs. An...

Dealing with Competance Issues
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Dealing with Competance Issues

Engaging every student in computer science is a goal we all share. We label it diversity and know it is critical to a balanced industry and a competitive country...

From Computational Complexity

Is there a pangramic palindrome?

Pangrams are sentences that contain every letter of the alphabet. The classic is The quick brown fox jumped over a lazy dog. There are more here. Palindromes...

Seeking the Brain's True Capacity
From The Eponymous Pickle

Seeking the Brain's True Capacity

A short article in New Scientist. In computing we have precise measures of how much storage exists. In the brain, neither the method of storage nor how much room...

links for 2010-04-21
From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-04-21

Tech companies fear implications of trade pact It's good to see press coverage starting to appear about ACTA – hopefully the release of the current draft today...

Personal Code Ink
From Schneier on Security

Personal Code Ink

Remember SmartWater: liquid imbued with a uniquely identifiable DNA-style code? Well, Mont Blanc is selling a pen with uniquely identifiable ink.

New Silverlight 4 Training Kit Available
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

New Silverlight 4 Training Kit Available

  Microsoft has just released a new free Silverlight 4 Training Kit that walks you through building business applications with Silverlight 4. You can also download...

Tell me What I Should be Researching!
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Tell me What I Should be Researching!

I want to run a short crowdsourcing experiment: can the web give me better research directions? Or maybe good research directions for students, or readers of this...

The Screen and the Drum
From Putting People First

The Screen and the Drum

The latest issue of Design and Culture contains an article by Louise Crewe, Nicky Gregson and Alan Metcalfe on

The Brain Lies Also
From The Eponymous Pickle

The Brain Lies Also

Very good video of a talk by Neuroeconomics researcher Drazen Prelec at MIT. ' ... A pioneer in a

The Arrow of Time
From The Eponymous Pickle

The Arrow of Time

Ever wonder what the meaning of time is? A wonderful set of Ted lectures by Sean Carroll on the arrow of time. Mind-bending. Via Delaine Hampton.-

The Intersection of Education and Entertainment
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

The Intersection of Education and Entertainment

How many times have you heard a teacher say something like

The mythical reproducibility of science
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

The mythical reproducibility of science

David Donoho was among the first researchers to promote reproducible research through software publication

Young People, Privacy, and the Internet
From Schneier on Security

Young People, Privacy, and the Internet

There's a lot out there on this topic. I've already linked to danah boyd's excellent SXSW talk (and her work in general), my essay on privacy and control, andSecurity...

Advisors and Publications
From My Biased Coin

Advisors and Publications

There have been several interesting comments regarding the student/advisor relationship on my previous posts (here, here, and here) on co-authorship.  It's clearly...

Not All Women's Groups Are Harmful
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Not All Women's Groups Are Harmful

After reading Hilary Mason's Stop talking, start coding article, I was thinking about writing a reaction. It slipped my mind until Terri Oda wrote her piece Women...

links for 2010-04-20
From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-04-20

Women to blame for earthquakes, says Iran cleric If you are in any doubt about the size of the cultural gulf that separates societies on this planet, read and weep...

From Computational Complexity

Life without Flying

A reminder that registration for all three Cambridge conferences are now live: STOC (early registration deadline April 30), Complexity (May 3) and Electronic...
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