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News Archive


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December 2019

From ACM TechNews

Russia Announces 'Successful Test' of Its Unplugged Internet

Russia Announces 'Successful Test' of Its Unplugged Internet

Russia's Ministry of Communications announced a successful test of a nationwide alternative to the Internet and claimed ordinary users did not detect any changes.

From ACM TechNews

Scientists Demo Chip-to-Chip Quantum Teleportation in Silicon

Scientists Demo Chip-to-Chip Quantum Teleportation in Silicon

Scientists at the University of Bristol and the Technical University of Denmark have developed chip-scale devices that are able to harness the applications of quantum physics by generating and manipulating single light particles…

From ACM TechNews

Apple Opens Public Bug Bounty Program, Publishes Rules

Apple Opens Public Bug Bounty Program, Publishes Rules

Apple has formally opened its bug bounty program to all researchers and outlined the program's rules on its website. The maximum available bounty is $1.5 million.

From ACM News

Israeli Government To Allocate $350 Million For Quantum Computing

Israeli Government To Allocate $350 Million For Quantum Computing

Israel is entering the international quantum arms race, allocating approximately $350 million in an initiative to be a key quantum player over the next decade.

From ACM News

How Classroom Technology Is Holding Students Back

How Classroom Technology Is Holding Students Back

Data shows that education technology in the United States has a negative impact at a range of grade levels.

From ACM News

India to Build 11 New Supercomputers With Indigenous Processors

India to Build 11 New Supercomputers With Indigenous Processors

India's government has approved the building and installation of 11 new supercomputers at research institutes across the country based on indigenously developed processors.

From ACM News

Colleges Are Turning Students' Phones Into Surveillance Machines

Colleges Are Turning Students' Phones Into Surveillance Machines

Dozens of colleges across the United States are using short-range phone sensors and campuswide Wi-Fi networks to monitor students' academic performance, analyze their conduct, or assess their mental health.

From ACM News

Lasers Learn to Accurately Spot Space Junk

Lasers Learn to Accurately Spot Space Junk

Chinese researchers have developed a set of algorithms that significantly improves the accuracy of detecting space junk in earth's orbit.

From ACM News

Apple Has Secret Team Working on Satellites to Beam Data to Devices

Apple Has Secret Team Working on Satellites to Beam Data to Devices

Apple Inc. has a secret team working on satellite technology that the iPhone maker could use to beam Internet services directly to devices, bypassing wireless networks, according to people familiar with the work.

From ACM News

Facebook Is Building An Operating System So It Can Ditch Android

Facebook Is Building An Operating System So It Can Ditch Android

Facebook is building an operating system from scratch so that its hardware is not at the mercy of Google and the Android operating system.

From ACM News

Video Games Are Causing a National Crisis in South Korea

Video Games Are Causing a National Crisis in South Korea

The World Health Organization's decision in May 2019 to add "gaming disorder" to its official catalog of illnesses has been called a vindication by some, though others claim there is no evidence video games are inherently addictive…

From ACM TechNews

New Study Shows Just How Bad Vehicle Hacking Has Gotten

New Study Shows Just How Bad Vehicle Hacking Has Gotten

A report from Israeli security firm Upstream paints a grim picture of the state of vehicular cybersecurity.

From ACM TechNews

Password Meters Could Increase Risk of Cyberattack

Password Meters Could Increase Risk of Cyberattack

A study evaluating 16 popular password meters found these tools offer "inconsistent and misleading" advice that could elevate the risk of cyberattack.

From ACM TechNews

Trump Picks Computer Scientist to Lead NSF

Trump Picks Computer Scientist to Lead NSF

U.S. President Donald Trump nominated computer scientist and Arizona State University vice president Sethuraman Panchanathan to be director of the U.S. National Science Foundation.

From ACM TechNews

Apple, Google, Amazon Decide to 'Play Nice' Over Smart Home Tech

Apple, Google, Amazon Decide to 'Play Nice' Over Smart Home Tech

Apple, Google, and Amazon are partnering to improve smart home technology.

From ACM TechNews

Many Facial Recognition Systems Are Biased, Says U.S. Study

Many Facial Recognition Systems Are Biased, Says U.S. Study

A study found most commercial facial recognition algorithms are biased, and falsely identify African-American and Asian faces 10 to 100 times more frequently than Caucasian faces.

From ACM TechNews

Tool Uses AI to Flag Fake News for Media Fact-Checkers

Tool Uses AI to Flag Fake News for Media Fact-Checkers

Researchers have developed an artificial intelligence tool that could help social media networks and news organizations screen out fake news.

From ACM News

Don’t Trust AI Until We Build Systems That Earn Trust

Don’t Trust AI Until We Build Systems That Earn Trust

Progress in artificial intelligence belies a lack of transparency that is vital for its adoption, says Gary Marcus, coauthor of "Rebooting AI"

From ACM TechNews

Neural Network for Elderly Care Could Save Millions

Neural Network for Elderly Care Could Save Millions

Researchers have developed a risk adjustment model to predict how frenquently elderly people will seek treatment from a healthcare center or hospital.

From ACM TechNews

Princeton Researchers Listen In on the Chemical Conversation of the Human Microbiome

Princeton Researchers Listen In on the Chemical Conversation of the Human Microbiome

New computer algorithms that can detect biosynthetic gene clusters by analyzing and interpreting metagenomic sequencing data from the tissues or excretions of human subjects.

From ACM TechNews

City Incentivizes Car 'Connected' Technology for Study

City Incentivizes Car 'Connected' Technology for Study

The Columbus, OH, City Council approved a program that will ask 1,300 residents to equip their vehicles with "connected" technology that allows them to communicate with each other and with traffic signals.

From ACM TechNews

AI-Driven Robots Are Improving Solar Cells, Other Technologies

AI-Driven Robots Are Improving Solar Cells, Other Technologies

A new single-armed robotic system is equipped with an artificial intelligence algorithm, in order to perform materials science design tests.

From ACM News

Recognizing Kin

Recognizing Kin

Researchers are using convolutional neural networks pre-trained on faces from the largest visual database of families to date, to identify people's relatives.

From ACM TechNews

Finland to Teach 5 Million Europeans the Basics of AI

Finland to Teach 5 Million Europeans the Basics of AI

Finland plans to teach 1% of the European Union population (more than 5 million people) basic artificial intelligence (AI) skills via a free online course.

From ACM TechNews

First 3D-Printed Neighborhood Being Built in Mexico

First 3D-Printed Neighborhood Being Built in Mexico

Social housing nonprofit New Story is using a giant three-dimensional (3D) printer to create the world’s first 3D-printed neighborhood in a rural section of Tabasco, Mexico. 

From ACM TechNews

Santa Claus Visits are Going Digital, from 'Elfies' to Augmented Reality

Santa Claus Visits are Going Digital, from 'Elfies' to Augmented Reality

Macerich, one of the largest mall operators in the U.S., is offering "Santa HQ 5.0" at 15 of its malls across the country.

From ACM TechNews

Twitter, Facebook Want to Shift Power to Users. Or Do They?

Twitter, Facebook Want to Shift Power to Users. Or Do They?

Major Internet companies have come to see bitcoin technology as a potential solution to many challenges.

From ACM TechNews

A Self-Driving Truck Delivered Butter from California to Pennsylvania in Three Days

A Self-Driving Truck Delivered Butter from California to Pennsylvania in Three Days

Startup has completed the first commercial freight cross-country trip by an autonomous truck.

From ACM TechNews

Researchers Reconstruct Spoken Words as Processed in Nonhuman Primate Brains

Researchers Reconstruct Spoken Words as Processed in Nonhuman Primate Brains

Researchers used a brain-computer interface to reconstruct English words from neural signals recorded in the brains of rhesus macaque monkeys.

From ACM News

Washington Must Bet Big on AI or Lose Its Global Clout

Washington Must Bet Big on AI or Lose Its Global Clout

A new report says $25 billion—and a more welcoming attitude toward foreign talent—is needed to keep the U.S. in the technology race with China.

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