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News Archive


The news archive provides access to past news stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

July 2022

From ACM TechNews

DeepMind Research Cracks Structure of Almost Every Known Protein

DeepMind Research Cracks Structure of Almost Every Known Protein

Scientists at DeepMind used its AlphaFold algorithm to predict the 3D shape of almost every known protein.

From ACM TechNews

Chips and Science Act Goes to Biden for Approval

Chips and Science Act Goes to Biden for Approval

Both chambers of the U.S. Congress this week passed the Chips and Science Act, earmarking $280 billion to strengthen U.S. innovation and technology hubs, including support for basic research and bolstering semiconductor chip …

From ACM TechNews

Fiber-Optic Cables Could Be Used for Spying

Fiber-Optic Cables Could Be Used for Spying

Device can eavesdrop on people up to 1 km away using existing fiber-optic cables.

From ACM TechNews

More Accurate Wildfire Monitoring Using Social Media

More Accurate Wildfire Monitoring Using Social Media

Wildfire prediction model uses social media and geophysical satellite data for more accurate real-time forecasting and monitoring.

From ACM TechNews

Network Visualization Tool Maps Information Spread

Network Visualization Tool Maps Information Spread

Indiana University Bloomington has launched an updated version of the Network Tool, a visualization tool that shows journalists, scientists, and the public how information propagates.

From ACM TechNews

AI Scours Brain Data to Spot Mental Illness Patterns

AI Scours Brain Data to Spot Mental Illness Patterns

Georgia State University researchers constructed a computer program that can sift through massive volumes of brain imaging data and identify new patterns associated with mental illness.

From ACM TechNews

A Secret Language of Cells? Cell Computations Uncovered

A Secret Language of Cells? Cell Computations Uncovered

Scientists at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) and  EPFL's Blue Brain Project have published a theory describing a secret cell language for sharing information about the outside world.

From ACM TechNews

Quantum Algorithm Simulates Evolving State of Quantum Particles

Quantum Algorithm Simulates Evolving State of Quantum Particles

Algorithm enables a new way to study properties of materials resulting from strong electron-electron interactions.

From ACM TechNews

AI Designs Proteins With Potential for Medicines, Vaccines

AI Designs Proteins With Potential for Medicines, Vaccines

University of Washington researchers developed an AI software that can design structures for proteins that do not exist, including compounds that might find use in cancer treatments and vaccines.

From ACM TechNews

Quantum Researchers Advance Error Handling

Quantum Researchers Advance Error Handling

A team led by researchers at the Flatiron Institute discovered a new phase of matter that has the potential to act as long-term quantum information storage.

From ACM TechNews

Using Wearable Tech to Detect COVID-19 before Onset of Symptoms

Using Wearable Tech to Detect COVID-19 before Onset of Symptoms

Opens the door to using commercially available health monitors to detect other infectious diseases.

From ACM TechNews

Experts Uncover 'CosmicStrand' UEFI Firmware Rootkit Used by Chinese Hackers

Experts Uncover 'CosmicStrand' UEFI Firmware Rootkit Used by Chinese Hackers

Rootkit hides in firmware images of Gigabyte or ASUS motherboards, all related to designs using the H81 chipset.

From ACM News

New Attack Can Unmask Anonymous Users on Any Major Browser

New Attack Can Unmask Anonymous Users on Any Major Browser

Researchers have found a way to use the web's basic functions to identify who visits a site—without the user detecting the hack.

From ACM News

Defending the Enterprise

Defending the Enterprise

Using chaos testing to stabilize cybersecurity.

From ACM TechNews

World Cup to Use Drones to Help Protect Stadiums

World Cup to Use Drones to Help Protect Stadiums

This year's World Cup soccer tournament in Qatar will employ autonomous radar-guided interceptor drones for stadium security.

From ACM TechNews

Agricultural Engineers Design Early Step for Robotic, Green-Fruit Thinning

Agricultural Engineers Design Early Step for Robotic, Green-Fruit Thinning

Agricultural engineers created a prototype end-effector that can remove unwanted apples from trees as a first step toward robotic, green-fruit thinning.

From ACM TechNews

HIV Combination Therapies Could Prevent Viral Escape, Rebound

HIV Combination Therapies Could Prevent Viral Escape, Rebound

Researchers designed a novel therapy for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that could prevent the virus from escaping treatment.

From ACM News

In Memoriam: Alexander Fraser

In Memoriam: Alexander Fraser

The projects he worked on or oversaw had a huge impact, either directly or indirectly.

From ACM News

Big Tech Builds AI with Bad Data, So Scientists Sought Better Data

Big Tech Builds AI with Bad Data, So Scientists Sought Better Data

BigScience is a global effort to build a more transparent, accountable AI, with less of the bias that infects so many Big Tech initiatives.

From ACM TechNews

Deep Learning Method Worth Its Salt

Deep Learning Method Worth Its Salt

A multi-institutional team of researchers led by the University of Cincinnati's Yu Shi has developed a technique for modeling the thermodynamic properties of molten salts via deep learning artificial intelligence.

From ACM TechNews

Scientists Expand Entomological Research Using Genome Editing Algorithm

Scientists Expand Entomological Research Using Genome Editing Algorithm

A team of scientists from Japan's Hiroshima University, the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, and the RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences has developed an algorithm that uses genome editing to broaden …

From ACM TechNews

Nanomagnets Can Choose a Wine, Could Quench AI's Thirst for Energy

Nanomagnets Can Choose a Wine, Could Quench AI's Thirst for Energy

Scientists at the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology, the University of Maryland, and Western Digital Technologies programmed a neural network from magnetic tunnel junctions and trained it to taste wines virtually…

From ACM TechNews

U.K. Project Will Create 165-Mile Drone Superhighway

U.K. Project Will Create 165-Mile Drone Superhighway

The U.K. government has approved plans for Skyway, a 165-mile drone superhighway that will connect towns across England and be used to survey infrastructure such as roads and ports.

From ACM TechNews

'Earable' Uses Sonar to Reconstruct Facial Expressions

'Earable' Uses Sonar to Reconstruct Facial Expressions

Cornell University researchers have developed a wearable earphone device that can reconstruct the wearer's face using sonar.

From ACM TechNews

Robot Dog Learns to Walk in One Hour

Robot Dog Learns to Walk in One Hour

Researchers taught a four-legged, dog-sized robot to walk in one hour with the help of a Bayesian optimization algorithm.

From ACM TechNews

Data Scientists Identify Lakes, Reservoirs Around the World

Data Scientists Identify Lakes, Reservoirs Around the World

Data scientists led an interdisciplinary team that developed a first-of-its kind comprehensive global dataset of the Earth's lakes and reservoirs.

From ACM TechNews

BCI Startup Implants First Device in U.S. Patient

BCI Startup Implants First Device in U.S. Patient

A brain-computer interface startup has implanted a wire-electrode combination in the brain of a U.S. patient with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

From ACM News

Inside China's Scramble to Overcome Microchip Crunch

Inside China's Scramble to Overcome Microchip Crunch

With global supplies tight, brokers are playing an outsize role in securing key components.

From ACM News

What to Do Now About Tomorrow's Code-Cracking Computers

What to Do Now About Tomorrow's Code-Cracking Computers

A future-proof way to encrypt sensitive data is now available. Put it to use.

From ACM News

Chip Investment Decisions Await Congressional Action on $52 Billion Funding Bill

Chip Investment Decisions Await Congressional Action on $52 Billion Funding Bill

Political wrangling slows progress on what began as bipartisan effort to restore America's semiconductor production prowess.

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