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NSF Announces New Program Solicitation in Smart and Connected Communities
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF Announces New Program Solicitation in Smart and Connected Communities

As part of the White House’s expansion of the Smart Cities Initiative, the National Science Foundation (NSF) has announced a new program solicitation on Smart and...

Video: Nvidia Unveils ARM-Powered SoC with Volta GPU
From insideHPC

Video: Nvidia Unveils ARM-Powered SoC with Volta GPU

Today at GTC Europe, Nvidia unveiled Xavier, an all-new SoC based on the company's next-gen Volta GPU, which will be the processor in future self-driving cars.Video...

Sorting already sorted arrays is much faster?
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Sorting already sorted arrays is much faster?

If you are reading a random textbook on computer science, it is probably going to tell you all about how good sorting algorithms take linearithmic time. To arrive...

Mellanox Roll Out New Innova IPsec 10/40G Ethernet Adapters
From insideHPC

Mellanox Roll Out New Innova IPsec 10/40G Ethernet Adapters

"Our customers are looking for a highly integrated server adapter that solves their pressing need for network performance, efficiency and security, said Gilad Shainer...

Video: An Optimized Entry Level Lustre Solution in a Small Form Factor
From insideHPC

Video: An Optimized Entry Level Lustre Solution in a Small Form Factor

In this video from LUG 2016 in Australia, Chakravarthy Nagarajan from Intel presents: An Optimized Entry Level Lustre Solution in a Small Form Factor. "Our goal...

SAP Buys More IoT Presence
From The Eponymous Pickle

SAP Buys More IoT Presence

SAP buys startup Plat.One, part of $2B IoT investmentSAP's $2 billion, five-year plan is to to extend its reach into the internet of things.  SAP has bought IoT...

Malware Tries to Detect Test Environment
From Schneier on Security

Malware Tries to Detect Test Environment

A new malware tries to detect if it's running in a virtual machine or sandboxed test environment by looking for signs of normal use and not executing if they're...

Pilots, air traffic controllers shifting to text messaging
From Technology News

Pilots, air traffic controllers shifting to text messaging

Airline pilots and air traffic controllers are on schedule to switch to text communications at most of the nation's busiest airports by the end of the year, a milestone...

Snapchat Spectacles
From The Eponymous Pickle

Snapchat Spectacles

Still skeptical that the typical person will use these.  I can remember testing Glass at a coffee shop and felt we were being closely watched.    But perhaps these...

IBM Unveils Project DataWorks for AI-Powered Decision-Making
From insideHPC

IBM Unveils Project DataWorks for AI-Powered Decision-Making

"We are at an inflection point in the big data era, said Bob Picciano, senior vice president, IBM Analytics. We know that users spend up to 80 percent of theirIBM...

UPenn's Lab Flies Drones Through Windows
From The Eponymous Pickle

UPenn's Lab Flies Drones Through Windows

In IEEE Spectrum,  some remarkable things that drones can now be programmed to do, like fly through half open windows.   Out of UPenn's labs.   Demonstrated in...

Registration Opens for HP-CAST at SC16
From insideHPC

Registration Opens for HP-CAST at SC16

Registration is now open for HP-CAST at SC16. The event takes place Nov. 11-12 in Salt Lake City. The post Registration Opens for HP-CAST at SC16 appeared first...

Google's Allo delivering Messaging AI
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google's Allo delivering Messaging AI

We are seeing that messaging systems will be the place that consumer facing AI will reside, acting as a bot to enhance everyday communications with intelligence...

2 Computer Scientists in the 2016 MacArthur Fellows
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

2 Computer Scientists in the 2016 MacArthur Fellows

The MacArthur Foundation has announced its 2016 MacArthur Fellows, a list that features 23 individuals who are breaking new ground in areas of public concern, in...

Mapping Experiences
From The Eponymous Pickle

Mapping Experiences

Book on order.   We used mapping, both concept based and journey based, in the enterprise.  We developed many, many maps.  It was always a useful approach. I recommend...

Rogue Wave Improves Support for Open Source Software with IBM
From insideHPC

Rogue Wave Improves Support for Open Source Software with IBM

Today Rogue Wave Software announced it is working with IBM to help make open source software (OSS) support more available. This will help provide comprehensive,...

D-Wave Systems Previews 2000-Qubit Quantum Computer
From insideHPC

D-Wave Systems Previews 2000-Qubit Quantum Computer

Today D-Wave Systems announced details of its most advanced quantum computing system, featuring a new 2000-qubit processor. The announcement is being made at the...

ARM Releases CoreLink Interconnect
From insideHPC

ARM Releases CoreLink Interconnect

"The demands of cloud-based business models require service providers to pack more efficient computational capability into their infrastructure, said Monika Biddulph...

Using Neural Networks to Identify Blurred Faces
From Schneier on Security

Using Neural Networks to Identify Blurred Faces

Neural networks are good at identifying faces, even if they're blurry: In a paper released earlier this month, researchers at UT Austin and Cornell University demonstrate...

Video: How ORNL is Bridging the Gap between Computing and Facilities
From insideHPC

Video: How ORNL is Bridging the Gap between Computing and Facilities

"Starting in 2015, Oak Ridge National Laboratory partnered with the University of Tennessee to offer a minor-degree program in data center technology and management...
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