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Communications of the ACM

News Archive


The news archive provides access to past news stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

June 2023

From ACM TechNews

Barred from Grocery Stores by Facial Recognition

Barred from Grocery Stores by Facial Recognition

The use of facial recognition by private businesses in the U.K. is on the rise.

From ACM TechNews

Turning Old Maps into 3D Digital Models of Lost Neighborhoods

Turning Old Maps into 3D Digital Models of Lost Neighborhoods

Researchers have converted old Sanborn Fire Insurance maps into three-dimensional digital models of historic neighborhoods with a new machine learning technique.

From ACM TechNews

Computer Model Predicts Crop Yields

Computer Model Predicts Crop Yields

Scientists built a computer model that predicts cotton, corn, sorghum, and soybean yields in the southeastern U.S.

From ACM News

AI's Invisible Foe: Confronting the Challenge of Digital 'Dark Matter'

AI's Invisible Foe: Confronting the Challenge of Digital 'Dark Matter'

The digital dark matter is a result of scientists borrowing computational techniques from computer vision AI.

From ACM News

Quantum Computing Could Get Boost from Discovery of Q-Silicon

Quantum Computing Could Get Boost from Discovery of Q-Silicon

The researchers showed laser melting and quenching silicon can result in the formation of Q-silicon. The entire process is completed in less than a fraction of a microsecond.

From ACM News

Hope, Fear, and AI

Hope, Fear, and AI

We polled 2,000 people about how they're using AI, what they want it to do, and what scares them about it the most.

From ACM News

Professor AI: Harvard Plans to Deploy ChatGPT-like Bot as Computer Science instructor

Professor AI: Harvard Plans to Deploy ChatGPT-like Bot as Computer Science instructor

Harvard University is planning to deploy a ChatGPT-like AI bot as an instructor in one of its Computer Science courses.

From ACM TechNews

Emulating How Krill Swim to Build Robotic Platform for Ocean Navigation

Emulating How Krill Swim to Build Robotic Platform for Ocean Navigation

Researchers at Brown University and the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México invented a robotic platform that mimics metachronal swimming to navigate underwater.

From ACM TechNews

Paper-Like, Battery-Free, AI-Enabled Sensor for Holistic Wound Monitoring

Paper-Like, Battery-Free, AI-Enabled Sensor for Holistic Wound Monitoring

A battery-free holistic wound monitoring sensor patch uses artificial intelligence to identify the wearer's wounding healing status within 15 minutes.

From ACM TechNews

Researchers Make a Quantum Computing Leap with a Magnetic Twist

Researchers Make a Quantum Computing Leap with a Magnetic Twist

A team of researchers has taken a step toward building a fault-tolerant quantum bit by detecting "fractional quantum anomalous Hall" states using semiconductor-material flakes.

From ACM TechNews

Alphabet Bets on Lasers to Deliver Internet in Remote Areas

Alphabet Bets on Lasers to Deliver Internet in Remote Areas

The Taara project uses lasers to bring Internet access to remote and rural locations.

From ACM News

Biden Administration Weighs Further Curbs on Sales of A.I. Chips to China

Biden Administration Weighs Further Curbs on Sales of A.I. Chips to China

Reports that the White House may clamp down on sales of semiconductors that power artificial intelligence capabilities sent tech stocks diving.

From ACM News

Wood Transistors Take Root

Wood Transistors Take Root

A new direction for electronics?

From ACM News

Algorithm Finds Sperm In Infertile Men Faster and More Accurately Than Doctors

Algorithm Finds Sperm In Infertile Men Faster and More Accurately Than Doctors

The tool instantly identifies sperm, then leaves the embryologist to decide whether sperm is really present and if it is viable enough for Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection.

From ACM TechNews

'Toggle Switch' Can Help Quantum Computers Cut Through Noise

'Toggle Switch' Can Help Quantum Computers Cut Through Noise

Researchers unveiled a programmable "toggle switch" device to reduce noise and provide clear outputs of quantum processors.

From ACM TechNews

How Secure Are Voice Authentication Systems?

How Secure Are Voice Authentication Systems?

Computer scientists have developed an attack that can bypass voice authentication security systems within six attempts.

From ACM TechNews

A Bridge Between Different Cryptocurrencies

A Bridge Between Different Cryptocurrencies

A decentralized protocol could allow for the efficient, secure exchange of one cryptocurrency for another.

From ACM News

The Race to Regulate Artificial Intelligence

The Race to Regulate Artificial Intelligence

Why Europe has an edge over America and China.

From ACM News

Junk Websites Filled with AI-Generated Text are Pulling In Money from Programmatic Ads

Junk Websites Filled with AI-Generated Text are Pulling In Money from Programmatic Ads

More than 140 brands are advertising on low-quality content farm sites—and the problem is growing fast.

From ACM TechNews

Wearable Sweat Sensor Detects Molecular Hallmark of Inflammation

Wearable Sweat Sensor Detects Molecular Hallmark of Inflammation

A multi-institutional team of researchers created a wearable skin sensor that can detect the C-reactive protein inflammation biomarker in perspiration.

From ACM TechNews

Male Flies Are Better at Mating After Fighting Off Robotic Rival

Male Flies Are Better at Mating After Fighting Off Robotic Rival

Scientists found laboratory-reared male fruit flies appear to become more adept at mating after engaging with robotic replicas of rival males.

From ACM TechNews

3D-Printed Ceramics May Increase Gas Turbine Fuel Efficiency

3D-Printed Ceramics May Increase Gas Turbine Fuel Efficiency

Researchers found three-dimensionally-printed ceramic gas turbines have greater heat tolerance than those made from conventional metals.

From ACM News

More People Are Going Blind. AI Can Help Fight It

More People Are Going Blind. AI Can Help Fight It

Early detection is crucial for treating eye disease. AI-enhanced eye scan analyses could spot warning signs quicker—and reach patients at scale.

From ACM News

Study Bolsters Room-Temperature Superconductor Claim

Study Bolsters Room-Temperature Superconductor Claim

Researchers verified a key measurement from a study earlier this year that had faced doubts from other scientists.

From ACM News

A.I. May Someday Work Medical Miracles. For Now, It Helps Do Paperwork

A.I. May Someday Work Medical Miracles. For Now, It Helps Do Paperwork

The best use for generative A.I. in health care, doctors say, is to ease the heavy burden of documentation that takes them hours a day and contributes to burnout.

From ACM News

The Race to Prevent 'the Worst Case Scenario for Machine Learning'

The Race to Prevent 'the Worst Case Scenario for Machine Learning'

A.I. companies have an edge in blocking the creation and distribution of child sexual abuse material. They've seen how social media companies failed.

From ACM News

After Twitter

After Twitter

New social apps arise to challenge troubled Twitter.

From ACM News

Researchers Develop New Source of Quantum Light

Researchers Develop New Source of Quantum Light

The device emits a stream of single photons and could provide a basis for optical quantum computers.

From ACM TechNews

VR Suit Could Help You 'Feel' Things in the Metaverse

VR Suit Could Help You 'Feel' Things in the Metaverse

Engineers at Switzerland's ETH Zurich constructed a full-body tactile suit to amplify immersive virtual reality experiences.

From ACM TechNews

Robot Uses Fake Raspberry to Practice Picking Fruit

Robot Uses Fake Raspberry to Practice Picking Fruit

Scientists engineered a robot that practiced raspberry-picking on a silicone raspberry mockup with an artificial stem to ensure it learned how to handle the fragile fruit.

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