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News Archive


The news archive provides access to past news stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

July 2023

From ACM News

AI Luggage for People with Visual Impairments Nets Rave Reviews

AI Luggage for People with Visual Impairments Nets Rave Reviews

The AI Suitcase offers features that surpass those of traditional smartphone guidance systems, providing enhanced safety and environmental awareness.

From ACM News

Why Meta is Giving Away its Extremely Powerful AI Model

Why Meta is Giving Away its Extremely Powerful AI Model

The AI debate splitting the tech world, explained.

From ACM News

The Robots We Were Afraid of Are Already Here

The Robots We Were Afraid of Are Already Here

The long-anticipated automation revolution has begun. Robots are ready to operate forklifts and do laundry. It's not as scary as it sounds.

From ACM News

U.S. Hunts Chinese Malware That Could Disrupt American Military Operations

U.S. Hunts Chinese Malware That Could Disrupt American Military Operations

American intelligence officials believe the malware could give China the power to disrupt or slow American deployments or resupply operations, including during a Chinese move against Taiwan.

From ACM News

OpenAI Discontinues Its AI Writing Detector Due to 'Low Rate of Accuracy'

OpenAI Discontinues Its AI Writing Detector Due to 'Low Rate of Accuracy'

Research shows that any AI writing detector can be defeated—and false positives abound.

From ACM News

Aided by A.I. Language Models, Google's Robots Are Getting Smart

Aided by A.I. Language Models, Google's Robots Are Getting Smart

Our sneak peek into Google's new robotics model, RT-2, which melds artificial intelligence technology with robots.

From ACM News

How Researchers Broke ChatGPT and What It Could Mean for Future AI Development

How Researchers Broke ChatGPT and What It Could Mean for Future AI Development

Researchers bypassed the safety guardrails for ChatGPT, Bard, and Claude with a series of adversarial attacks.

From ACM News

AI Helps Scientists Eavesdrop on Endangered Pink Dolphin

AI Helps Scientists Eavesdrop on Endangered Pink Dolphin

Acoustic tracking technology could feed into conservation projects in the Amazon and beyond.

From ACM News

Small Business Owners Embrace the Future – Majority Say They Will Adopt Generative AI

Small Business Owners Embrace the Future – Majority Say They Will Adopt Generative AI

Survey shows two out of three business owners will try the technology in the next 12 months; 44% expect to hire fewer people due to AI.

From ACM TechNews

Breakthrough in Monte Carlo Computer Simulations

Breakthrough in Monte Carlo Computer Simulations

A new algorithm uses Monte Carlo computer simulations more efficiently to explore nonequilibrium systems with long-range interactions.

From ACM TechNews

Using Cameras on Transit Buses to Monitor Traffic

Using Cameras on Transit Buses to Monitor Traffic

Ohio State University researchers monitored traffic using cameras already installed on the Campus Area Bus Service's transit buses.

From ACM TechNews

Laser Mapping Reveals Forgotten Maya City

Laser Mapping Reveals Forgotten Maya City

Laser-mapping technology uncovered a long-lost Mayan city in the jungles of Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula.

From ACM News

Researchers Poke Holes in Safety Controls of ChatGPT and Other Chatbots

Researchers Poke Holes in Safety Controls of ChatGPT and Other Chatbots

A new report indicates that the guardrails for widely used chatbots can be thwarted, leading to an increasingly unpredictable environment for the technology.

From ACM News

The SEC is Giving Companies Four Days to Report Cyberattacks

The SEC is Giving Companies Four Days to Report Cyberattacks

Critics question whether the new rules might do more harm than good.

From ACM News

This Tool could Protect Your Pictures from AI Manipulation

This Tool could Protect Your Pictures from AI Manipulation

PhotoGuard, created by researchers at MIT, alters photos in ways that are imperceptible to us but stops AI systems from tinkering with them.

From ACM TechNews

Robot Boosts Solar Energy Research

Robot Boosts Solar Energy Research

Scientists developed a new robot for advancing semiconductor materials discovery.

From ACM TechNews

That's Funny—but AI Models Don't Get the Joke

That's Funny—but AI Models Don't Get the Joke

A multi-institutional team of scientists tested artificial intelligence models' ability to understand humor.

From ACM TechNews

At Wagner's Festival, New Technology Reveals a Leadership Rift

At Wagner's Festival, New Technology Reveals a Leadership Rift

The use of augmented reality in a production of the opera "Parsifal" opening Germany's Bayreuth Festival has incited a financial and philosophical dispute.

From ACM TechNews

Stretchy Integrated Electronics May Be Possible with Sandwiched Semiconductor

Stretchy Integrated Electronics May Be Possible with Sandwiched Semiconductor

An international research team engineered a sandwiched semiconductor to provide elasticity to integrated electronics.

From ACM News

Getting to the Root of the Problem In Tree Digital Twin Models

Getting to the Root of the Problem In Tree Digital Twin Models

A new computational model simulates the coordinated three-dimensional development of trees and their roots.

From ACM News

Researchers Demonstrate 'Unconditionally Secure' Quantum Digital Payments

Researchers Demonstrate 'Unconditionally Secure' Quantum Digital Payments

The research represents a possible breakthrough in quantum communications and, potentially, the onset of the era of quantum fintech.

From ACM News

Concerns Grow about MFA Bypass Attacks

Concerns Grow about MFA Bypass Attacks

Cybercriminals increasingly are using specially crafted attacks to bypass Multi-Factor authentication.

From ACM News

The AI-Powered, Totally Autonomous Future of War Is Here

The AI-Powered, Totally Autonomous Future of War Is Here

Ships without crews. Self-directed drone swarms. How a U.S. Navy task force is using off-the-shelf robotics and artificial intelligence to prepare for the next age of conflict.

From ACM News

Creatives Are Fighting Back Against AI with Lawsuits

Creatives Are Fighting Back Against AI with Lawsuits

Will legal action force AI companies to change how they train their programs?

From ACM TechNews

Cleaning Up with TidyBot

Cleaning Up with TidyBot

A multi-institutional team of engineers mated a mobile robotic arm to a vision model and a large language model to create the TidyBot cleaning robot.

From ACM TechNews

How Hacking Honeybees Brings AI Closer to the Hive

How Hacking Honeybees Brings AI Closer to the Hive

Computer scientists have developed a new form of decision-making machine intelligence by analyzing the brains of honeybees.

From ACM TechNews

Impersonation Detection Feature Safeguards Brands, Personalities from Fake Accounts on Social Media

Impersonation Detection Feature Safeguards Brands, Personalities from Fake Accounts on Social Media

A Canadian firm has incorproated an impersonation protection feature into its social media monitoring platform.

From ACM News

'A Certain Danger Lurks There': How the Inventor of the First Chatbot Turned Against AI

'A Certain Danger Lurks There': How the Inventor of the First Chatbot Turned Against AI

Computer scientist Joseph Weizenbaum was there at the dawn of artificial intelligence – but he was also adamant that we must never confuse computers with humans.

From ACM News

The ESRB Wants to Start Using Facial Scanning Technology to Check People's Ages

The ESRB Wants to Start Using Facial Scanning Technology to Check People's Ages

The FTC is now seeking public feedback on the ESRB's proposal.

From ACM News

A New Chemistry

A New Chemistry

Oxygen-ion batteries power forward.

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