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News Archive


The news archive provides access to past news stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

January 2014

From ACM TechNews

New Smartphone App Helps Blind Find Their Way Inside Buildings

New Smartphone App Helps Blind Find Their Way Inside Buildings

A news smartphone app would allow the visually impaired to navigate independently inside buildings where the global positioning system does not work . 

From ACM News

The Best Time to Wage Cyberwar

The Best Time to Wage Cyberwar

If you discover a way to hack into your enemy's computers, do you strike while the iron is hot, or patiently wait for a better opportunity to arise?

From ACM News

Irs Under Pressure to Clarify Bitcoin Rules

Irs Under Pressure to Clarify Bitcoin Rules

The Internal Revenue Service is under mounting pressure to issue guidance clarifying how taxpayers should handle transactions involving bitcoin and other digital currencie

From ACM News

What the Heck Is a Ram Scraper?

What the Heck Is a Ram Scraper?

As the mystery around the credit card hacking at retail giants Target and Nieman Marcus continues to unfold, you’re going to start hearing a lot about something called a "RAM scraper."

From ACM TechNews

Ua-Developed Avatar Is Helping to Screen New Arrivals at Bucharest Airport

Ua-Developed Avatar Is Helping to Screen New Arrivals at Bucharest Airport

Researchers have developed a virtual border agent to identify and question suspicious international travelers. 

From ACM TechNews

'Superlens' Extends Range of Wireless Power Transfer

'Superlens' Extends Range of Wireless Power Transfer

Researchers have used metamaterials to create a superlens that focuses magnetic fields. 

From ACM TechNews

Techperts Predict Virtual Reality in Near Future

Techperts Predict Virtual Reality in Near Future

Virtual environments and virtual reality will transform education, entertainment, and scientific exploration. 

From ACM Opinion

This Company Sold Google a Quantum Computer. Here's How It Works.

This Company Sold Google a Quantum Computer. Here's How It Works.

I thought it would be interesting to hear from D-Wave, a start-up that has raised more than $130 million in venture capital and employs over 100 people.

From ACM Opinion

Confused About the Nsa's Quantum Computing Project? This MIT Computer Scientist Can Explain.

Confused About the Nsa's Quantum Computing Project? This MIT Computer Scientist Can Explain.

My Washington Post colleagues have reported on a National Security Agency program to to build a quantum computer.

From ACM News

Hubble Telescope Sees Star That May Explode Soon

Hubble Telescope Sees Star That May Explode Soon

The Hubble Space Telescope has captured a striking new photo of a doomed star poised to explode in a devastating supernova event.

From ACM News

The Next Data Privacy Battle May Be Waged Inside Your Car

The Next Data Privacy Battle May Be Waged Inside Your Car

Cars are becoming smarter than ever, with global positioning systems, Internet connections, data recorders and high-definition cameras.

From ACM TechNews

Eureka! New Tech Shrinks Cloud Computing's Carbon Footprint

Eureka! New Tech Shrinks Cloud Computing's Carbon Footprint

New algorithms designed to simulate a worldwide network of connected data centers can predict how to best limit carbon emissions from cloud computing. 

From ACM TechNews

Emory, Georgia Tech Team Up on High-Performance Computing Cluster

Emory, Georgia Tech Team Up on High-Performance Computing Cluster

Researchers at Emory University and Georgia Tech will share the computing power of TARDIS, a new high-performance computing cluster. 

From ACM TechNews

Computer Science: The Learning Machines

Computer Science: The Learning Machines

Deep-learning computers are advancing toward true artificial intelligence that will enable them to think as humans do. 

From ACM TechNews

Using Psychology to Create a Better Malware Warning

Using Psychology to Create a Better Malware Warning

A new report on the psychology of malware warnings suggests that using different language could make the messages more effective. 

From ACM TechNews

Nasa Robots Blaze the Trail For Humans on Mars

Nasa Robots Blaze the Trail For Humans on Mars

The U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Mars rovers "are our eyes, our feet, our hands on the ground that inform us before we get there." 

From ACM TechNews

Eye-Catching Electronics

Eye-Catching Electronics

Electronic components thinner and more flexible than previous technologies open up new possibilities for ultra-thin, transparent sensors. 

From ACM TechNews

Designing the Next Wave of Computer Chips

Designing the Next Wave of Computer Chips

A new class of nanomaterials that can self-assemble might enable the creation of nearly molecule-scale circuits. 

From ACM News

The Bitcoin-Mining Arms Race Heats Up

The Bitcoin-Mining Arms Race Heats Up

Joel Flickinger's two-bedroom home in the hills above Oakland, Calif., hums with custom-built computing gear.

From ACM Opinion

Lifelogging: What It's Like to Record Your Whole Life

Lifelogging: What It's Like to Record Your Whole Life

Gordon Bell, one of the first people to chronicle his existence digitally, explains how it has changed his life and the potential pitfalls.

From ACM News

Designing the Next Wave of Computer Chips

Designing the Next Wave of Computer Chips

Not long after Gordon E. Moore proposed in 1965 that the number of transistors that could be etched on a silicon chip would continue to double approximately every 18 months, critics began predicting that the era of "Moore’s Law…

From ACM TechNews

Engineers Make World's Fastest Organic Transistor, Heralding New Generation of See-Through Electronics

Engineers Make World's Fastest Organic Transistor, Heralding New Generation of See-Through Electronics

Researchers say their development of the world's fastest thin-film organic transistors proves the technology could be used in high-resolution TVs and other electronics. 

From ACM TechNews

Robotics Expert Warns Future 'is Coming Much Faster Than We Think'

Robotics Expert Warns Future 'is Coming Much Faster Than We Think'

Robotic technology itself may not be as challenging as the emerging social, ethical, and economic issues, says one robotics expert.

From ACM TechNews

Researchers Find Ways for More Efficient Control of Wind Power

Researchers Find Ways for More Efficient Control of Wind Power

Researchers have written algorithms to help optimize power grids after discovering that wind power plants at strategic locations can make grids more resilient to disruption. 

From ACM TechNews

Motorola Patents E-Tattoo That Can Read Your Thoughts By Listening to ­nvocalized Words in Your Throat

Motorola Patents E-Tattoo That Can Read Your Thoughts By Listening to ­nvocalized Words in Your Throat

Motorola Mobility has filed a patent application for an electronic smart tattoo that can intercept subtle voice commands, subvocal commands, and subconscious thoughts. 

From ACM TechNews

Tech Women Are Busy Building Their Own Networks

Tech Women Are Busy Building Their Own Networks

Despite their under-representation in technology careers, women are present in the field and increasingly network with one another to expand their opportunities. 

From ACM News

The Hottest Technology Not on Display at CES: Smart Radio Chips

The Hottest Technology Not on Display at CES: Smart Radio Chips

Beyond the glitz of the International Consumer Electronics Show, the wireless industry faces a fundamental problem: more features and faster data transmission are draining phones' batteries faster than ever.

From ACM News

Hubble Telescope Reveals Deepest View of the Universe Yet

Hubble Telescope Reveals Deepest View of the Universe Yet

The Hubble Space Telescope has glimpsed farther into the universe than any observatory before, producing the first of six new "deep field" images that show objects from the first billion years after the big bang.

From ACM TechNews

Findings From Data Management Pilot Announced

Findings From Data Management Pilot Announced

The Southeastern Universities Research Association recently announced the findings of the collaborative Dataverse Network project.

From ACM TechNews

One In, One Out: Oxford Study Shows People Limit Social Networks

One In, One Out: Oxford Study Shows People Limit Social Networks

People who use social media tend to communicate primarily with small numbers of close friends or relatives, according to a study from the University of Oxford.