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News Archive


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January 2014

From ACM News

Silicon Brains That Think as Fast as a Fly Can Smell

Silicon Brains That Think as Fast as a Fly Can Smell

Researchers in Germany have discovered what they say is a way to get computers to do more than execute all the steps of a problem-solving calculation as fast as possible—by getting them to imitate the human brain's habit of finding…

From ACM News

'honey Encryption' Will Bamboozle Attackers with Fake Secrets

'honey Encryption' Will Bamboozle Attackers with Fake Secrets

Ari Juels, an independent researcher who was previously chief scientist at computer security company RSA, thinks something important is missing from the cryptography protecting our sensitive data: trickery.

From ACM News

Another Super Bowl Ad Fest, This Time on the Cellphone

Another Super Bowl Ad Fest, This Time on the Cellphone

Want to see the Vince Lombardi Trophy that goes to the Super Bowl winner? Take a left in 15 feet.

From ACM TechNews

Iu Scientist Exploring Artificial Intelligence

Iu Scientist Exploring Artificial Intelligence

Indiana University researchers want to use artificial intelligence to provide doctors with a tool to help them diagnose and treat patients. 

From ACM TechNews

We the Internet: Bitcoin Developers Seed Idea For Bitcloud

We the Internet: Bitcoin Developers Seed Idea For Bitcloud

Bitcoin developers want to decentralize the current Internet and replace it with a new Internet. 

From ACM TechNews

Augmented Reality Lifts Awareness of Nature Preservation

Augmented Reality Lifts Awareness of Nature Preservation

University of Colorado Denver digital design students have created an augmented reality app for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service .

From ACM TechNews

Scientist Developing 3D Chips to Expand Capacity of Microprocessors

Scientist Developing 3D Chips to Expand Capacity of Microprocessors

Researchers are working to develop three-dimensional integration, an emerging technology that would vertically stack multiple wafers. 

From ACM TechNews

Menthal App Reveals Just What a Screen Addict You've Become

Menthal App Reveals Just What a Screen Addict You've Become

A new app will allow smartphone owners to determine how much time they spend on their devices. 

From ACM News

N.s.a. Choice Is Navy Expert on Cyberwar

N.s.a. Choice Is Navy Expert on Cyberwar

In nominating Vice Adm. Michael S. Rogers as the new director of the National Security Agency on Thursday, President Obama chose a recognized expert in the new art of designing cyberweapons, but someone with no public track record…

From ACM Careers

Is Google Cornering the Market on Deep Learning?

Is Google Cornering the Market on Deep Learning?

How much are a dozen deep-learning researchers worth?

From ACM News

Curiosity Mars Rover Checking Possible Smoother Route

Curiosity Mars Rover Checking Possible Smoother Route

The team operating NASA's Mars rover Curiosity is considering a path across a small sand dune to reach a favorable route to science destinations.

From ACM TechNews

Beyond Moore's Law: Nanocomputing ­sing Nanowire Tiles

Beyond Moore's Law: Nanocomputing ­sing Nanowire Tiles

Ultra-small electronic computer systems currently under development push beyond the imminent end of Moore's Law, researchers say. 

From ACM TechNews

Not Ok, Glass

Not Ok, Glass

PlaceAvoider is software that uses computer-vision techniques to identify potentially confidential or embarrassing pictures taken with new devices such as Google Glass. 

From ACM TechNews

Internet2 Extends Reach to Smaller Colleges and ­niversities

Internet2 Extends Reach to Smaller Colleges and ­niversities

Internet2 recently announced that it is expanding to smaller colleges and universities that have "notable research projects and cyberinfrastructure needs." 

From ACM TechNews

Joining ­p Computer Memory

Joining ­p Computer Memory

Researchers say innovative electrodes will help make new resistive random access memory technologies compatible with existing circuitry. 

From ACM News

Which Genes Did We Get From Neandertals?

Which Genes Did We Get From Neandertals?

Tens of thousands of years ago along the balmy Mediterranean coast, or in some desert oasis in the Middle East, a hunky Neandertal male lusted after a modern human maiden.

From ACM News

Beams of Sound Immerse You in Music Others Can't Hear

Beams of Sound Immerse You in Music Others Can't Hear

If you're sick of wading through a clogged email inbox or scrolling through endless Twitter timelines, Jörg Müller has a more fun way of sifting through your messages: sound.

From ACM Opinion

How Real Is Spike Jonze's 'her'? Artificial Intelligence Experts Weigh In

How Real Is Spike Jonze's 'her'? Artificial Intelligence Experts Weigh In

In Spike Jonze's Oscar-nominated, futuristic film 'Her,' computers compose music, carry on seamless conversations with humans, organize emails instantaneously, and even fall in love.

From ACM News

Watching Electrons Move Within an Atom

Watching Electrons Move Within an Atom

Can scientists image the motion of electrons inside atoms?

From ACM News

More on Deepmind: AI Startup to Work Directly With Google’s Search Team

More on Deepmind: AI Startup to Work Directly With Google’s Search Team

Google has been buying a lot of crazy stuff lately.

From ACM Opinion

Icann Ceo Sets Off Explosion of New Internet Names

Icann Ceo Sets Off Explosion of New Internet Names

Starting next week, the Internet is going to look very different—and ICANN Chief Executive Fadi Chehade is the one who'll get both the credit and the blame.

From ACM TechNews

Some Consider Msr India Mecca of Theoretical Computer Science: Jeannette Wing

Some Consider Msr India Mecca of Theoretical Computer Science: Jeannette Wing

In an interview, Microsoft Research's Jeannette M. Wing discusses innovation in India, women in software research, and this year's research trends.

From ACM TechNews

The National Guard Takes on Hackers

The National Guard Takes on Hackers

Governors, legislators, and other organizations are increasingly pushing to use the National Guard to help address the issue of cybersecurity. 

From ACM TechNews

Japanese Organizations Claim White Spaces Broadband Breakthrough

Japanese Organizations Claim White Spaces Broadband Breakthrough

Researchers say they have used the IEEE 802.22 standard for TV white spaces to achieve a "historic breakthrough" in long-range broadband communications. 

From ACM TechNews

How Can Supercomputers Survive a Drought?

How Can Supercomputers Survive a Drought?

Recent drought conditions around the United States have increased concerns over the tremendous amount of water required to run data centers and supercomputers. 

From ACM TechNews

­.s. Computer Scientists Reject Mass Surveillance

­.s. Computer Scientists Reject Mass Surveillance

Fifty influential American computer scientists have signed an open letter urging the United States to reject mass surveillance and preserve privacy. 

From ACM News

Nasa Preparing For 2014 Comet Watch at Mars

Nasa Preparing For 2014 Comet Watch at Mars

This spring, NASA will be paying cautious attention to a comet that could put on a barnstorming show at Mars on Oct. 19, 2014.

From ACM TechNews

The Holodeck Begins to Take Shape

The Holodeck Begins to Take Shape

Holodecks similar to the simulated-reality rooms seen on "Star Trek" could be available by 2024, according to some scientists and researchers. 

From ACM Opinion

Virtual Worlds Are Real

Virtual Worlds Are Real

Ever since virtual worlds and online games emerged in the mainstream consciousness around 2005, the media has insisted on framing them as escapist fantasies.

From ACM News

A 96-Antenna System Tests the Next Generation of Wireless

A 96-Antenna System Tests the Next Generation of Wireless

Even as the world's carriers build out the latest wireless infrastructure, known as 4G LTE, a new apparatus bristling with 96 antennas taking shape at a Rice University lab in Texas could help define the next generation of wireless…

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