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News Archive


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February 2021

From ACM TechNews

Security Flaw Detected for 2nd Time in Credit Cards

Security Flaw Detected for 2nd Time in Credit Cards

Researchers at Switzerland's ETH Zurich have uncovered a method for bypassing security measures to use certain credit and debit cards without a PIN code.

From ACM TechNews

Prototype of Intelligent Underground Robotic System for Urban Environments Developed

Prototype of Intelligent Underground Robotic System for Urban Environments Developed

An international research team has developed a robot that can intelligently navigate underground in urban environments.

From ACM TechNews

Biden Signs Executive Order to Address Chip Shortage

Biden Signs Executive Order to Address Chip Shortage

On Wednesday, U.S. President Joe Biden addressed a global chip shortage with an executive order that aims to strengthen supply chains.

From ACM TechNews

Heavy Rain Affects Object Detection by Autonomous Vehicle LiDAR Sensors

Heavy Rain Affects Object Detection by Autonomous Vehicle LiDAR Sensors

Researchers have found that the LiDAR sensors in autonomous vehicles are less effective in detecting objects at a distance during periods of heavy rain.

From ACM News

Can Pat Gelsinger Turn Intel Around?

Can Pat Gelsinger Turn Intel Around?

The giant chipmaker's new boss has his work cut out.

From ACM News

The Long, Painful Path of Net Neutrality

The Long, Painful Path of Net Neutrality

Where the war over net neutrality stands, and why it (sort of) matters today.

From ACM News

Python Pioneer Assesses the 30-year-old Programming Language

Python Pioneer Assesses the 30-year-old Programming Language

Software engineer Pablo Galindo discusses the challenges of enabling a programming language to grow and evolve without sacrificing backward compatibility.

From ACM TechNews

Flexible Terahertz Camera Can Inspect Objects With Diverse Shapes

Flexible Terahertz Camera Can Inspect Objects With Diverse Shapes

A flexible, free-standing terahertz (THz) camera patch can film irregularly shaped objects more easily than traditional bulky and rigid THz cameras.

From ACM TechNews

This 'One-Stop Shop' Aims to Create a Roadmap for Security Careers

This 'One-Stop Shop' Aims to Create a Roadmap for Security Careers

The U.K. Cyber Security Council aims to serve as a "one-stop shop" for people seeking careers in information security.

From ACM TechNews

France Ties Russia's Sandworm to Multiyear Hacking Spree

France Ties Russia's Sandworm to Multiyear Hacking Spree

The French National Agency for the Security of Information Systems said attackers associated with Russian military hackers have been compromising French targets for years.

From ACM TechNews

Mining Traffic Data for Insights About the Pandemic

Mining Traffic Data for Insights About the Pandemic

TomTom's 2020 analysis of the world's traffic shows how the coronavirus spread across the globe.

From ACM News

Is MFA Needed to Improve Security?

Is MFA Needed to Improve Security?

Considering the outlook for multi-factor authentication applications.

From ACM News

GCHQ to Use AI to Tackle Child Sex Abuse, Disinformation, Trafficking

GCHQ to Use AI to Tackle Child Sex Abuse, Disinformation, Trafficking

The U.K.'s Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) has published a paper outlining how artificial intelligence could be used to help protect that nation.

From ACM News

California Wins Court Victory for Its Net Neutrality Law

California Wins Court Victory for Its Net Neutrality Law

A federal judge's ruling can allow the state to go ahead with its law while a lawsuit works its way through the courts.

From ACM News

A.I. Here, There, Everywhere

A.I. Here, There, Everywhere

Many of us already live with artificial intelligence now, but researchers say interactions with the technology will become increasingly personalized.

From ACM TechNews

Search-and-Rescue Drone Locates Victims by Homing in on Their Phones

Search-and-Rescue Drone Locates Victims by Homing in on Their Phones

The Search-And-Rescue DrOne platform integrates aerial drones, artificial intelligence, and smartphones to find survivors of disasters using signals from their phones.

From ACM TechNews

A Quantum Computer Just Solved a Decades-Old Problem Three Million Times Faster Than a Classical Computer

A Quantum Computer Just Solved a Decades-Old Problem Three Million Times Faster Than a Classical Computer

Researchers simulated some materials as much as 3 million times faster than a classical computer could through the process of quantum annealing.

From ACM TechNews

Your Data Is a Weapon That Can Help Change Corporate Behavior

Your Data Is a Weapon That Can Help Change Corporate Behavior

A study by Northwestern University researchers highlighted how the public can influence companies they think are misusing their data or engaging in unethical behavior.

From ACM TechNews

EU Report Warns AI Makes Autonomous Vehicles 'Highly Vulnerable' to Attack

EU Report Warns AI Makes Autonomous Vehicles 'Highly Vulnerable' to Attack

A report by the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) describes autonomous vehicles as "highly vulnerable to a wide range of attacks."

From ACM TechNews

Positive Reinforcements Help Algorithm Forecast Underground Natural Reserves

Positive Reinforcements Help Algorithm Forecast Underground Natural Reserves

Researchers have developed a reinforcement-based algorithm that automates forecasting of subterranean properties, enabling accurate prediction of oil and gas reserves.

From ACM TechNews

The Ap­pear­ance of Ro­bots Af­fects Our Per­cep­tion of the Mor­al­ity of Their De­cisions

The Ap­pear­ance of Ro­bots Af­fects Our Per­cep­tion of the Mor­al­ity of Their De­cisions

A study under the Moralities of Intelligent Machines project found the appearance of robots influences humans' perception of their decisions' morality.

From ACM News

Forget Chess—the Real Challenge Is Teaching AI to Play D&D

Forget Chess—the Real Challenge Is Teaching AI to Play D&D

Some artificial intelligence experts think role playing adventure games will help machines learn to be as clever as we are.

From ACM News

After Russian Cyberattack, Looking for Answers and Debating Retaliation

After Russian Cyberattack, Looking for Answers and Debating Retaliation

Senators and corporate executives warned Tuesday that the "scope and scale" of the hacking of government agencies and companies were still unclear.

From ACM News

A Digital Firewall in Myanmar, Built With Guns and Wire Cutters

A Digital Firewall in Myanmar, Built With Guns and Wire Cutters

As the military seized power again, the generals moved quickly to take the country offline, criminalize online dissent, and block social media.

From ACM News

DARPA's New Combat Drones Could Catch a Ride from Other Aircraft

DARPA's New Combat Drones Could Catch a Ride from Other Aircraft

The program aims to create autonomous, fighter-jet-like craft that would deploy from the sky and then wield air-to-air weapons.

From ACM TechNews

Developers: This Is the One Skill Most Likely to Get You Hired, According to IBM

Developers: This Is the One Skill Most Likely to Get You Hired, According to IBM

New IBM research revealed that developers with skills in creating open-source cloud technologies are more likely than other job candidates to receive a call-back.

From ACM TechNews

Supercomputer-Developed AI Predicts Tsunami Flooding in Real Time on a PC

Supercomputer-Developed AI Predicts Tsunami Flooding in Real Time on a PC

Researchers have developed an artificial intelligence model that can predict tsunami flooding in real time with high spatial resolution.


From ACM TechNews

Using Mathematical Models to Enable Transportation Decarbonization, Combat Climate Change

Using Mathematical Models to Enable Transportation Decarbonization, Combat Climate Change

Analysis of transit fleets in two Mexican cities found that 80% of operational bus days for studied routes were suitable for electrification.

From ACM News

30,000 Macs Infected with New Silver Sparrow Malware

30,000 Macs Infected with New Silver Sparrow Malware

Silver Sparrow can even run on systems with Apple's new M1 chip.

From ACM News

The View from On High

The View from On High

Satellite imagery could address the limitations in traditional sources of data.

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