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June 2011

From ACM News

New Animation Depicts Next Mars Rover in Action

New Animation Depicts Next Mars Rover in Action

Although NASA's Mars Science Laboratory will not leave Earth until late this year nor land on Mars until August 2012, anyone can watch those dramatic events now in a new animation of the mission.

From ACM News

Robert Morris, Pioneer in Computer Security, Dies at 78

Robert Morris, Pioneer in Computer Security, Dies at 78

Robert Morris, a cryptographer who helped developed the Unix computer operating system, which controls an increasing number of the world's computers and touches almost every aspect of modern life, died on Sunday in Lebanon…

From ACM TechNews

Study: World's Colleges Lack Bi, Analytics Concentration

Study: World's Colleges Lack Bi, Analytics Concentration

Just a few colleges and universities worldwide offer dedicated degree programs for business intelligence, despite the quickly growing popularity of analytics technology among businesses, according to a recent report. 

From ACM TechNews

The Robot Doctor Will See You Now

The Robot Doctor Will See You Now

Computer scientists are developing artificial intelligence systems that could take more responsibility in diagnosing diseases, assigning treatments, and facilitating general hospital functions. 

From ACM TechNews

Center Stresses Need For Integrated Science, Computer Education

Center Stresses Need For Integrated Science, Computer Education

At the University of Texas at Austin's recent 10th anniversary celebration of the Texas Advanced Computing Center, scientists and industry leaders discussed the problems industry faces, and some participants said educating students…

From ACM TechNews

Google Debuts Flash-To-Html5 Converter

Google recently introduced Swiffy, an experimental online tool that can convert Flash (SWF) files into HTML5, which allows the converted files to be rendered in Web browsers without the Flash Player plug-in. 

From ACM Opinion

Doing the Math on News Corp.'s Disastrous Myspace Years

Once upon a time, MySpace was the king and pioneer of social networking. When Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. bought the company for $580 million, it looked like a steal.

From ACM News

Graphene Technology Moves Closer

Graphene Technology Moves Closer

Graphene is a "wonder material" waiting to happen. Since this super-conductive form of carbon, made from single-atom-thick sheets, was first produced in 2004, it has promised to revolutionise electronics.

From ACM News

Layer ­pon Layer

Layer ­pon Layer

Graphene, a form of pure carbon arranged in a lattice just one atom thick, has interested countless researchers with its unique strength and its electrical and thermal conductivity. But one key property it lacks—which would…

From ACM News

Bug-Squashing Tools Offered to Improve Network Security

The Department of Homeland Security has announced an initiative to shore up security by squashing software bugs. This follows a slew of high-profile attacks on government and corporate computer systems that have led to sensitive…

From ACM News

Massive Botnet 'indestructible,' Say Researchers

A new and improved botnet that has infected more than four million PCs is "practically indestructible," security researchers say. "TDL-4," the name for both the bot Trojan that infects machines and the ensuing collection of…

From ACM TechNews

Cerf: Streaming Network Crunch Could Be Eliminated

Cerf: Streaming Network Crunch Could Be Eliminated

Google technology evangelist Vint Cerf recently suggested that increasing bandwidth capacity exponentially could lead to more efficient ways of streaming media services on the Internet. 

From ACM News

Minds, Machines Merge to Offer New Hope For Overcoming Impairments

Minds, Machines Merge to Offer New Hope For Overcoming Impairments

Scientists are creating a new generation of artificial body parts to help people with disabilities see, walk, swim, grip and run among other things. Miles O'Brien reports on the latest advances in prosthetics.

From ACM News

Google Takes On Friend Sprawl

Google Inc. launched its most ambitious social-networking effort yet, broadening a battle with Facebook Inc. to grab the attention of Web users and future advertising dollars.

From ACM TechNews

New Project Could Improve Results From School Web Searches

Creative Commons and the Association of Educational Publishers have launched a partnership aimed at improving Internet search results for teachers and students by creating a metadata framework for learning resources. 

From ACM TechNews

New Report Offers Roadmap For Success in K-12 STEM Education

New Report Offers Roadmap For Success in K-12 STEM Education

A new U.S. National Research Council report, "Successful K-12 STEM Education," identifies the characteristics of successful K-12 schools and programs in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The report outlines…

From ACM TechNews

­.s. Military Expanding Arsenal of Cyber-Warfare Capabilities

­.s. Military Expanding Arsenal of Cyber-Warfare Capabilities

Experts say the U.S. government is fortifying its cyberwarfare capabilities as a defensive measure against enemies. 

From ACM TechNews

Stanford's Video Processing in the Cloud Allows Interactive Streaming of Online Lectures

Stanford's Video Processing in the Cloud Allows Interactive Streaming of Online Lectures

Stanford University researchers recently released the program code for ClassX, software that converts static videos of class lectures into interactive online video streams. 

From ACM TechNews

World's Data Will Grow By 50x in Next Decade, Idc Study Predicts

The number of servers managing the world's data will grow tenfold over the next 10 years, according to the IDC Digital Universe study. The study also predicts that overall data will grow by 50 times by 2020, mostly due to the…

From ACM News

Nasa Aims For Jupiter, Mars, and the Moon

Nasa Aims For Jupiter, Mars, and the Moon

Like pretty much every other agency in the government, NASA is likely to be hurting for money over the next few years. The end of the Space Shuttle program, which comes with Atlantis's final flight next month, will free up…

From ACM News

Yahoo Creates Company to Profit From Hadoop Software

Recent successes at Yahoo are few and far between as it tries to overhaul a slumping business. One notable exception—at least for Silicon Valley’s engineers—is the company's role in pioneering Hadoop, free software for managing…

From ACM Opinion

Lady of the Rings: Saturn Surveyor Carolyn Porco

Lady of the Rings: Saturn Surveyor Carolyn Porco

When Carolyn Porco started exploring the outer solar system, it was all about the rings. Her 1983 doctoral thesis at Caltech focused on shifting spokes in Saturn’s rings discovered by the Voyager spacecraft. As Voyager sailed…

From ACM News

New Patriot Act Controversy: Is Washington Collecting Your Cell-Phone Data?

New Patriot Act Controversy: Is Washington Collecting Your Cell-Phone Data?

The U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee is weighing fresh concern about the sweeping nature of domestic spying using one controversial section of the Patriot Act.

From ACM TechNews

­niversities Advance High-Speed Trans-Atlantic Network

­niversities Advance High-Speed Trans-Atlantic Network

The University of Indiana is working on two projects aimed at linking U.S.-based universities with research institutions in Europe and Asia. 

From ACM TechNews

Report Recommends Ways to Improve K-12 STEM Education

Report Recommends Ways to Improve K-12 STEM Education

The U.S. National Research Council recently released a report that calls on policymakers at all levels of government to elevate science education in grades K-12 to the same level of importance as reading and mathematics. 

From ACM TechNews

Google Builds Developer Tool to Flag Web App Vulnerabilities

Google has released DOM Snitch, an experimental extension for its Chrome browser that enables developers to scan Web applications and flag code that could be exploited by malware attacks. 

From ACM TechNews

Researchers Turn Twitter Into Real-Time Sports Commentator

Researchers Turn Twitter Into Real-Time Sports Commentator

Rice University researchers, led by Siqi Zhao, say that Twitter can offer an accurate commentary of a sporting event that is accurate to within a few seconds of the action. 

From ACM TechNews

Rag-Trade Robots: From Body Scan to Bespoke Suit

The Leapfrog project, a collaboration of 35 industrial and academic partners from 11 countries, aims to develop completely automated clothing-production systems. 

From ACM News

Post-9/11 Security: A Rational Student Debate

The 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks is approaching, and you can count on the flow of remembrances and where-are-we-now updates swelling into a deluge soon enough. Over the weekend, Stuyvesant High…

From ACM News

Down with Pi! The Math Nerds Behind the Tau Movement

Down with Pi! The Math Nerds Behind the Tau Movement

Happy Tau Day, everyone! Every June 28, a rogue fleet of math nerds makes its case for the abolition of arguably the most important irrational number in the world: pi. These men and women of the "tau" are adamant that pi,…

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